Treatment( disinfection) of worms in the apartment, how to clean it after helminths, cleaning the home

All worms can be divided into the following groups, depending on the conditions, where the main cycle of their development takes place before infection of the human body:

  1. Mandatory stay in the external environment of the larvae of the parasite.
  2. Penetration of parasites into the human body through objects of the external environment.
  3. Contact parasites that infect humans through household items.

The need for disinfection of an apartment with worms is associated with the special vitality of parasites. Even if the full course of treatment and prevention is passed, and the sick person is completely free of worms, many of the dead parasites become a powerful source of repeated infection. That is, if the apartment was a subject( person or animal) who had recovered helminthiasis, then it is necessary to carry out the treatment of the apartment from worms.

How to clean the apartment of worms?

The destruction of the infectious principle, that is, the disinfection of worms, is carried out by different methods, depending on the type of parasite and its location. For example, ascaris eggs are sensitive to wet processing at high temperature. The time required to destroy them depends on the temperature of the exposure. If at a temperature of 70 ° C, enough for one to ten seconds of treatment, then at a temperature of 50 ° C it takes ten minutes.

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Worms in the apartment often accumulate on bed and underwear, upholstered furniture, toys. If there is an animal in the house that can be a carrier of parasites, then their sleeping places and favorite places of their stay must necessarily be treated from helminths. Disinfection of the apartment from worms at home provides:

  1. Disinfection of parasites by boiling bed linen, followed by ironing with a hot iron on both sides.
  2. Cleaning of pillows, blankets, carpets, mattresses with a vacuum cleaner with mandatory burning of collected garbage.

Disinfection of helminths with ultraviolet or bactericidal lamps

Cleaning of rooms after helminths is akin to a general one, but treatment with worms is carried out more thoroughly and with the use of disinfectants. The treatment process starts from the distant rooms and ends with a toilet and a bathroom. Initially, from the selected room all things that are subject to washing or wet treatment with disinfectant solutions are taken out. Pure things until the completion of the treatment room is packed in plastic bags. Before applying the solution, all surfaces to be treated must be cleaned of dirt and dust. Then complete disinfection of walls, ceiling, floor, as well as furniture processing.

After wet cleaning, it is advisable to carry out the treatment of the room with an ultraviolet lamp. To this end, it is enough to leave it in a closed room, turned on for four hours. Among the effective tools used to disinfect worms in the apartment can be called Deactin. Despite the fact that it contains chlorine, its concentration is small, which allows it to be used for cleaning soft toys. It is also possible to use hydrogen peroxide for these purposes, but there may be undesirable consequences.

To disinfect worms at home, a variety of folk remedies are used. It can be acetic acid, ammonia or a saturated salt solution, flaxseed oil, which is also an excellent antiseptic. To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, acetic acid is mixed with the salt. Surfaces that are treated with helminths are then necessarily treated with a soap solution. Cellophane, rubber toys, sinks, door handles, taps and other items are processed with steep boiling water.

An alternative to chemical disinfection from worms is the use of an ozonizer. Advantage of ozone is as follows:

  1. Strong bactericidal effect, which is three hundred times greater than the properties of chlorine.
  2. A destructive effect on all bacteria, whereas chlorine acts selectively.
  3. In contrast to chlorine, ozone destroys the cysts of worms.
  4. No formation of additional compounds giving an unpleasant odor.

In addition, it is much more profitable to buy an ozonizer, which can be used on an ongoing basis to whiten and disinfect laundry, clean water, treat certain diseases and so on.

For the death of pinworm eggs, as the most common species of parasite, it is sufficient to treat the surface at a distance of up to one meter with a mercury-halide lamp for half an hour. Irradiation with a high-pressure bactericidal lamp at a distance of 40 cm causes the death of 75% of pinworm eggs. For the period of disinfection measures to complete removal of traces of the parasite, it is desirable to change bed and clothes daily, and also to clean the apartment weekly.

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