Treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation( breastfeeding, HS) nursing mother after giving birth, than to treat with breastfeeding, how to cure folk remedies?

Breastfeeding mothers are not an easy category of patients diagnosed with hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that medicines should not only be effective against inflammation of the rectum, but also completely safe for the baby and mother. In this regard, therapy for hemorrhoidal inflammation in HS should be strictly according to the doctor's prescription and under his supervision.

Before treating inflammations of rectum in nursing mothers, it is necessary to competently and professionally approach the choice of therapy. As a rule, the treatment of hemorrhoids with lactation and HS is carried out with the help of ointments and rectal suppositories. But you should first study the composition of these drugs. After all, substances absorbed in the mucous membrane, get into the blood and enter the mother's milk, which feed the baby. Therefore, there are always risks of harming him.

How to treat hemorrhoids in women during breastfeeding?

After revealing hemorrhoids in a nursing mother, the proctologist prescribes a therapeutic course, depending on the complexity of the disease, the location and size of the hemorrhoids, the individual characteristics of the mother and baby organisms. A great popularity in the fight against hemorrhoids and its complications in women during the postpartum period and during lactation use candles and ointments Relief. Preparations of this series showed themselves well in the treatment of hemorrhoids during the GW period. They do not harm the baby, do not affect the lactation process and effectively help mother during breastfeeding cope with the symptoms of hemorrhoids and increase the gap between relapses.

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How to treat hemorrhoids with GV Relief:

  1. If you are looking for an effective drug for a nursing mother at a time when she has a pronounced edema of the hemorrhoidal node, choose the classic Relief. Due to the phenylephrine included in its composition, simple Relief has a vasoconstrictive effect. Thus in the veins blood flow improves, stagnation disappears, as a result - swelling resolves. The drug is not contraindicated in breastfeeding.
  2. In case of acute pain during exacerbation of hemorrhoids, you can help your nursing mother with rectal suppositories Relief Advance or ointment with the same composition. These drugs include local anesthetic, benzocaine. This substance directly affects the receptors of pain, blocks their sensitivity. The drug is approved for breastfeeding. As a result of the application of the drug, the torment of the nursing mother quickly ceases.
  3. Often after delivery, lactation causes symptoms such as itching, hemorrhoidal hemorrhage. Proctologists often recommend the use of Relief Ultra suppositories. They contain zinc and a hormonal component. Thanks to these elements, inflammation is quickly eliminated, and the additional effect of zinc provides a drying effect of the rektum membrane. As a result, after using Relief Ultra, bleeding stops and the itching disappears. They can be used to treat hemorrhoids from the first day of lactation and throughout breastfeeding.

Treatment of hemorrhoids after delivery in lactation with the help of the above medicines is recommended according to the scheme proposed by the proctologist. Usually, the medication is administered four times a day, and the total therapy period is a week. In the event that the manifestations of the disease do not disappear, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately for a different course of treatment.

How to treat hemorrhoids in a nursing mother with candles?

External ointment and rectal suppositories Gepatrombin G are resolved in the treatment of hemorrhoids in breast-feeding mothers. The main substances that make up these drugs are heparin, which is a blood thinning, prednisolone and local action anesthetic - polydocanol:

  • heparin prevents thrombus formation,
  • prednisolone quickly removes swelling and inflammation of the node,
  • polidocanol reduces pain.

Sea buckthorn oil is a natural remedy with a hypoallergenic character. If the medicinal substance and get into the mother's milk with breastfeeding, then no harm to the baby will not. Candles with sea-buckthorn perfectly proved themselves as a healing preparation in the presence of wounds and microcracks in the anus, they relieve pain and reduce itching, are a good medicine in the fight against inflammation in the rectal area.

The main purpose of the medicinal plant of calendula used in rectal suppositories is healing of wounds and microcracks formed on the surface of the anus and anal canal. These candles are very effective in the early stages of the development of the disease. They are absolutely non-toxic, so they are ideal for treating hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Tablets from hemorrhoids with breastfeeding

Many are wondering whether it is possible to take any pills for the treatment of hemorrhoids in breastfeeding. Today, the drug in the form of Detralex tablets is the most safe and effective for such patients. It has a direct effect on the condition of the walls of the blood vessels, preventing them from stretching and thinning. Detralex is designed to stimulate qualitative circulation in the pelvic area and minimize the risks of blood stagnation in this area. The dosage of taking this medication is determined by the doctor individually in each case.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in breastfeeding folk remedies

In the case where there are no signs of an acute process, it is possible to treat hemorrhoids in a breast-feeding mother with folk remedies. Such methods are:

  1. Seated baths, which are filled with herbal decoctions. In this case, plants are used for their manufacture, both with anti-inflammatory effect and with hemostatic.
  2. Widely used lotions. They are made, both with the use of herbal decoctions, and with mummies, curative clay or propolis.
  3. External nodes are recommended to lubricate sea buckthorn oil, honey, tar and freshly squeezed onion juice.

For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, the following folk methods are used:

  1. Oil microclysters are applied.
  2. Use candles made from honey or potatoes.

It should be noted that similar methods do not require much time, are not traumatic and can be performed at home, which is important for breast-feeding women.

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