Compress from a cough for a child and an adult: from potatoes, with dimexidom, vodka, honey,

Compresses have long been considered a real salvation for colds complicated by cough. Thanks to such a simple procedure, there is considerable relief. What explains the effectiveness of this method of treatment? How correctly to apply compresses, not to do much harm? To answer these questions, here are a few recipes that can help you cope quickly even with a prolonged cold.

Compress from cough

Compress is an affordable procedure that helps to alleviate the cough to a large extent, and to increase sputum discharge. Its correct application guarantees:

  • quick result - relief will come in a couple of hours;
  • cost savings - all products used for compresses are inexpensive;
  • no side effects - provided that there is no individual intolerance;
  • is a reliable aid for an integrated approach to treating colds.

Principle of action of

The effectiveness of this method of treatment consists in direct exposure to heat. As a result, there is an expansion of nearby vessels and increased blood circulation. As a consequence:

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  • increases blood flow to the affected areas;
  • reduces mucosal edema;
  • there is a reduction in the area of ​​the foci of inflammation;
  • toxic substances are emitted much faster;
  • some symptoms disappear( headache, weakness).

This directed action helps in the shortest time to put the patient on his feet. It makes it easier to breathe, go through muscle spasms, improve appetite. The cough becomes more moist and not so painful. That is why compresses to date are the best complement to basic therapy.


The use of compresses is indicated for many diseases accompanied by coughing. These can be diseases of both viral and bacterial etiology. These include:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • of pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;

The use of compresses as an additional treatment is shown in different age categories. This procedure is suitable for adults and children, the elderly or even pregnant and lactating mothers after consulting with the doctor.

Compresses from cough in our video:

Popular recipes

There are many recipes for compresses that help with coughing, even dry and unproductive. As an active ingredient, you can use almost everything that is at hand. Suitable:

  • vodka or diluted alcohol;
  • diluted vinegar;
  • cabbage leaves;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • coarse salt;
  • honey;
  • mustard.

You can use pharmacy products. To remove inflammation often used Ointment Vishnevsky or Dimexide. Compresses with essential oils help, they facilitate nasal breathing, relieve desires for coughing.

Below are a few popular recipes that will help you quickly cope with the symptoms and consequences of the common cold:

  1. Vodka or alcohol compress .A piece of linen or other fabric is soaked in 40-degree vodka or diluted medical alcohol. The warming compress is placed on the chest area and left for 30-50 minutes. This procedure for children can be carried out only after consulting a doctor, toddlers up to a year such a remedy is not recommended. Also, do not use this recipe for pregnant women, because it can complicate the course of pregnancy.
  2. Cabbage Compression .Whole cabbage leaves are lowered into hot water for a few minutes. Then they are removed, laid out on a plate and applied a thin layer of honey. The resulting honey side compress is applied to the chest and back, then wrapped with a towel or scarf. Such a folk remedy for cough relief can be used for both young children and pregnant women. When compressing a child under the age of one year, the temperature should be carefully checked so as not to provoke a skin burn. Potato warming compress .This is a wonderful tool that helps with a very dry and tearful cough. A small amount of potatoes are boiled in a uniform and folded into a plastic bag. Each potato is crushed with a crush to give a more flat shape. On the chest lay a thin towel, on top of a prepared bag of potatoes, and on top tie a scarf. Keep such a compress should not be more than 20-30 minutes. It can also be used in patients of different age categories, while ensuring that the compress is not very hot.
  3. Salt Compression. This is the simplest way to warm up and improve sputum discharge when wet and dry cough. The stone salt is heated in a frying pan, poured into a pouch and applied to the chest, also wrapped in a piece of warm cloth. Contraindications for such a tool is practically nonexistent. It can be used by all patients without a history of chronic diseases.
  4. Honey-mustard compress. This option is more suitable for chronic or prolonged coughing. For its preparation, a tablespoon of mustard, flour, honey and sunflower oil are mixed and heated on a water bath up to 40 degrees. The resulting cake is spread on parchment paper, and then stacked on the chest, covered with a film on top and a warm towel.
  5. Compress with Vishnevsky ointment. This procedure allows to reduce coughing attacks, to eliminate wheezing in the chest, but only at the initial stage of the disease. It is necessary to take a wide gauze, apply a thick layer of ointment from the tube, then lay a layer of polyethylene film. Hold such a compress can be 1-2 hours. To ease the condition, you need to repeat the treatment for several days.
  6. Compress with Dimexid. The drug must be diluted with water or saline. For children, it is best to breed in a ratio of 1: 4 or 1: 5.The obtained solution is wetted with a piece of cloth, laid on the chest and covered first with a film, and then wrapped in a warm shawl.

From what you can make a compress from a cough

How to apply a bandage to the neck, chest?

In order for the compress to have the necessary action, it is necessary to be able to properly apply it. The rules are different for the procedures performed in the neck and thorax. Pack the compress on the neck so that it does not affect the area of ​​the submandibular lymph nodes and the thyroid gland.

The fabric should fit tightly to the skin, but, in no case squeeze it. When placing the compress on the chest, the heart and axillary lymph nodes should be avoided.

How to make a compress on the chest( photo)

What you need to know: recommendations, rules, time of procedure

Neck or chest compress should not be done at high temperature marks. This can provoke complications or a greater temperature increase. The benefits of such a procedure will not be at all.

Depending on the active ingredient used, the severity of the disease, compresses are left for a period of 20 minutes to 6-8 hours, sometimes left overnight. Children under one year are advised not to leave them for longer than half an hour, especially with aggressive substances such as mustard.

It's also not necessary to keep warming bandages for pregnant women for a long time, as increased blood circulation can adversely affect the course of pregnancy. Most often, doctors recommend that such procedures be performed every other day. However, with some diseases, everyday use of them will help more.

How to apply a warming compress, see in our video:


Despite the fact that compresses are considered an excellent addition to the main treatment of colds, in some cases their use is unacceptable. Categorical contraindications are people suffering:

  • by abrupt changes in blood pressure;
  • with dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • heart disease and cardiovascular system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • prone to bleeding.

How to treat a cough in a child, says Dr. Komarovsky:

Benefit and harm procedure, physiotherapeutic value

Everyone knows the symptoms of colds. It is stuffy nose, heavy breathing, coughing. The compress helps to cope with some symptoms and alleviate the course of the disease. According to reviews after the procedure, cough becomes more moist, sputum accumulates in the bronchi more easily, it becomes much easier to breathe.

But, despite such a large number of benefits, warming bandages can cause great harm. With extreme caution, you need to put compresses to children for up to a year and only after consulting a doctor. The same applies to pregnant women. It is required to strictly observe the rules for the imposition of such bandages and the time indicated by the doctor. Long-term warming instead of relief can significantly complicate the disease.

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