Treatment and cauterization of a stomach ulcer with a laser

For the first time, laser treatment of ulcer was applied more than 30 years ago. To date, the laser can be used as an isolated method of treatment, and can be part of complex therapy. For example, the combination of drug therapy and treatment of gastric ulcer with a laser can significantly reduce the dosage of medications, thereby preventing the development of complications from taking medications. In addition, it should be borne in mind that quantum therapy has not only a targeted effect on the affected area, but also mobilizes protective functions of the body.

Quantum therapy is 3 courses of 10 procedures, during which the patient is affected by infrared radiation and a magnetic field.

In addition to quantum therapy, another minimally invasive method is used, such as moxibustion. For cauterization, as for quantum beams, no additional surgical interventions are required. However, the principle of exposure to light rays is radically opposite. For the treatment of gastric ulcers, special endoscopes with fibrous optics are used by cauterization.

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The essence of this method is quite simple: the patient should swallow a rubber tube in diameter, not different from that used for diagnosis of digestive tract diseases. And further all is simple: the doctor, having seen ranku, cauterizes its or her ray. True, there is one drawback. Repeat this procedure about seven times, but as a result, the patient receives a much faster recovery than only when taking medication. In addition, remission after such a comprehensive treatment, more resistant.

Contraindications to quantum therapy and cauterization of stomach ulcers with laser

Despite the proven benefit of laser therapy, it is impossible to prescribe it to all patients in a row, indiscriminately. There are a number of certain contraindications, which must be taken into account by both patients and doctors. Consider some of them:

  • bleeding ulcer;
  • fever;
  • acute surgical pathology;
  • general severe condition of the patient;
  • circulatory failure III stage;
  • clotting disorder;
  • is a malignant tumor in the stomach.

In fact, most of these conditions make the patient think about whether light rays should be used. Perhaps it is better to resort to cardinal methods of treatment, such as surgical intervention?

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