Geranium: home care

In nature, there is a huge number of indoor flowers. Among them, the most common and popular flower, is considered a room geranium, home care which does not take much time and effort. Now almost everyone on the windowsill can see a beautiful flower with multi-colored shades, called pelargonium.

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Plant description

Varieties of geraniums grown inat home, it is considered to be a room flower. Geranium - a perennial plant, reaching up to 70 cm. The indoor flower has a strong stem, carved leaves and bright inflorescences, located on the top of the stem. The homeland of Pelargonium is considered South Africa, in Russia it was first found in the 18th century.

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This unpretentious blooming bush has gained great popularity not only in appearance, but also with the help of healing properties. Homemade geraniums are classified into 2 groups: beautifully flowered, fragrant. To the beautifully flowering are varieties that have colorful, bright inflorescences. To the fragrant it is necessary to attribute varieties bearing a strong, pleasant smell. And the flowers of this group are unattractive, small.

All Pelargoniums have their own special smell. With the help of geranium, substances that can purify air are released. Along with the inflorescences there are leaves of various forms, color. There are more than 250 varieties of room geraniums:

  • stellate room geraniums;
  • room geraniums of the unique;
  • are tulip-shaped;
  • zonal or bordered;
  • geranium angels;
  • mottled;
  • cactus-shaped;
  • royal;
  • fragrant;
  • is flaky;
  • are dwarf or miniature.

The zone variety can be grown at home, on balconies, and also flower beds. This is the most popular and widespread species. Flowers can be simple and terry. The leaves have a specific color, along the edge of the leaf there is a rim, with which it is easy to recognize the variety.

Inflorescences can be: non-marble, consist of 5 petals, half-flower, consist of 10 petals, terry have more than 10 petals. Flowers zonal geraniums have magnificent sizes, inflorescences of different shades: pink, bard, red, cream.

  1. A rosy geranium with double flowers resembles a rose bush. This variety has not yet gained immense popularity, unlike the zonal one.
  2. The tulip-shaped species has inflorescences resembling tulips, even when the plant is in full pore, the flowers do not open.
  3. The stellar room geranium got its name due to triangular narrow petals and a bright multicolored foliage.
  4. The ampel shape has creeping stems, reaching a meter length. The leaves of this plant are smooth, dense, have a motley coloring.
  5. Due to the work of breeders, royal pelargonias appeared, with huge double flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The petals have a multicolored color with pronounced spots.
  6. Hybrids of fragrant geraniums are very popular, although they do not have lush flowers, but the plant has a fragrance.

Care instructions

Before you buy a house flower, you need to know how to care for a flower. If correctly to take care of geranium, then the plant can grow more than 10 years. To safely grow a houseplant, home care is carried out in the following stages:

  • preparation of soil composition;
  • selection of a special place;
  • providing the necessary temperature and humidity;
  • irrigation and spraying;
  • timely pruning;
  • fertilizing with fertilizers.

Lighting and temperature

Pelargonium light-loving plant, it is selected well-lit places. But when direct sunlight hits, leaves can get burned, you need to do shading for this. A lack of light can serve as an excuse why the geranium does not bloom. The temperature should be moderate, during the winter rest about 15 degrees. It does not tolerate drafts, but it should be ventilated in the fresh air.

It's important to know! Spray the leaves of geraniums, it can be harmful. It should be watered as the soil dries.

geranium transplantation depends on the activity of root overgrowth. Usually it is performed 2-3 times a year. It is necessary to select the right pot for this. In small containers, the plant feels better. The reason for this is abundant flowering. If you take a large pot, the roots will grow until they fill the whole space of dishes, there will be no flowers on the bush. This is another reason why the geranium does not bloom in the room.


How to trim a roomy geranium for a lush bloom? To get a compact, flowering bush, you need to know when to clip the geranium. The process of plant formation begins to do at an early age. If it is necessary that the plant starts to blossom, the pruning for lush flowering of pelargonium ceases. After this, to restore the shape of the bush, you need to return to prishlipke plants.

It's important to know! It is necessary to remove internal stems of the bush, to ventilate the plant, and also to reduce pest-friendly places.

Autumn pruning is performed after flowering. You can not produce it during the winter rest. Pinching and pruning, although they serve the abundant flowering of geraniums, but you need to know when to trim in the spring. Spring pruning should begin in March. To do this, you need to remove long stems, so that 2 buds remain on the shoots.

Winter care

Different care periods are required at different times. Care in winter is less troublesome, as the plant comes to rest. The main thing is to know what to feed the room geranium in the winter. The following fertilizers will serve as a fertilizer:

  • cow dung;
  • iodine solution;
  • nitrogen;
  • vitamins.

For beginner gardeners, special attention should be given to feeding up abundant geraniums for abundant flowering. It is also necessary to know why the leaves turn yellow in geranium, the main cause is the lack of nutrients. The first leaves begin to react, that the plant needs fertilizing. They can wither and fall.

Important! Why do the geraniums spin the leaves inward? The reason is insufficient quantity of mineral fertilizers, nutrients.

If the room geranium does not bloom, what to do and how to make the blossom can be prompted by the professionals of the florists. There are the main reasons for the lack of flowering: the

  • pot is not of suitable size;
  • improper feeding;
  • incorrect watering;
  • no trimming;
  • lack of light.

To geranium starts to blossom blossom, in the summer it is recommended to take out to fresh air.

It's important to know! What to water, so that the pelargonium blooms? A good nutritional supplement for this is iodine water. It is necessary to dilute 1 drop of iodine with a liter of water, then water the plant. After watering, it gorgeously blossom.


To obtain a new houseplant, you need to know how to multiply the room geranium. The following methods are suitable for this:

  1. Reproduction by cuttings at home is the simplest way. To do this, cut the stalk, immerse in a container of water. After rooting, it is planted in a flower pot.
  2. Cultivation from seeds is the simplest and most convenient way. It is necessary to decide when to plant. If planting to produce in winter, in May an adult flowering tree will grow.
  3. Reproduction by leaves, practically does not differ from the method of cuttings propagation.


Guilany diseases can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, insects. The fault is the wrong content and courtship of the plant. The most known pests are aphids, caterpillars, mites. The best medicine is aspirin. One tablet is dissolved with water, after sprinkling the leaves monthly. Another effective means of control is a preparation of monterey. This drug is diluted with water, then water the stems, leaves, bud buds.

There are types of diseases of room geraniums:

  1. Defeat by viruses. Symptoms are the puckering and blotchiness of leaves and stems.
  2. Stains on the leaves. Causes are fungi, bacteria. Begin timely treatment should be with the removal of diseased leaves.
  3. Rust on the leaves. The signs of the disease are brown dots on the stems and leaves.
  4. Rotting of stems. Excite this disease bacteria. The stalk begins to rot, then the stem decays, the foliage falls.
  5. Fungal Rot. The reason may be improper care: low temperature, high humidity, lack of light.
  6. Defeat the nematode. This disease can not be cured. The parasite eats the rhizomes of the flower, the plant dies.

Because the geranium flower is unpretentious, even a beginner will not cause trouble, and demand more attention.

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