Lectures and films by Professor Vladimir Zhdanov on the dangers of alcohol: the essence, theses

On the basis of alcoholism in Russia, many crimes are committed annually, so for their prevention, a sober lifestyle is promoted. One of the ideologists of this direction is Vladimir Zhdanov. In his lectures and documentary films, he examines the causes of alcohol dependence and warns people about the danger of a green snake.

Lectures of Professor Zhdanov on the Harm of Alcohol

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is known for his public activities. He travels extensively throughout Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, lecturing on a sober lifestyle.

Speaking to the audience, Zhdanov is a professor at the International Slavic Academy. In this case, this title refers to the internal position of a public organization and does not indicate the academic degree or position of the university teacher.

In addition, Vladimir Zhdanov presides at the International Association of Psychoanalysts. This is an informal and unscientific organization whose activities are aimed at solving a narrow range of tasks - getting rid of alcohol and nicotine addictions, correcting the sight. The Association has nothing to do with the IPA, organized by Sigmund Freud.

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In addition, Zhdanov closely cooperates with various public organizations that carry out anti-alcohol propaganda. Among them - "Sober Russia", "Sober Siberia", "Sober Bashkortostan".

In his reports, the professor cites statistical data and facts that he presents in an accessible language for ordinary people - without using complex scientific terms and formulations.

Zhdanov's listeners are people of different ages and professions. He not only lectures, but also shoots documentaries that are shown on television, as well as in schools. Zhdanov, among other things, is struggling with the problem of teenage alcoholism, which is taking on alarming proportions.
In the video, Professor Zhdanov's lecture "Sober Russia is a Common Affair":

The history of

Vladimir Zhdanov has been conducting active educational work since the early 1980s, telling people about the dangers of alcohol. Its main goal is to restore the sobriety of the population in the post-Soviet space. In his view, this will help increase fertility and improve the quality of life.


Elena Malysheva:

"Is Alcoholism Cured? Yes! Use an effective home remedy. .. "

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The first lecture" The Truth and the Lie about Alcohol "the professor presented to the public in 1983.With this report, he traveled a lot of cities in Russia and the Soviet republics.

The audio recording of Zhdanov's speech contributed to the creation of a mass public movement for folk sobriety. Since then, his lectures are popular throughout the CIS.

His famous anti-alcohol report Zhdanov unveiled in 1986.Then he received medals of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. II Mechnikov and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.P. Ehrlich for his significant contribution to the health of the nation.

In 1988, Vladimir Zhdanov began to conduct courses aimed at combating alcohol dependence by the Shichko method. At first his lectures were distributed on audio cassettes, then on discs, and later they got on the Internet. Thanks to them, people restore their health and create various societies that promote sobriety.

In 2008, Zhdanov was elected chairman of the "Union of Struggle for National Sobriety", and in 2009 he participated in the creation of the television project "Common cause".The broadcasts were broadcast on Channel One, so millions of people watched them. Within the talk show, acute problems related to alcoholism were raised - the growth of crime, high mortality, the birth of sick children.

Orthodox parishes are also involved in the popularization of Vladimir Zhdanov's lectures. So, one of the documentaries within the framework of the "Common cause" project was filmed by Father Tikhon from the Sretensky Monastery. He said that thanks to Zhdanov he became interested in promoting sobriety.

The facts and information Zhdanov voices in his lectures are shocking. Some listeners decide to establish a "dry law" for themselves, others treat these data skeptically, pointing out their discrepancies with the statistics of state organizations. For sure, we can state only that the lectures about alcohol Zhdanov do not leave people indifferent.

Stages of alcoholism

Zhdanov distinguishes 3 stages of alcoholism:

  1. Strong craving for alcohol.
  2. Abstinence syndrome.
  3. Irreversible changes in the central nervous system.

A similar classification exists among doctors. However, the public figure explains it to ordinary people.

According to Zhdanov, at the initial stage of alcoholism, somatic symptoms are not yet observed. A person begins to drink alcohol often - either every day, or occasionally. He constantly becomes irritable, reacts violently to any stress.

With the development of the second stage, craving for alcohol becomes stronger. At the same time, a person's self-criticism decreases, he ceases to realize that he has become dependent on alcohol.

In addition, during the second stage of alcoholism there is an abstinence syndrome. He is radically different from a hangover, although in some ways he can remind him.

The condition of a person after overcoming a hangover is quickly normalized. However, abstinence causes a significant deterioration in physical well-being. During this period, the need for alcohol increases dramatically.

The third stage of alcoholism, according to Zhdanov's classification, is the most dangerous. In this period, severe consequences for the body. In particular, the work of the central nervous system is severely disrupted, and the changes become irreversible.

At the same time, the liver is destroyed, which soon leads to cirrhosis. There are violations of intellectual activity, but the person continues to increase the dose of alcohol, because it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve the desired intoxication. Alcoholism of the third stage requires qualified medical care - only in this case it is possible to reduce the harm done to the body as a result of prolonged intoxication with alcohol.

The reasons for alcoholism Zhdanov

Vladimir Zhdanov in his lectures highlights several factors in the formation of alcohol dependence:

  • poverty;
  • constant stress;
  • poor quality of life;
  • social environment;
  • tradition.

Professor explains that in Russia, without alcohol, people do not imagine a single holiday. Weddings, New Year, birthdays are always accompanied by drinking vodka or champagne.

At the same time, Zhdanov points out that in a sober state people can also have fun and interesting time: dancing, joking, communicating. However, under the influence of alcohol, guests of weddings begin to debauch and fight.

This development of events is even considered a certain tradition, although in reality it is abnormal. Therefore Zhdanov encourages listeners of his lectures to break stereotypes and eradicate established traditions.

The professor in his speeches voiced the hypothesis that alcohol is deliberately used to destroy the Russian people. As evidence, he cites statistics that show an increase in mortality and a decline in the birth rate. In sociological literature this problem was called the "Russian Cross".

According to the data supported by Zhdanov, the volume of alcohol consumption in Russia is much higher than abroad. In particular, in China for 1 person there is 5 liters of alcohol per year, and in our country - 15-18 liters. The professor claims that such figures are due to the availability of alcohol in Russia, the conviction of the population that there is nothing horrific in its use, and also the prevalence of drug addiction.

According to Zhdanov, 9 out of 10 Russians drink alcohol regularly, and its total consumption reaches 2.5 billion liters per year. Only a little of this amount is drunk by chronic alcoholics. The bulk of alcohol is consumed by people who are absolutely sure that they do not suffer from addiction.

They are deeply mistaken, I'm sure the public figure. After all, 80% of all who drink hot drinks regularly, suffers from the first stage of alcoholism. Each of them is already slowly dying of the brain, the liver begins to atrophy, and the heart - to swim with fat.

Zhdanov states that with the help of alcohol, people interested in it exterminate the Russian population. Moreover, the green snake acts more effectively than armed conflicts and cataclysms.

The professor cites data that in 10 years of the war in Afghanistan, 50 times less people died than die a year of alcohol abuse. He also claims that every 12 years from alcoholism in Russia, as many people die as they died over the entire period of the Great Patriotic War. Smoking increases the number of deaths, because it almost always accompanies drinking alcohol.

Separately, Zhdanov considers the problem of child alcoholism. He explains that the growing organism gets used to alcohol much faster, because it is not yet able to fully resist external influences.

The professor gives reasons why schoolchildren start drinking alcohol. Among them:

  • the desire to imitate adult comrades;
  • provoking behavior of parents;
  • advertising alcohol, in which young people appear.

Zhdanov explains that teenagers unconsciously copy the behavior of the elders, since they consider themselves to be adults and independent. If they see that their parents are drinking, they take this as the norm that needs to be met. In addition, students want to earn credibility in the eyes of older friends who are already drinking.

In addition to the liver, in the body of a drinking schoolboy, the central nervous system and respiratory organs are seriously affected, the immunity worsens, the activity of the brain decreases. It takes a little time for the teenager to turn into a drunken drunkard.

The fact that teenage alcoholism is taking on an alarming scale, Zhdanov blames his parents. He points out that adults themselves pour champagne or wine on school celebrations to schoolchildren.

The child is not yet aware of the danger, he does not know when to stop, so often continues to drink already in the companies of his peers. As a result, to their majority, such children degrade and become antisocial elements. Zhdanov is convinced that the modern youth is not capable of reasoning reasonably, it is efficient to work, and the reason for this is alcohol, so it is necessary to refuse it.

Vladimir Zhdanov is sure that people who are vested with power are to blame for mass alcoholization of people. He is sure that the production of alcoholic beverages brings a huge profit, so officials turn a blind eye to the harm to health.

As evidence, he leads an expensive advertising of alcohol, in which young people are photographed. Such videos make teenagers think that alcohol is an indispensable attribute of successful and beautiful guys and girls who are used to getting everything from life.

To prevent the degradation and extinction of the nation, Vladimir Zhdanov offers his measures outlined in the Theory of Absolute Sobriety. It is about the program of alcohol policy, the impact of the media and the introduction of a "dry law".

The main theses of lectures and films

The central idea of ​​all lectures and films of Vladimir Zhdanov - folk sobriety. By all his activities he tries to make people realize that alcohol destroys their physical health, psyche, and this leads to the extinction of the nation.

Vladimir Zhdanov argues that because of the affordable price and free sale of alcohol in Russia, the crime rate is growing, which also confirms the fact of deliberate extermination of the people.

On the basis of alcoholic intoxication committed:

  1. 82% of murders.
  2. 75% of suicides.
  3. 50% of the accident.
  4. 50% rape.

These data are criticized by Zhdanov's opponents. However, that in alcoholic intoxication people commit crimes that would never have been sobered, confirm the criminalists.

One of the most popular lectures of Vladimir Zhdanov is "The Path to Sobriety."In it, the professor talks about the dangers of alcohol in an accessible language, citing statistical data and examples from his own life.

The main idea of ​​the report is that the rate of alcohol consumption for Russians should be zero. The author of the report explains that euphoria is achieved due to the death of hundreds of thousands of brain cells.

Parallel occlusion of vessels, they are deformed and torn under blood pressure. Blood begins to flow into the brain substance, and this provokes strokes, which culminate in deaths in 80% of cases. In addition, cirrhosis most often develops precisely under the influence of alcohol, and this disease is incurable.

At the lecture "Path to sobriety":

Zhdanov's seminars "Alcohol terror against Russia" are also known. Their main thesis is that the mechanism of the destruction of the Russian people has been launched.

The author states that since 1991 the population of Russia has decreased by 20 million people, and this happens in peacetime. However, in 1920-30-ies.there was a positive trend. On the basis of these facts, Zhdanov concludes that the nation is being destroyed not by armed conflicts, not by natural disasters, but by alcohol.

The nation is being destroyed quietly and smoothly, so no one beats the alarm. Nobody is interested in why pharmaceutical companies produce dozens of times more narcotic drugs than they need for hospitals, Zhdanov asserts.

All this happens with the connivance of those in power who create favorable conditions for the development of the alcohol business, concludes the lecturer. There is no need to attack a state in which ideals are substituted. Drinking more and more, people are dying out on their own - from degradation, dementia, vulgarity and debauchery.

Vladimir Zhdanov also created 2 documentaries for the "Common Affair" project, broadcast on Channel One. One of them is "Children's Alcoholism".In this film, the professor claims that Russia leads the world in terms of the number of teenagers suffering from alcoholism.

According to statistics, two out of three children aged 13-16 years regularly drink alcohol, which indicates at least the first stage of alcoholism. In this case, in most cases, it is about adolescents from well-off families. These children in the future risk becoming chronic alcoholics who will give sick children with poor heredity.

Children start drinking alcoholic cocktails in bright jars that seem harmless. Already in half a year at them dependence develops, there are psychoses, an abstinent syndrome. Parents for a long time do not even notice what is happening to their children.

Documentary "Children's Alcoholism":

Another film by Zhdanov - "Let's drink, or alcoholism."It focuses on the severe and irreversible consequences, which lead to the use of alcohol.

Vladimir Zhdanov explains that in half an hour after getting alcohol into the body the structure of the blood changes. After 1 hour, it turns into clots of stuck and deformed red blood cells.

In general, there is not a single body that would not be damaged by exposure to ethanol. The greatest blow is in the brain. In it, the alcohol concentration is 2-3 times higher than in other organs, and this leads to mass death of cells.

Also under the influence of alcohol, organic lesions of the liver, heart, pancreas develop. Intoxication continues even 20 days after the termination of drinking alcohol. Some alcohol decay products remain in the body forever and accumulate in the brain, Zhdanov completes his thought.

The professor also gives the results of the experiment in rats. The females under the influence of ethanol developed ovarian tumors in the size of the rodents themselves. They also had babies without a brain.

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