Sea-buckthorn oil with gastritis

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Gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the gastric membrane, which can occur with varying severity, with varying acidity. Various methods are used to treat this disease, sometimes even popular recipes are effective enough. It is worth considering in more detail whether it is possible and how to use sea buckthorn oil for gastritis.

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Sea-buckthorn oil is a common folk medicine, it contains many useful substances and elements that can help in the treatment of many diseases. Because of the large content of various trace elements, sea buckthorn oil is an effective antibacterial, choleretic, healing agent that is used in many diseases.

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In addition, the sea-buckthorn extract helps to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the function of the intestine, promotes the proper process of digestion. Whether it is possible to drink the given agent at a gastritis, an inflammation of a cover of a stomach? Usually it is allowed, it is worth considering how the sea buckthorn oil helps with this disease and how it can be used.

Important! Seabuckthorn can cause allergic reactions, so firstly the means based on it should be taken with caution.

Treatment of gastritis with sea buckthorn oil

For gastritis, sea buckthorn can be used as an aid; in severe form of the disease, such treatment will not significantly improve the condition unless other medications prescribed by the doctor are taken. Let's consider the main medicinal properties of the oil.

  1. Since the sea-buckthorn has a wound healing, anti-inflammatory property, it will help to calm the irritated walls of the stomach, remove the pronounced inflammatory process, which is often accompanied by strong painful sensations.
  2. In addition, the extract based on sea-buckthorn is rich in vitamins and other useful microelements that will help to fill their deficiency in the body as a whole.
  3. Also the extract of sea-buckthorn improves the state of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole, positively affects the work of the intestines. Normalizing the digestive system with gastritis is also important, it will help to avoid the development of any complications.

In gastritis with high acidity, only sea buckthorn oil can be used. Other products based on this berry should not be used, because it can raise the acidity of the stomach. This effect is minimal when taking oil.

In gastritis with a low acidity, juice and other berry-based products can also be used, but this should be done with caution. In large quantities, fresh berries, juice, can lead to increased acidity. This is undesirable in any form of gastritis.

In cases of gastritis and gastric ulcer, when erosion develops in this disease, it is also possible to use oil, however, great care must be taken. With any deterioration, it is necessary to stop taking oil and consult a doctor for advice.

Sea buckthorn extract can also be used in pregnancy. Bearing a child is not a contraindication in this case, the berry does not have spasmodic effects, in reasonable quantities sea buckthorn oil will not cause any harm to the future child.

However, it should be remembered that in large quantities oil and other products based on berries can lead to the development of allergies. Therefore, in any case, use the medicine with caution.

Important! Sea buckthorn oil can be used for gastritis in children, but before this you should always consult with a specialist.


Seabuckthorn oil does not have many contraindications.

  1. Usually this product is not allowed for individual intolerance.
  2. If an allergic reaction occurs during the reception of the oil, for example, urticaria, rashes on the skin, this treatment should be discarded.
  3. Also it is not necessary to use sea buckthorn with inflammatory processes in the pancreas, in case of disruption of the liver, inflammation in the gallbladder. Since this berry has a choleretic effect, it can significantly worsen the condition in such diseases.

In addition, one should not take sea buckthorn oil for diarrhea, propensity to diarrhea, other serious bowel diseases. Berry can cause deterioration in these pathologies. In other cases, it can be safely applied.

How to take?

With gastritis, sea buckthorn oil is taken orally 10 - 15 minutes before meals, 2 -3 times a day. For the night, this product is best not to drink, because it is desirable that the stomach is not empty after using the medication. Usually, one tablespoon of oil extract is used.

It should be noted that after taking it can cause heartburn due to the properties of sea buckthorn. In this case, it is advised to drink a glass of water with a small amount of soda. After eating and on a completely empty stomach, if there is no food in the near future, you should not take oil, this can lead to side effects and worsening of the condition.

Can I take butter with honey? Do not do this, do not increase the load on the stomach in this way. It is desirable to take the extract separately from everything, then after a while you can eat. Do not take anything with sea buckthorn oil, especially with severe forms of gastritis.

Also in addition to the oil extract in its pure form in pharmacies, it is usually possible to buy oil in capsules. Capsules usually contain a drug in a soft shell of gelatin.

  1. For gastritis, one capsule should be taken, washed down with water, and this should also be done before eating.
  2. Capsules have similar contraindications to use. They should not be taken in case of allergies, intestinal disorders.

Sea buckthorn has several pronounced side effects. One of them is the appearance of diarrhea. In this case, the reception of funds on its basis should be abandoned or simply reduce the dosage, this depends on the severity of the side effect.

Also, when you take oil, it can cause a bitter taste in your mouth. In a number of cases, it occurs with prolonged medication, in which case it is desirable to take a break in the reception.

It is not necessary to be treated for gastritis solely with the help of sea buckthorn oil, since this remedy can be used only as an auxiliary treatment. If there is severe heartburn, if the condition worsens, you should always consult a doctor. Do not take sea buckthorn in severe cases of the disease.

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