Famous people with pancreatitis

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About famous people hundreds of volumes and dozens of dissertations are written. In them, as a rule, we are talking about the formation of a world view, material situation, environment, men and women, and other causes that affect life activity and creativity. But very rarely they refer to the state of health. But it is precisely this that is the most powerful factor affecting the world perception and worldview.

For many years, our Soviet and post-Soviet culture considered the subject of diseases and vices of famous and great people indecent, so they tried to keep silent about it. But all great - the same mere mortals who are also subject to incurable and even fatal ailments. One of these ailments is pancreatitis.

Acute pancreatitis is the sudden inflammation of the pancreatic tissue leading to its disintegration( necrosis).This is one of the most dangerous serious pathologies, which ranks third among diseases of the abdominal cavity. The main cause of the acute form of the disease is excessive consumption of alcohol and the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

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Famous actor Vladislav Galkin. He died of acute heart failure, weighed down with pancreatitis.

Famous musician David Alexander. He died of pulmonary edema in the hospital, where he was hospitalized because of an acute form of the disease, which was caused by alcoholism.

Rusa Stewart Allen, American astronaut. Suffered from pancreatitis. He died in 1994.

Alexey Poluyan, an outstanding theater and film actor. He suffered from a severe form of the disease.

Ramon John Gnatyshin, Governor-General of Canada, statesman and politician of Ukrainian origin. He suffers from pancreatitis.

Fredrik Vale, the master of the detective genre. At age 49, he died of pancreatitis.

Arthur Christopher John Soames, politician of Britain. Suffers a chronic form of the disease.

Paul Hindemith, German composer, creator of avant-garde music. He died of an unexpected exacerbation of the disease in 1963.

Elena Sabitova, world and European boxing champion. She died on the 29th year of life from pancreatic necrosis.

Robert Edward McCracken is the vocalist of the American rock band "The Used".He suffers from cholelithiasis and a severe form of pancreatitis, which developed as a result of alcoholism.

Valdis Pelsh, Russian showman, musician and TV host. In 2007, he was hospitalized in a hospital with an acute form of the disease. Fortunately, doctors managed to save the people's favorite.

Behind each name is a separate life and a separate pain. And they are not cited to satisfy the curiosity of the layman, but to explain that even in the most tragic circumstances it is necessary to find the strength, to resist their bad habits and fight for life.

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