Treatment of stomach ulcers at home( at home)

Treatment of ulcers at home is carried out if the gastroenterological disease occurs without complications.

Exacerbation of the disease with pronounced symptoms: severe pain, vomiting, gastric bleeding - requires the patient to stay in the hospital.

How to treat an ulcer at home?

The main rule in the disease of a stomach ulcer is to treat a house ailment only under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication will not only not give a positive result, but it can end with serious complications leading to the patient's death.

When treating stomach ulcers at home, the drugs, their dose, the duration of the course is determined by the gastroenterologist with contraindications( for example, during lactation or pregnancy), side effects and individual drug intolerance.

Peptic ulcer is a common and dangerous disease of a chronic nature, unacceptable amateurish attitude. A long period of scarring of the defect on the mucosa requires regular medical examinations, drug adjustments and therapeutic regimens.

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The complexity of antiulcer therapy lies in the fact that long-term comprehensive treatment requires strict discipline and regularity from the patient.

Even after discharge from hospital, treatment at home involves long-term rehabilitation, the implementation of recommendations of doctors, compliance with diet number 1.

How is a stomach ulcer treated with a diet?

Products that are acceptable in the diet of the patient, sparing the stomach and do not excite secretion. Porridges, slimy soups on water and milk, boiled fish and meat without skin, vegetable purees are served on the table of a peanut butter small portion, at least six times a day. Therapeutic dishes should be well-brewed and warm.

Dietary nutrition is aimed at the regeneration of damaged tissues, restoration of appetite, prevention of constipation.

With a stomach ulcer, treatment at home involves the use of natural mineral hydrocarbonate waters that help reduce gastric acidity.

Therapy min.water is contraindicated in cases of a disease with a lower level of hydrochloric acid.

Gastric ulcer: how to treat the house with folk remedies?

Recipe No.1

  • Potato broth has proven itself as a healing agent that can speed up the scarring process. To do this, six medium-sized tubers are well washed, cut without cleaning. Cook in a liter of water for an hour, topping the boiled liquid in a saucepan. Strain the broth in a glass container. Take on an empty stomach for 100 ml in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening two months.

Recipe No.2

  • A glass of juice( 250 ml), squeezed from white cabbage and taken on an empty stomach for three weeks, is a popular remedy. To improve the taste in a cabbage drink, you can add celery juice that has antiulcer properties at a rate of 3 to 1.

Recipe No.3

  • A large spoonful of plantain seed is brewed in half a glass of boiled pure water, let it brew for half an hour, then drain. Take a large spoon before eating for half an hour three times a day.
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