Decomposition of the pancreas, what to do if it decomposes?

The pancreas, in the course of its activity, releases specific enzymes that promote unhindered digestion of food. However, there are certain pathologies due to which the output of enzymes into the duodenum, which is responsible for digestion, ceases, and since their activity does not stop for a minute, the process of autolysis begins - the decomposition of the pancreas. The causes of this process can be a number of factors, including infection, alcoholism, metabolic disorders and some others.

Quite often the reason that iron decomposes is the formation of stones, as they clog the ducts of the gland, so that the outflow of enzymes from it becomes impossible. Such a disease does not occur asymptomatically, therefore, in case of timely treatment for medical help, the process of decomposition of the pancreas can be stopped before it becomes irreversible.

Chronic pancreatitis also contributes to the autolysis of the pancreas. Moreover, against the background of the disease, the pathological process often proceeds slowly and asymptomatically, which provokes the development of diabetes mellitus. In most cases, this occurs against the background of pancreatitis complicated by other diseases of the digestive tract, so in this case, pancreatitis and pancreatic decomposition is not said as a cause, but as a consequence of the disease.

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As a result of autolysis, there are diseases of the gland, which are manifested by numerous of its changes - from a small edema and ending with necrosis, from focal to extensive. However, in 90% of cases, pancreatitis is still accompanied by only a minor decomposition of the tissues, the signs of which are edema and moderate pain in the patient. In other cases, severe forms of fat or hemorrhagic necrosis are observed, accompanied by metabolic disorders, fluid accumulation in the body and some other pathologies, up to a lethal outcome. As a rule, timely and correctly treated pancreatitis does not lead to any negative consequences and the functions of the pancreas are restored in full. However, in the presence of chronic pancreatitis, residual events may persist, as a result of which some functions of the gland will be violated, besides, there may be occasional exacerbations.

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