Diagnosis of hearing acuity: methods, studies, indications, recommendations

Timely detected disease is much easier to treat than neglected forms. The same applies to the auditory function. If you have the slightest suspicion of hearing loss, you should always consult your doctor. With the help of modern diagnostic studies, it is possible to detect pathology in time and start its therapy.

Diagnosis of hearing acuity

Hearing research should begin with a hearing therapist. The specialist performs otoscopy - this procedure consists in examining the hearing organ. During this simple procedure, the doctor can detect mechanical damage and other ear anomalies.

Important for the audiologist are the patient's complaints about the symptoms of different pathologies - illegibility of speech during a conversation or the appearance of ringing in the ears. After performing otoscopy, the specialist selects a diagnostic method for hearing acuity based on the clinical picture.


Diagnostic tests are required in situations such as:

  • of the internal or middle ear disease, which is characterized by hearing loss;
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  • pathology of the nervous system, which are associated with damage to the cerebral cortex;
  • traumatic injury to the ear or head that caused hearing impairment;
  • otosclerosis;
  • suspected professional hearing loss;
  • otitis of different severity;
  • need to select a hearing aid;
  • neurinoma of the auditory nerve;
  • development of sensorineural hearing loss;
  • hearing loss of unknown origin;
  • adenoids;
  • violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane.


There are quite a few different diagnostic procedures that allow you to obtain objective results and determine the severity of the hearing loss and the causes of its development.


This is an effective procedure that allows you to determine the severity of the hearing and identify various disorders. The study is carried out using an audiometer - it's an electro-acoustic device that turns variable electrical voltages into sounds.

Audibility is measured in decibels. Due to this research the doctor has the opportunity to compare the obtained data with the norm values.

Audiometry is used to solve such problems:

  • assessment of hearing acuity;
  • definition of sensitivity to sounds of different frequencies;
  • analysis of airborne and bone conduction of sounds
  • evaluation of the quality of speech recognition;
  • choice of hearing aid.

This procedure has no contraindications and does not provoke pain. In the course of its conduct, the patient is put on headphones, through which signals are given. If a person hears a sound, he needs to press a button. As a result, the doctor receives an audiogram that allows you to determine the presence or absence of pathology.

How audiometry is conducted


This procedure is an objective diagnosis of diseases of the auditory organs. To conduct it, a special medical device is used - a tympanometer, which delivers sound pressure into the ears.

After that, the device captures the resistance that the wave encounters while moving through the auditory canals. The result of such a study is a graph.

Thanks to tympanometry, it is possible to establish:

  • level of pressure in the middle ear;
  • mobility of tympanum;
  • presence of abnormal secretions in the external auditory canal;
  • integrity and mobility of auditory ossicles;
  • internal ear condition and pathways.

This procedure does not cause discomfort and has no limitations. Therefore, it is carried out to all in the presence of appropriate evidence.

Impedance measurement

This term refers to a whole range of diagnostic studies that make it possible to assess the condition of the auditory tube as well as the middle ear. This method is included in the category of objective procedures, since it does not require the participation of the patient. The procedure does not depend on the conditioned reactions of a person, therefore it can be performed even for young children.

During the study, sound or air under pressure is supplied to the ear canal. This is done through a special rubber plug. Thanks to this, it is possible to check the mobility of the membrane and to evaluate the unconditioned acoustic reflex.

Impedanceometry allows you to determine the physiological capabilities of a person to hear, which does not depend on his perception and consciousness. This method is often used to perform differential diagnosis of various pathologies of the hearing organ. Also with his help it is possible to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy.

Test with the tuning forks

Undoubted advantage of this technique is the comparative simplicity of the device used, a slight change in acoustic characteristics, portability and excellent purity of sounds. The tuning fork makes it possible to evaluate air and bone conduction.

In the analysis of air conduction, the patient must close his eyes, and then answer if a sound is heard. If the answer is yes, he must determine which ear.

Test with tuning forks by the Rinne and Weber method

Additional research or analysis by

The simplest and most affordable method is hearing research with the help of live speech. To do this, one ear needs to be closed with a finger, and then ask the patient to repeat the words that the doctor says in a whisper or medium-volume voice.

As a rule, the severity of hearing is evaluated by the distance at which a whisper is heard. Healthy people can hear it from 15-20 m. It is important to consider that the distance depends largely on the composition of words. Thus, words with low frequency sounds are perceived from a distance of 5 m. If words have a treble characteristic, they can be recognized from 20-25 m.

Also, to assess the severity of hearing, the doctor can prescribe the following studies:

  1. Electro-chlo- ography is performed to measure the electrical potentials of the auditorynerve and inner ear. Thanks to this, it is possible to detect pathologies that accompany the vestibular hydrops.
  2. Otoacoustic emission - involves recording sounds that emanate from the inner ear. According to their fluctuations, it is possible to evaluate the functions of external hair cells. Through this study, it is possible to establish hearing impairment in young children.
  3. The method of acoustic stem evoked potentials is based on the study of bioelectric reactions of subcortical structures. Due to this, it is possible to determine the degree of perception of the sounds of the subcortex of the brain.

Watch the video how audiometry is conducted:

Prophylaxis of hearing loss

To prevent hearing impairment, it is necessary to prevent such diseases:

  • is not worth listening to loud music in headphones;
  • children need to be vaccinated in a timely manner from measles, rubella and mumps;
  • recommends that you avoid strong noise;
  • to protect your ears from loud sounds you can use headphones and plugs;
  • it is not necessary to include several instruments at the same time.

To cope with hearing impairments, you need to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis in a timely manner. Thanks to this, the specialist will be able to establish the causes and severity of the disease and select appropriate therapy.

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