Erosive-ulcerative gastritis of the stomach acute with high acidity, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies, diet, how to treat?

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In our uneasy time, inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract can be considered a "scourge" of people living not only in large megacities with their unhealthy ecology, but also the inhabitants of remote places. One of the varieties of this disease is ulcerative, or erosive gastritis. He is rightly considered the most dangerous and difficult to treat a variety of stomach diseases.

Any kind of gastritis is such a pathology of the digestive organ, in which the natural functioning of its mucous membrane is disturbed. With this kind of disease, as erosive-ulcerative, called in the people erosive, digestive enzyme containing hydrochloric acid, destroys the epithelial layer in the stomach.

This leads to the formation on the mucosa of small, but numerous defects, which are similar in appearance to the damage that occurs with peptic ulcer. The only difference is that with proper treatment of gastritis, their healing takes place without the formation of scars.

The causes of ulcerative gastritis are numerous. The most important role here is a violation of diet, as well as eating foods containing a large number of preservatives and various flavor additives, through which manufacturers often hide substandard and spoiled goods.

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In addition, an important role is assigned to factors contributing to the development of the disease, such as stressful situations, unfavorable working conditions or lifestyle, frequent nervous overstrain, alcohol abuse, long-term and uncontrolled intake of non-steroid drugs or antibiotics. Quite often, as a cause of the disease with ulcerative gastritis, there is also a contamination of Helicobacter pylori with bacteria.

Symptoms that accompany ulcerative gastritis of the stomach

The most dangerous in the occurrence of acute ulcerative gastritis is that it develops at lightning speed. Often enough 5-6 hours after the effect on the stomach of the provoking factor, to show the main, very severe symptoms of the disease, among which the most common are:

  • Severe epigastric pain;
  • Loss of appetite and persistent unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth;
  • Vomiting with inclusions of bloody discharge;
  • The temperature rises, and any touch to the epigastric region causes very sharp painful spasms.

All these signs indicate that in the gastric mucosa formed jagged-like defects that begin to bleed. Therefore, early treatment is necessary to prevent the further development of erosive gastritis, which may be a prerequisite for the development of more terrible, often incurable, stomach diseases.

What acidity is manifested with ulcerative gastritis?

Everyone knows that any disease of the digestive organs occurs against the background of a change in their secretory function toward a decrease or increase. Therefore, quite often from patients you can hear the question about the increased or decreased acidity of gastric juice in the acute form of erosive-ulcerative gastritis.

This type of disease is always accompanied by increased production of stomach enzymes by the digestive enzyme. Erosive ulcerative gastritis with high acidity is always divided into 2 subspecies: acute and chronic.

Its acute form is characterized by the fact that the erosion formed on the mucous membrane gives a very strong accompanying symptomatology, but in time it lasts no more than 2 weeks, after which the erosive damages with proper treatment begin to heal without leaving the scars behind.

And here the chronic form though has less accompanying unpleasant attributes, but completely is not cured. Education in the stomach of ulcerative defects occurs regularly, the periods of remission are replaced by relapses that are seasonal in nature and occur most often in spring or autumn. At this time, patients need to undergo a stationary examination, accompanied by the necessary treatment.

Treatment of peptic gastritis

Erosive-ulcerative gastritis of the stomach requires the use of only complex forms of treatment, all of which must be prescribed by a doctor. Any initiative with this disease will not only lead to the desired relief, but, which is likely, will provoke the development of more terrible, often fatal, diseases.

Complex therapy for ulcerative gastritis provides, in addition to the mandatory medicinal methods of treatment, also the use of diet, exercise therapy and folk remedies. All these methods can not only save the patient from unpleasant symptoms, but also are a very good preventive measure and can significantly prolong the periods of remission.

Diet, nutrition and folk remedies for the treatment of peptic gastritis

In inflammatory diseases of the stomach, any treatment should take place only against the background of a rational diet and a specially selected diet, so that the digestive organs work in a facilitated mode, and erosion defects in the mucous membrane ceased.

On the very first day after the onset of gastric ulcer, complete starvation is necessary to allow the damaged digestive organ to calm down. At this time, only warm herbal decoctions or loosely brewed tea are allowed.

You can also drink mineral water. But be sure to pay attention to the fact that it was intended for such diseases of the digestive tract, which have increased acidity. From the 2nd day, well-cooked and wiped food is introduced into the patient's diet. An excellent effect will be achieved with the use of milk porridges and mucous soups.

In periods of exacerbations, to alleviate the severe symptoms, as well as for the prevention of ulcerative gastritis during remissions, folk remedies are recommended. Well-established decoctions of oats, potato juice, honey, propolis, juice and pulp of aloe. But all these folk remedies, despite the fact that they have excellent reviews, still have to be taken after an individual consultation with the attending physician, so as not to cause additional harm to the digestive organs.

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