How to make a pneumomassage ear drum ear alone at home

Ear pathologies are very common. The treatment plan should be prescribed by a doctor. Of all the methods of therapy, otolaryngologists often prefer pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane.

This procedure gives good results for otitis, adhesions in the middle ear, and hearing loss. Manual massage is often done to prevent auditory disorders.

Pneumatic massage of tympanic membrane

This term means stimulation of oscillatory movements of the membrane, which increase the tone of muscle tissue. Under the influence of air flow, which has a variable intensity, the muscle begins to move the membrane.

Usually for the procedure use special apparatus - mechanical or electrical. A POLITZER balloon can also be used, which pumps the air. At home, palms are used for this.

Indications for the

procedure Some otolaryngological pathologies, such as tubo-otitis and otitis media, result in inflammation in the loss of mobility of the membrane. As a consequence, there is a risk of losing its basic functions - the transfer of vibrations to the structure of the inner ear. In this case, the patient develops deafness.

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There are a number of indications for the massage:

  • adhesive otitis media;
  • recovery after otitis media;
  • eustachiitis is an inflammatory lesion of the auditory tube;
  • sensorineural hearing loss.


This procedure should not be performed if inflammation worsens, as this can cause serious complications. In addition, massage can not be performed with barotrauma or atrophic lesion of the tympanic membrane.

Types of

Pressure fluctuations lead to a general improvement in the condition of the auditory organ. As a result of the pneumomassage improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues.

With systematic procedure, it is possible to cope with scar changes and adhesive processes. Due to pneumomassage, inflammation is suppressed and their negative consequences are eliminated.

There are several varieties of this procedure, each of which is characterized by certain features:

  1. Compression technique - contributes to an increase in the tone of blood vessels and the normalization of blood circulation.
  2. Infrasound Vacuum Procedure - provides relief of inflammation in tissues and stabilization of pressure.
  3. Procedure with mechanical or electrical action - restores the tympanic membrane, increasing its mobility.

How the

is carried out The technique of the procedure depends on the conditions. If the service is performed in a hospital, a special compressor is used.

Before using it, wash the tubes and tips with purified water. After this, the following actions are performed:

  1. The patient sits in front of the table where the device is installed.
  2. With the help of special regulators, the doctor sets the duration of the procedure, the number and amplitude of the pulses.
  3. In the person's ear, place the tube tips in such a way that they cover the auditory opening.
  4. Device include. If the patient complains of discomfort, the doctor regulates the performance of the device.
  5. After the set time has elapsed, the appliance switches off automatically and an audible alarm sounds. Then the tubes are removed.

How the hardware drum massage of the tympanic membrane is performed:

To carry out the massage using a POLITZER cylinder, a funnel of the correct size is attached to the flexible tube. It should be put on a rubber ring to completely cover the auditory hole. However, at first all elements of the device are treated with alcohol.

Pneumatic massage can be done at home and after a detailed consultation of a doctor. When performing the procedure, it is very important that the hands are clean and warm. The most popular technique is as follows:

  • is good to cover your ears with your hands so that no air gets into them;
  • gently press on the ears to provoke air pressure, - this is usually done every 2-3 seconds;
  • frequency and intensity should be controlled so that there is no discomfort;
  • make at least 10 clicks.

For prevention of diseases of the ears, 1 procedure per day will suffice. For therapeutic purposes, you need to hold at least 2-3 repetitions.

In addition, you can press the tragus with your index finger or thumb to the ear canal and press on it. Also, to perform the massage, you can enter index fingers in the ears:

  • take a deep breath and exhale;
  • put your fingers in your ears, then exhale the remaining air;
  • perform finger manipulation in different directions to cause movement of air;
  • quickly get your fingers.

To improve the effectiveness of the procedure, you can supplement self-massage with breathing exercises. They are an excellent alternative to blowing the auditory tube. To do this, it is necessary to do the following:

  • take a deep breath and pinch the nostrils with your fingers;
  • closing his mouth, try with effort to exhale through the nose;
  • swallow the air.

Preparation, and that it is necessary to know

Special preparation of pneumomassage does not require. If you plan to do the procedure yourself, you need to consult a doctor. Before performing self-massage, you must always clean the ear canals from sulfur.

Process, how long does the

take? The course of therapy usually includes 10 procedures that are performed every day or every other day. First, the minimum duration of the session is set to 1-3 minutes. Gradually, this indicator is increased. In addition to the appointment of a doctor, one must take into account the subjective feelings of the patient.

The benefits of the

procedure The pneumomassage has a combined effect on the organ of hearing:

  • increases the elasticity and mobility of the membrane;
  • strengthens muscle tissue;
  • increases the mobility of the auditory ossicles and serves as a prophylaxis of hearing loss;
  • prevents the appearance of cicatricial changes and ensures the extension of adhesions;
  • provides the elimination of inflammation and improves the outflow of serous fluid that accumulates in the tympanic cavity.

Video master-class exercises for improving hearing:

Pneumatic massage of the tympanic membrane is considered to be a rather effective procedure that allows to significantly improve the condition of the hearing organ and cope with the main diseases. However, this manipulation is only necessary for the doctor's prescription, following his recommendations.

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