How and what to treat bleeding hemorrhoids at home, treatment with folk remedies, what to do if it bleeds?

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Bleeding can be considered the main sign of hemorrhoids, because it appears in the early stages of the disease, when there are no other symptoms. Naturally, as the disease progresses, the discharge becomes more abundant. Therefore it is advisable to know how to stop bleeding during hemorrhoids at home. But this does not mean that it is possible to be treated solely by folk methods, complex therapy is needed, only it will save the patient from the painful symptoms of this disease for a long time.

As a rule, it is easy to prevent bleeding at the beginning of the illness, it is enough to exclude the causes that can lead to an exacerbation of the disease, such as constipation, diarrhea, spicy and fatty foods, alcohol consumption and inactivity. But if it all the same suddenly appeared, then it can be stopped at home with the help of cold. However, if it is plentiful, it is better to immediately go to the hospital.

Cold has a useful property to narrow the vessels and reduce their permeability. Thanks to this, bleeding from the hemorrhoids can be easily eliminated at home. You can make cold compresses or lotions. To do this, a piece of bandage is moistened with ice water and applied to the rectal area. In this case, ordinary ice from a freezer can be of use, it is wrapped with gauze and also kept for several seconds on the injured nodal plexuses.

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In the presence of internal nodes, a good effect can be expected from ice candles, they can be made from decoctions of plants. Before use, the candle must necessarily be lowered briefly into boiling water and quickly inserted into the anus, but only for a few seconds. Prolonged exposure to cold in the pelvic area can exacerbate chronic inflammatory diseases. Better folk remedies for hemorrhoids with bleeding combined with conservative therapy.

Treatment of bleeding in hemorrhoids folk remedies

With bleeding hemorrhoids, you can try various infusions and herbal infusions, they are easily prepared at home. Folk remedies do not have an instant effect, but they can effectively cope with the main manifestations of not started hemorrhoids with prolonged, and most importantly correct application. It is very important to combine such treatment at home with the diet and recommendations of a proctologist. Consider effective folk remedies:

  • Camomile. To reduce the allocation of hemorrhoidal plexus at home, you need to prepare the infusion. You need a tablespoon of raw material to pour a glass of boiling water, as soon as it cools, it is filtered and used for lotions or make microclysters.
  • Oak bark. It has a pronounced astringent and wound-healing effect. This tool is effective and affordable, it helps to cope with small hemorrhages in hemorrhoids. It is very convenient that the infusion is easily prepared at home. To do this, you need to pour the bark( 2 tbsp) with boiling water( 500ml) and simmer on a water bath for half an hour. After that, infusion should be allowed to stand for about six hours and only after that it will be ready for use. The resulting natural medicine is filtered, and then I make lotions or microclysters.
  • Yarrow. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, this plant is a real find, because it has a pronounced hemostatic effect, and also protects the wound from microbes. To feel its effectiveness, you can prepare a decoction at home. A tablespoon of a dry plant is poured with boiling water( 200 ml) and boiled for 10 minutes. As a result, you should get a healing broth, it can be used for microclysters, and if the patient has external nodal plexuses, then you can apply cold lotions to them.

Treatment of hemorrhage with hemorrhoids at home

If hemorrhoids are covered, folk remedies can help cope with unpleasant symptoms. But, unfortunately, they can not completely cure this disease. To prevent the disease from progressing further, it is necessary to try to get rid of factors that can lead to exacerbation. Cope with hemorrhoidal bleeding will help the following tools, which can easily be prepared independently and used at home:

  • Garlic. Its useful properties are often used to treat a variety of ailments, it also helps with hemorrhoids to reduce discharge in the home. For the preparation of the tub you need to clean the head of garlic, and chop the choppers and add in five liters of hot water. The procedure is carried out for 10 minutes.
  • Cold baths. This is the easiest way to cope with bleeding from traumatized plexuses at home. It is necessary to lower the rectal area into a container with cold water. Small discharge should quickly stop, so you do not need to sit for a long time. Birch and chestnut bark. The components are taken in the same proportions and boiled with boiling water, and then languish for half an hour on fire. After that, the broth is infused and used to prepare the trays. The course of treatment lasts no more than a week. Onion and mummy. Symptoms of bleeding hemorrhoids will help to get rid of the following remedy. To do this, boil the onion peel on low heat, and when the broth becomes warm, it should drain it and dissolve the mummy in it. Such a bath should be done until all the manifestations of the disease completely stop worrying the sick.

Folk remedies are good because they are available, easy to use and can be prepared independently at home. But they are not always effective and in difficult cases are unlikely to help. Although the same applies to conservative treatment, because only relieve the symptoms can only surgery.

With bleeding hemorrhoids, it is not recommended to prescribe treatment independently, especially if an accurate diagnosis is not made. Discharge from the intestine can occur with many diseases. This symptom can indicate both hemorrhoids and the presence of malignant formation in the intestine, so it is necessary to be examined.

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