Coronary angiography of heart vessels: price, consequences, patient reviews

To prevent sudden troubles, which are fraught with cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to take them under control. Timely surveys will help you not to miss dangerous moments and take the necessary measures. The consequences, what it is, the coronary angiography of the vessels of the heart, its consequences, the price and the patients' comments about it - about all this and not only we will talk in this material.

What is coronarography

Coronary vessels respond to nutrition of the heart muscle. It depends on their state whether this function will be fully functional.

To find out whether there are any obstacles for delivery of blood through the blood to the myocardium caused by insufficient functioning of the coronary arteries, a procedure called coronarography is performed.

Elena Malysheva will tell in detail about what is coronarography:

To whom she is prescribed

The study is done in connection with the acute condition of the patient( myocardial infarction) or in the form of a diagnostic check.

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Recommend to patients with such problems:

  • if drug treatment does not work,
  • when preparing for surgery,
  • when there are indications that the supply of the heart muscle occurs in insufficient quantity.

Why go through this procedure

Coronarography answers questions:


For prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, our readers advise the drug "NORMALIFE".This is a natural remedy that affects the cause of the disease, completely preventing the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. NORMALIFE has no contraindications and begins to act within a few hours after its use. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been repeatedly proven by clinical studies and long-term therapeutic experience.

The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • is there a narrowing of the channel in the arteries,
  • localization of problem areas,
  • pathology character,
  • the dimensions of the site that has a narrowing: the extent and extent of the lumen decrease.

Due to the fact that the patient during the manipulation is under the influence of ionizing radiation, the exercise is carried out, as necessary, which is determined by the doctor.

Types of diagnostics

Variety of techniques:

  • Intravascular diagnostics , which uses ultrasound - the method is rarely used.
  • CT coronarography is a non-invasive way to check the condition of the coronary vessels. The method is modern, but not every medical institution has the necessary equipment. It is carried out with the help of computer tomography using electrocardiographic synchronization. The method has the ability to give high accuracy results.
  • The method that applies the catheterization of .The method is called selective interventional. This method of diagnosis is the first option that was developed to study the coronary vascular bed. To date, it is widely used. Unlike other methods of diagnosis, it is possible to perform simultaneous treatment. If the goal is only diagnosis, then the invasiveness of the method can be attributed to its shortcomings.
  • MR coronarography is a method that is not used in medical institutions, but more in scientific research. The methodology for evaluating the results is not sufficiently developed to obtain an accurate analysis.

Indications for the

It is:

  • refining diagnosis of coronary artery and heart condition on the eve of surgery,
  • examination of the condition of previously installed stents and shunts,
  • the need for coronary angiography to determine the possible presence of coronary artery narrowing to confirm coronary disease;
  • attacks of pain in the retrosternal region,
  • myocardial infarction - the procedure is performed urgently;
  • complex measures for the diagnosis of heart diseases associated with coronary and other vessels of this area;
  • the presence of symptoms that indicate malnutrition of the myocardium;
  • is an ischemic disease that shows little of itself;
  • cases where treatment of angina by taking medication does not bring the expected result;
  • , other heart studies have shown the possibility of ischemic disease,
  • revealed that the patient has a rhythm disturbance to a dangerous degree;
  • if the patient has suffered a heart attack and has angina attacks.

Contraindications for

Coronarography is not done in case:

  • if a patient has a contrast agent causing an allergy, the
  • state of the patient makes it impossible for him to cooperate with a physician during the procedure, the
  • patient carries a child.

The next chapter will tell about possible complications and consequences after coronary angiography of the vessels of the heart.

Is the

method safe? Manipulation gives, in the case of a selective procedure, no more than 1% of complications. Possible complications in the diagnosis of an invasive method:

  • , thrombus rupture during catheter advance,
  • ventricular fibrillation,
  • air embolism,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • cardiac wall damage.

CT coronary angiography is a safer method. The listed complications when performing the diagnosis in this way are impossible.

Preparation for coronary angiography of the heart vessels is discussed below.

Preparing for

procedure Before carrying out the manipulation, the specialist directs the patient to a small examination. Conducted:

  • electrocardiography,
  • echocardiography,
  • blood test for the determination of the group,
  • specialist consultation at the discretion of the attending physician,
  • sample for viruses.

Preparation for procedure:

  • The patient is warned in advance that manipulation is performed on an empty stomach. The patient stops eating from the evening.
  • The puncture site, if necessary, shaves.
  • Taking medication several days before the procedure and immediately before it.

For CT coronary angiography:

  • is analyzed if there is good venous access to the heart, which can provide the required rate of contrast agent entry into the coronary arteries in order to obtain a proper quality study;
  • assesses the patient's condition in terms of the possibility of his cooperation with a specialist during the procedure.

On how the coronary angiography of the vessels of the heart is done, we will tell below.

How the coronary angiography is conducted will tell this video:

How everything passes

Selective technique

For selective coronary angiography, perform the following actions:

  • Under local anesthesia, the patient is placed on a catheter. The entry site is selected:
    • femoral artery,
    • forearm,
    • radial artery.
  • Catheter is advanced along the vessels to the coronary arteries.
  • Contrast substance is supplied to the coronary artery zone.
  • With the help of an angiograph, the moment when contrast medium is distributed along the coronary arteries is monitored. The monitor displays the internal channel of the arteries. To obtain the completeness of the information, pictures are taken from different angles.

When a contrast agent enters the body, the patient may feel fever. During the procedure, the rhythm of the heart slows down, the patient feels it, in this action there is a need for the removal of accurate information.

The method is different in that if it is required to do stenting or balloon dilatation, it is possible, in agreement with the patient, to perform simultaneously with the diagnosis. The patient is exposed to ionizing radiation during the procedure. He is conscious, does not feel any discomfort. Diagnosis lasts about forty minutes.

How to perform such a check as CT coronary angiography of the heart vessels, read on.

CT coronarography

CT coronarography is performed using a tomograph. The best option is a 64-slice unit. The procedure is non-invasive, proceeding as follows:

  • An hour before the start of the study, the patient is offered to take a medicine that lowers the frequency of cardiac contractions.
  • An intravenous catheter is administered with a contrast formulation.
  • A computerized tomograph scans the condition of the coronary arteries.
  • Synchronization with an electrocardiogram allows you to take pictures at the time of diastole. Such images give a qualitative picture. This method allows to obtain a 3-D image and determine the state of the vessel wall.

Decoding of results and cost of diagnostics

After carrying out of diagnostics the patient receives the advisory conclusion of the expert and a disk with the information on research. The patient is shown a record of what is on the disk and gives an explanation of the condition of the coronary vessels and the recommended treatment.

Cost of coronary angiography of the heart vessels - approximately 19,000 rubles.

More information about coronary angiography is contained in the video below:

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