Plantain with gastritis - treatment with juice and decoction

Plantain - one of the most famous medicinal plants. It grows almost everywhere where people live. Therefore, probably, very few people who would not know about its property to accelerate the healing of wounds and fight infection.

But not everyone knows that this plant can be very useful also in the treatment of gastritis. How to prepare such a medicine? How and when should it be applied?

This plant is rather unpretentious, so you can find it almost everywhere. The only thing, it is undesirable to use leaves of a plant, which grew near a busy road or some environmentally unsafe place. In addition to useful and healing substances, in this case, harmful substances can accumulate.

Externally, all kinds of plantain have a very similar appearance: oval leaves are dark green, which are located in the form of rosettes, and flowers-arrows.

When can and can not use plantain in gastritis?

Plantain can be very effective in treating chronic forms of gastritis, when the acidity of the gastric juice is below the norm or it is released in insufficient quantities.

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But, at the same time, this option of treatment of gastritis is not suitable if the acidity of the stomach exceeds the norm or its secretion is increased. Particularly undesirable is its use, if there is not only inflammation in the stomach, but ulcerative lesions.

In addition to such conditions of the stomach, there are still some contraindications for its use, for example, the tendency to form blood clots.

How to prepare and apply a plantain broth for gastritis?

For the treatment of gastritis, one of the folk remedies can be used:

  1. Decoction of dried plantain - you need to stock up the plant during the warm season, dry it, and then use it at the right time to prepare the product. You will need one tablespoon of already crushed dried leaves. She poured a glass of boiling water and left for two hours. The present broth is filtered and drunk in small sips for an hour. Do this every day for a period of treatment, that is, two weeks.
  2. Decoction of fresh leaves with the addition of honey. This recipe can be used only in the warm season, when plantain can be found on the street. It is necessary to collect the leaves, wash them well, cut them, squeeze out the juice from them. Then take honey in an amount equal to the amount of juice obtained, mix. The mixture is put on a slow fire and cooked for about 7 minutes. Take this medicine 3 times daily.

Juice of plantain with gastritis

This treatment option is slightly more complicated in the sense that you will need more plantain, besides fresh.

It is necessary to collect the leaves, wash them well, let them through the meat grinder. Kashitsu, which turned out, is collected in a small bag of gauze and squeezed well. We get pure juice.

It must be stored in the refrigerator. In order to taste more pleasant, a small amount of honey can be added to the juice. But this must be done immediately before use.

Take this medicine for gastritis - three times a day, a quarter of an hour before eating.

Before you start taking the medication, you need to visit a doctor to be sure that you have exactly the form of gastritis, which shows the treatment of plantain, and to avoid deterioration. It is also worth checking the blood clotting level and the number of cellular elements of blood to prevent the formation of thrombi against the background of the plantain.

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