Worms in a child at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years - signs( symptoms), drugs( pills), how to withdraw?

Children of school age, ranging from 6-7 and up to 11-12 years, while the body does not yet experience hormonal transformations, develop fairly evenly and harmoniously. They attend school, study, relax with friends, get acquainted with the outside world, travel.6 years old is already quite a conscious age. Such a child should not twice explain why it is worth washing hands before eating, or that you should not put all sorts of dirty things into your mouth.

But this does not mean that children at the age of 7 are not at risk of dangerous infectious infections, or lesions by parasites, including worms.

Infection with worms of a child 6-7 years old

At 6-7 years old the child changes the habitual environment for him, entering a new world. This and new relationships, new contacts, new requirements for personal hygiene, a new diet and diet. At school there will be no attentive nurses who will prompt when to wash their hands or control the process of visiting the toilet. All this - those nuances of growing up, responsibility for which falls on the child in 6-7 years. Therefore, it is very important that he was ready for this stage in his life, and understood the essence of the changes taking place in it.

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This applies to personal hygiene and the state of your body. A child at 6 years old learns to be more attentive to himself, not only to feel, but also to understand his body.

Parents of schoolchildren often admit the same common mistake. If a child at 7 suddenly starts to get tired quickly, complains of frequent headaches, lack of appetite and bad sleep - they write off these signs for difficulties of integration into the educational process, and blame teachers for excessive loads.

Meanwhile, the reason can be much simpler and trivial - infecting the child's body with 6-7 years of worms. In this case, parasites are observed in 80% of schoolchildren aged 6 to 10-11 years. The danger associated with helminthic invasion is that it is often underestimated, considering something inherent in the process of growing up. Meanwhile, if you do not timely diagnose helminth infection and do not apply complex treatment, its consequences for the body at 7 years can be the most sad.

First of all, helminthiasis leads to a general exhaustion of the body in 6 years, a decrease in immunity, which affects the overall resistance to all sorts of viruses and diseases.

In a child 7 years old, as a result of a worm infection, acute respiratory infections may become more frequent, hemoglobin in the blood can decrease, which leads to anemic pathologies, impaired liver and kidney function, and a number of other organs. It is worth noting that the products of the vital activity of worms are toxic, and not only lead to the emergence of a wide range of allergic reactions, but also poison the body as a whole.

In this case, the protective barriers in the body of children from 6 to 8-9 years are not yet developed enough, and may not stop the development of helminth larvae and further from reproduction. Even in 10 years the child is susceptible to helminthic invasions.

Symptoms of worms in a child 6-7 years old

A helminthic infestation in early stages can be lethargic, and does not manifest itself in any way. Depending on the type of worms, the symptomatology is also different. But there are a number of common signs, in the presence of which a child of 6-8 years must consult a doctor. Namely, these are the symptoms such as:

  • unexplained changes in appetite;
  • sharp decrease in the body weight of the child;
  • pallor, dark circles under the eyes;
  • occurrence of allergic skin reactions;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • headaches, attacks of dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • itching in the anus;
  • insomnia.

Effective diagnostics can stop helminthiosis at an early stage and prevent the damaging effect of worms on the baby's body 6-7 years. Compliance with hygiene rules and a well-thought-out diet will be an effective countermeasure to further infection of children with worms until adolescence.

Than to deduce worms at the child in 6-10 years?

Doctors toxicologists say that it is possible to remove worms from the body only by applying complex therapy, which is a course of antihelminthic and antihistamines, in combination with effective absorbents absorbing products of this age.

Some tablets from worms, for example, Decaris, have a fairly aggressive effect, and are prescribed to children 6 years and older once. For children older than 12 years, often prescribe the drug Vormin. The course of taking this medication, depending on the type of worms, can last from 3 to 28 days, at different dosages. Of course, treatment should be under regular medical supervision, and accompanied by the use of restorative therapy.

To get rid of worms in children, you can use some folk methods - for example, give the child watermelon seeds that have a gentle anti-histamine effect and are pleasant to the taste. At the same time, with other means of traditional medicine - such as hemp oil or flax from worms - you need to be pointed, because the body of a child at age 7 is not ready to perceive their aggressive enough effect.

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