Pig worms, helminths in pork, fat, shank( photo), is it possible to eat pig meat, sick with helminthiasis?

What is a pork worm? Such a question is posed to everyone who has been diagnosed with cysticercosis, shadowiarinhoz or shadowyosis. They arise after a person consumes contaminated meat and fat. Worms settle in muscle fibers and do not die with minimal heat treatment. What worms live in pork? Most often, bovine and pork tartar. The term shadeiosis is used when the larvae of Taenia solium are detected in the human body, the term shadowiarinhosis is used if the parasite Taenia saginata is detected( bovine tapeworm).The diagnosis of cysticercosis is made when the larvae of the pork chain begin to migrate due to lymph flow and infect all the internal organs of the body. When can pork be eaten, and when even from the use of fat it is worth noting?

The pork worm, pictured at the top, has a long elongated body, similar to a flat ribbon. It consists of several segments - segments. They can come off and go out with the feces. The presence of porcine worm fragments in the feces is a characteristic symptom, openly saying that a parasite has settled in the intestine of a person. An adult in the din can reach four meters. She actively lives and multiplies, producing a huge number of eggs per day. They are present in meat and fat, so it is dangerous to eat any meat products.

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How does the infection occur? The glistens are fixed in the intermediate host( pig), they settle in the intestine, in the muscles, in the fat and lay eggs there. Together with the lymphatic eggs, ribbon helminths enter the bloodstream, into the muscles, into the eyeballs, into all internal organs. Look at the photo, it shows how porcine worms affect the heart. A person becomes infected with poorly cooked meat. Unroasted tenderloin, steaks with blood, raw forcemeat, salted bacon - all these dishes are ways to lead to the development of shadow and cysticercosis. A sick person is a danger to the people around him. In the stool of an infected person, larvae of helminths must be present. If there is no central sewer, visiting a stationary toilet becomes dangerous. Pig worm, as mentioned above, can provoke two diseases, therefore the symptoms of infection with worms can be different.

Helminths in pork - shadyoz

So, for example, if the larvae of the porcine worm settle in the small intestine, they become an adult in two to three weeks. Here it is, in the photo. She may not show herself in any way for several years, or she shows, but the patient does not associate the malaise with such a contamination. Only an experienced doctor, having collected all the clinical picture, will be able to recognize the shadow. What should I look for if there is a suspicion of this disease:

  • On the pain that occurs in the abdomen.
  • On frequent diarrhea.
  • On allergies, accompanied by shortness of breath.
  • To loss of appetite.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Constant nausea and eructation.
  • Insomnia, increased irritability.
  • The presence of syncope.

The patient may complain of a nocturnal grinding of the teeth, increased salivation, spots on the skin, hair loss. Women may lose menstruation, men may have problems with potency. And all these symptoms can appear after the tasting of fat and poorly roasted meat. These products are available, if the livestock has repeatedly been sanitized.

Features of the treatment of porcine helminths

When the presence of such manifestations develops against the background of a stable picture of the blood composition of a healthy person, you can suspect infection with parasites. The malaise is treated quite successfully with drug therapy. Prescribed antiparasitic drugs. If there is an infection with worms from pork, Praziquantel and Nichlosamide are prescribed. They cause paralysis of the helminth. Hooks, which are on the head of the helminth, with which it clings to the walls of the small intestine, are uncoupled. Along with antiparasitic agents, laxatives are prescribed. They stimulate the peristalsis of the intestine and promote rapid removal of the chain. He leaves the body with feces when defecating. After finishing the course of treatment, a person who has applied for help is observed for another month, forcing him to take an analysis of feces every week. This tactic allows you not to miss the possibility of leaving parts of the pig's worm in the intestine.

Because during its life, the porcine helminth damages the intestinal mucosa, it becomes inflamed. That is why there are problems with digestion. That is why during the parasitic therapy events are carried out that can restore the functions of the protective layer of the intestine. One of them is a sparing diet. The patient should take as a basis table number 13 and strictly adhere to his rules. Fractional meals discharge the inflamed organs, so they are quickly restored. Consumption of fat during the diet is strictly contraindicated.

Fats in fat - cysticercosis

If a person swallows not larvae of helminths, but their eggs, they along with the lymph quickly spread throughout the body. Eggs can get to the brain. In this case, the diagnosis is "cysticercosis".Symptoms of the disease depend on which organ is attacked. So, for example, if the eggs of a parasite enter the brain, it appears:

  1. An unbearable headache, which is associated with the presence of intracranial pressure.
  2. Severe dizziness.
  3. Epileptic seizures accompanied by vomiting.
  4. The person refuses to eat.

Oncospheres can accumulate everywhere, if they accumulate under the skin, on it appear the pineal formations. If the eggs of the pork worm get into the eye, there is atrophy of the eyeball, and conjunctivitis becomes frequent. In this situation, the pig's helminth is very difficult to excrete, but treatment should not be postponed, a professional must produce it. Self-medication in this case of death is similar. That's why there is a lard and other foods you need extremely carefully.

Is it possible to eat meat and lard of swine with worms?

Prevent infection with parasites can. To do this, it is necessary to purchase raw meat and lard where it is sanitized. Owners of domestic cattle can be advised:

  • Do not allow pigs to walk independently outside the pen and eat whatever is horrible.
  • It is impossible to allow interaction of the territory on which human feces may be located, with the territory of walking of domestic animals.
  • It is important to periodically, together with veterinarians, carry out the treatment of livestock from helminths.

Meat products are available. Using pork for cooking at the same time, it is important to carefully prepare meat, subject it to long-term heat treatment. To kill the eggs of worms, you need to heat the meat to a temperature of +71 degrees Celsius. And this temperature should not be on the crust, but inside the piece. For example, in the whole rudder. During cooking, you can not sample the raw base. It is important for cutting meat and fat to use separate boards and individual knives, such, for example, that are present in the photo. After using them, all items are thoroughly washed with warm water and detergents.

Freezing meat and salting, as well as smoking does not kill worms. Pork, infected with worms, as well as salted fat is in no case impossible. Applying preventive measures, observing the elementary rules of hygiene, carrying out veterinary and sanitary norms for the maintenance of livestock, it is possible to prevent contamination of domestic livestock and people who then will use steamed meat or salted bacon.

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