Barbaris: planting and care

Everyone knows a beautiful bush barberry, planting and care which pays much attention. Dendrologists number more than 300 varieties of barberry. This shrub is not only colorful, decorative beautiful, it has medicinal properties.

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Description and types of barberry

Barberry is a sprawling bush, the size of which reaches 3 meters. Decorative thorny bush has powerful creeping roots. Leaflets are thin, green in color, in autumn they change to red color. Under the guise of flowers there are brightly yellow inflorescences, consisting of 20 flowers. The fruit of the plant is an elongated berry 10 cm long, with a sour taste. Flowering begins in May. Fruit ripening lasts from August to September. It grows in sunny places, does not tolerate a shadow.

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It's important to know! If growing in darkened areas, fruiting does not occur.

There are the most common types of barberry:

  1. Barbaris Tunberga is a deciduous shrub, about 1 meter high. In the 18th century, lived a scientist Tunberg, in honor of whose merits the plant and got its name. This variety has leaves of a different color, both yellow and red. Fruits every year, berries have a bitter taste. In food, the use of fruits of this species is not used. A small tree easily tolerates frost, but young shoots at high temperatures freeze. In the case of severe winters, you need to cover the bushes. The plant is considered photophilic, tolerates drought. The shrubbery is not whimsical to the soil, growing on stony places.
  2. Barbaris ordinary looks like a sprawling bush, up to 2 meters high. Shoots of a brown shade, leaves green, fruits of fiery red color. It has separate spines up to 3 cm. It is often found in Russia, the Crimea, and the Caucasus. To the climatic conditions, the tree is not whimsical. It easily tolerates drought, as well as humidity. It differs from other species in the large size of leaves and flowers.
  3. Barbaris Ottawa shrub, reaching a height of up to 2 meters. Has soft spikes. Leaves can be even and serrated. In May there are inflorescences, in which there are 10 flowers. This species differs from others in its size. Can grow both in the lighted areas, and darkened. The difference in climatic conditions is the color of the leaves. The main thing is that the plant does not tolerate copious hydration, damage by pests.
  4. Amur barberry grows in Japan, China, Primorye, on the coasts of rivers. The height of the plant is about 3 meters. Flowering begins in May, lasts for 2 weeks. Edible berries have a size of 1 cm. Like other species, it is not whimsical, frost-resistant. It easily multiplies and undergoes various diseases.

Cultivation and care

Before planting barberry, you need to purchase a seedling. The plant prefers sunlight, if planted in the shade, the color of the leaves will change. Favorable time when the decorative barberry arrives, spring is considered. Planting begins when the ground slightly wilts, until the buds on the plant begin to bud.

Barbaris bushes are unpretentious, so you can land in an unprotected place from drafts and winds. It is necessary to know where to plant the tree. When choosing a place, the soil plays an important role. If the acidity of the earth is increased, it must be limed. In the prepared pit, fertilizer, lime, compost should be added before planting. It is important to know! How to plant a bush with a single planting, or closer to each other, making a fence. The distance between seedlings with a single planting should be 2 meters.

Landing and care in the open ground, does not make much trouble. The list of works to care for barberry includes:

  • timely watering;
  • weed clearing;
  • loosening of the soil;
  • trimming bush;
  • application of fertilizers.

In special watering the tree does not need, with severe drought it is necessary to irrigate with warm water. In time to remove weeds, loosen soil. The fertilizing of the plant is carried out once a year with the onset of spring. Pruning barberry, as well as other shrubs, occurs when the spring period. Dry shoots are removed already on a young bush. In the future, pruning should be done 2 times a year. In stunted varieties, pruning can be avoided. Winter care for barberry is not required. But some species grown in a cold climate should be sheltered.

Basic propagation methods

Plant propagation is performed by different methods:

  • by layers;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • by dividing the bush.

Reproduction of bush by layers requires special technologies.

It's important to know! How to plant the spring barberry by this method of reproduction. For this, it is necessary to pick up a young branch. It is bent down, buried in the pit with soil, so that the upper part of the shoot remains on the surface. In autumn, when the shoot takes root, it is planted.


Many gardeners are faced with the question of how to plant barberry seeds. A common method of propagation by seeds, suitable for almost all plant varieties. For reproduction, seeds from more mature berries are taken. Preliminarily they are separated from the pulp, cleaned and washed with a solution of potassium permanganate. In spring, the seeds are deepened into the soil for 2 cm, a small layer of sand and sawdust is piled on top. After the appearance of the first shoots, the shoots are transplanted into separate pots, after a year the seedlings are planted in a permanent place.

Cuttings of

To propagate barberry by cuttings, it is necessary to fulfill the following rules:

  1. In May cuttings are cut in 15 cm, from lateral branches.
  2. The bottom leaves are removed.
  3. The finished planting material is planted in a prepared soil mixture.
  4. Boxes with cuttings are covered with a film.
  5. Ventilate, loosen soil and spray with water.
  6. When strong roots are formed on the cuttings, they are transplanted into separate pots.
  7. After a year they transplant to the allotted area.

The most optimal result of reproduction will be the division of the main bush. A healthy bush, in order not to damage the rhizomes, is excavated from the ground. The plant is carefully cut into several parts and planted in prepared pits spilled with water.

The planting of barberry in autumn begins in September. When planting in autumn, the bush has time to take root. The planting time depends on the seedling itself. The main rule of planting is considered, it is impossible to land on hot days. At first, after planting the plant, it is recommended to shelter from direct sunlight.

Pests and diseases

The most common and dangerous among damage to trees is aphids. These pests, capable of very quickly multiply. Plants suffer greatly from it. There is drying and falling leaves, twisted shoots. To protect the bush from the pest, in spring, preventive measures are taken to spray herbicides. You can also spray the bush with soapy water.

Another harmful insect is the caterpillar, which eats berries of the bush. When detecting caterpillars, it is necessary to urgently treat the plant with special solutions. Leaves and shoots are most often damaged by powdery mildew caused by a fungus. Affected disease leaves do not fall off, but more often lose their properties and color. The disease manifests itself in a white raid or cobweb on both sides of the leaflets. There is a withering away of young shoots. Fighting the disease is difficult. It is necessary during the cut off the infected shoots and leaves, and destroy them. Spray the plant every two weeks with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

Sometimes it is noticed that the plant loses its charm, it undergoes tacheomic withering. Shrub can be saved, with the help of timely pruning. In the spring, foliage often appears in the foliage, in the form of rust, which can lead to leaves shedding and drying of the bush. This affects not only the external beauty of the plant, but also the ripening of berries. Against this disease, spraying with a solution of the Bordeaux liquid will be effective. The first spraying is carried out after the appearance of the first leaflets, then a month later.

Useful properties

In addition to its beautiful and colorful appearance, barberry has many useful substances. The composition of berries includes the following substances

  • carbohydrates;
  • tanning agents;
  • pectin substances;
  • organic acids;
  • microelements;
  • vitamins.

In addition to the fruit, there are many curative elements in the leaves. Tincture of leaves and rhizomes are used for serious viral diseases. Juice from berries has antipyretic and analgesic properties. It is also used to remove toxins and toxins from the body. The use of fruits in fresh form relieves the body of liver and kidney diseases.

The plant spreads widely in cosmetology. Decoctions and tinctures are used to strengthen the hair. Decoctions wipe the skin, which gives it firmness. Thus, we can conclude that a beautiful decorative shrub is very useful for the entire human body. With the onset of summer, the tree will not only decorate the garden, but also bring high yields. To have ripe and juicy fruit on the bush, you should organize the proper care for him.

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