The form of the pancreas

The appearance of páncreas is no less unique than its functions. Researchers of this mysterious organ at different times tried to establish the dependence of its shape on the structure of the abdomen, it is very in situ that it varied among different people. But such a connection has not yet been established. And the definitions given by practicing physicians of the pancreas configuration are based on a personal examination. One can find a comparison of this organ with a carrot, a pear, a crochet, a comma. .. It is the features of the spatial outline that formed the basis for determining the types of pancreas. They are described by the Soviet anatomist A.V.Melnikov in 1921:

  • elongated at the level of one vertebra;
  • G( L) - shaped( the body is bent at an angle);
  • bending approaching in appearance to the letter "L".

A number of researchers in determining the shape of the pancreas are repelled by the specificity of the cross section of the organ. The following varieties are distinguished:

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  • linguiform( spoon-shaped) and hammer-shaped, described in 1934 by I.S.Belozor and in 1939 I.I.Kiselev;
  • flat and trihedral, installed in 1948 RA.Alyavi and in 1952, K.I.Kulchytsky;
  • trihedral prism and elliptical cylinder, identified by NA.Asatiani.

But the shape of the cross section of the pancreas, as is known, is not uniform throughout its length, therefore it is more correct to apply this or that geometric characteristic to its specific departments. To the head - a rounded oval, to the body - a triangle, to the tail - an ellipse.

Individual parts of the prostate are very diverse in their configuration and position in the retroperitoneal space. Scientist G.A.Kaisaryants associates this with the uneven development of glandular tissue( 1947).In newborns, the pancreas in most cases has a wedge-shaped, elongated shape, the head is small. With age, there are tendencies to greater its severity and bend. The lower semicircle of the head may have a hook-shaped process. This section of the prostate is found in about 70% of people and depends on the form of the pancreas, so in the hammer-like variant it can be detected 6 times more often than in the linguiform.

The size of the organ that is impermanent is also formative. The variability of the value of the prostate is associated with the indices of individual fluctuations in the dimensions of its parts. It also depends directly on age and body weight.

But, one way or another, the shape of the pancreas can be correctly determined exclusively in the topographic relationship with neighboring organs. Close structures can move and squeeze it.

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