Geranium's Photo

Recently, for the decoration of window sills, flower beds, the unpretentious Geran plant was used more often, the photo of which is described later in the article. Grow this plant is a pleasure.

Therapeutic properties of geraniums and contraindications for use
  • Application and properties of geranium oil
  • How to care for geranium at home
  • What are the curative properties of geranium fragrant
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  • Plant description

    Geranium is the most famous indoor flower. It is easy to look after and reproduction will not be difficult. A large number of species grow in the world. It is both an annual and perennial plant. Stems reach a height of up to 0.5 m. Leaves are dark green, decorated with either a pattern or a border. Leaves are characterized by mint or lemon flavor. The flowers are large in size and very beautiful. It is not only a house flower, it also grows in the wild. It occurs in Europe, the Caucasus.

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    Virtually every variety needs moisture. So that the flower grows well, he needs care. The bush is resistant to winter frosts and prefers neutral, slightly acidic, as well as acidic soils.

    Important! The main condition for growing any variety of geraniums is not stagnation of water.

    The plant loves the illuminated territories, if it lacks light - the flowering decreases, and the leaves and flowers fade.

    The use of

    This flower has many useful properties for the human body. For example, in the air special substances are released that adversely affect different microbes.

    Healing properties are possessed by leaves, stems, flowers and even roots. The means based on geranium are characterized by a positive effect on the body due to the medicinal composition. This includes starch, gallic acid, gum, pectin, and also tannins.

    This plant prevents the release of liquid. It is actively used for bleeding, pharyngitis, insomnia, intestinal disorders and dysentery. In addition, it helps to relieve fatigue, contributes to the normalization of the nervous system.

    Important! Flower in any form is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with chronic diseases and in old age.

    Common diseases

    Growing bushes does not present any difficulties. The plant rarely gets sick. The most common diseases of geranium are brown spot and powdery mildew. To geranium did not hurt her after flowering it is necessary to cut it off. If the plant does get sick, then the diseased leaves need to be cut off and burned.

    Varieties with names and photos

    There are many kinds of geraniums, both garden and indoor. They differ in terms of flowering, growing conditions, and height.

    Types of geraniums in height:

    1. Low-growing. The height of the plant is below 0.5 m. This includes ash, Dalmatian, coarse-grained, Himalayan geranium.
    2. Tall, plants in height from 0,5 m. To such kinds concern: magnificent, plane-like, wood, red-brown, meadow, Georgian.

    Geranium is divided into the following groups:

    1. Royal.
    2. Gingerbread.
    3. Succulent.
    4. Scented.
    5. Ampel geranium.
    6. Zone.

    We will become acquainted with some types of plants in detail.

    Royal geranium

    The royal variety differs in size and brightness of colors. In addition, this plant is very fastidious in care, which confirms its name. Flowers come in different shades: from white to violet. The flower feels comfortable in a room with high humidity, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

    The average height of the bush is 60-80 cm. It blooms quite beautifully, but not for long.

    Geranium tulip

    Its name was given to this variety because of the similarity of its flowers to small tulips and this is its main difference from the rest of geraniums. The flower in this species does not exceed 1 cm in length. On 1 stem, 1 inflorescence from about 50 flowers. Coloring of flowers is different: from light pink to burgundy. Usually the inner part of the petals is darker than the outer one. The leaves are shiny and hard to the touch. Plant height is different, 30-70 cm.

    Geranium room

    Indoor geranium is divided into the following species:

    • ampel( winding);
    • clustered( low).

    The flower has a powerful stem, about 60 cm high, with dissected leaves. Inflorescences are located on the tips of shoots and are characterized by sounding.

    This variety is characterized by abundant flowering from the beginning of spring to the middle of winter. Flowers of the plant come in different colors: red, yellow, white, etc.

    Geranium fragrant

    This variety is very unpretentious in care and popular. This garden view is distinguished by a well developed rhizome. The leaves of the plant are covered with villi, with an aroma, thanks to which the plant got its name. Flowers are small, collected in umbrellas of white and pink color.

    Geranium meadow

    This perennial plant grows in countries with a temperate climate in deciduous, coniferous forests, in meadowland, valleys of mountain rivers. This species has a short root, a sturdy stalk, five-parted thick leaves and umbelliform flowers. The species is known for its medicinal properties.

    Geranium blood-red

    Red geranium has a fleshy and rather long root. The bush reaches a height of 10-50 cm, acquires an attractive lush shape with a width of up to 0.5 m. The stem is hard, dense-leafy. With the advent of autumn, the stems of the flower, as well as the leaves, turn bright red, thereby justifying the name. Flowers consist of 5 petals, simple or semi-double. There are flowers from light pink to red flowers.

    Geranium garden

    This decorative plant is characterized by delicate and very beautiful flowers. There are both annual and perennial varieties. Garden flowers are popular in different countries. Flowers come in different shades besides orange and yellow.

    Geranium ivy-leaved

    This plant has a hanging form. The plant received its name due to the shape of leaves that resemble ivy leaves. To the touch they are solid. Characterized by a variety of long, branches hanging down. The bush in length can reach 1 m.

    Geranium magnificent

    This cultivar is a hybrid garden bush reaching up to 50 cm in height. This plant begins to blossom with the beginning of summer. Flowers are lilac. In autumn, the flowers turn red, orange and yellow. This species does not bring seeds and propagates in a strictly vegetative way.

    Geranium cherry

    This species is distinguished by bright decorative leaves and flowers. On the edge of the leaves there is a rim. This shrub reaches a height of 0.8 m. Grow rosebud geranium, both at home and in the gardens. The plant blooms throughout the summer. In autumn the plant is excavated, cut off and left in a cool place.

    Pelargonium and geraniums difference

    Because of different genetic characteristics, these plants can not be crossed among themselves. Pelargonium is from southern countries, and geranium is a native of the north. For this reason, geranium can bloom at a temperature of +12 degrees, and pelargonium blooms only in greenhouse or apartment conditions. Pelargonium is usually grown in apartments, and geraniums feel great even in the gardens.

    Proper care

    So that the plant grows well, you need to make the right flower bed and near the bushes will not grow weeds. At the end of spring, it is recommended to weed the plant. In addition, in May, it is necessary to loosen and fertilize the soil. The subsequent leaving is concluded in watering the bush.

    Important! When the shoots begin to fade, they must be cut. Some species must be tied up.


    These flowers propagate in the following ways:

    • seeds;
    • is vegetative.

    The bush fructifies well. Seeds from the ripened fruit are carried throughout the entire territory so it is difficult to collect them. Seeds collected in August can be sown immediately and before the beginning of winter they form seedlings.

    Important! But the best time for boarding is winter.

    Seedlings must first be planted in a special nursery. Planted shrubs are planted in the flower garden. The simplest and easy way to grow is multiplication by dividing the bush. It is recommended to do this with the onset of spring or late summer.

    Essential oil

    From leaves of perennial varieties, distilling with water vapor, make a colorless essential oil, the aroma of which resembles the aroma of a rose. This flower is able to cure depression, inflammation of the throat, nose and ears.
    Essential oil is an excellent antidepressant and anesthetic.

    1. It increases mental and physical activity.
    2. Oil can restore skin after frostbite and burns.
    3. Oil is characterized by the ability to normalize blood pressure and circulation.
    4. With it help to treat neuritis and neuralgia.
    5. Oil from geranium regulates the hormonal process in the female body.

    Important! Essential oil is forbidden for more than 2 weeks. Do not take the medicine on an empty stomach.

    This useful and beautiful plant can often be found on windowsills, balconies, gardens.

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