Gastritis DGR( duodenal-gastric reflux)

Duodeno gastric reflux( DGR) is a disease in which the progressive permeability of food through the gastric and intestinal tract is disrupted. In this case, the alkaline content, which is in the duodenum, is thrown into the stomach. Since the gastric mucosa is constantly irritated, an inflammatory reaction occurs. This condition is called reflux gastritis. It can be asymptomatic. It is found in 13% of the population in adulthood.

Causes of gastritis DGD

The causes of gastritis of duodenal gastral reflux are physiological changes in which peristalsis and sphincter function are disrupted. Most often this condition occurs with autonomic dystonia.

The appearance of duodenal gastrular reflux( DGR) can be caused by tumors located at this site, various surgical interventions on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Also such chronic diseases as pancreatitis, cholecystitis and hepatitis. Harmful effects on the gastric mucosa are contained in the juice of pancreatic enzymes, bile acids and lysolecithin. Therefore, DRG often passes with gastritis and duodenitis.

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Symptoms of gastritis DGR

Because of digestive disorders, appetite decreases, body weight decreases, rashes appear. The emerging symptoms with GDR are usually nonspecific, they are characterized by:

  • pain in the epigastric region, which appears after some time after eating.
  • feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, bloating and swelling;
  • heartburn;
  • eructation and bitterness in the mouth;
  • thick yellow coating on the tongue.

Diagnosis of gastritis DGD

For the diagnosis of gastritis DGR it is necessary not only to examine and examine the patient, but also to do a number of examinations.

  1. US of internal organs. Gives the opportunity to see the various pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract and to establish the cause of the disease.
  2. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. With this study, you can see the gastric mucosa and take tissue for histological and cytological examination.
  3. Measure the acidity level in the stomach. Of particular importance is the measurement of acidity during the day.
  4. Analysis of gastric juice. Will help determine the composition of its contents.

Duodenal reflux gastritis can be detected in any person. Its development is promoted by overeating, disturbance of peristalsis and nervous overexertion. However, such conditions do not lead to serious disorders in the body. Reflux gastritis often occurs with a constant irritation of the stomach contents of the duodenum. It can be of several types:

  • superficial, there are atrophic changes in the upper layer of the gastric shell;
  • is catarrhal, with it there is edema, hyperemia and inflammatory reaction;
  • erosive, which causes defects on the surface of the mucosa;
  • biliary, in which dyskinesia of bile ducts is expressed.

Treatment of duodenal reflux

Treatment of DGR is aimed at eliminating the irritating effect of the contents of the duodenum and on the normalization of gastrointestinal motility. For this, the following drugs are used.

  1. Prokinetics( Domperidone, Motilium).They normalize the work of sphincters and help promote food.
  2. Ursofalk converts aggressive bile acids into metabolites, which helps to reduce the harmful effect on the stomach.
  3. Proton pump inhibitors( omeprazole) are prescribed to reduce the acidity of gastric contents. Since bile acids have a harmful effect only in an acidic environment, if the juice becomes neutral, the mucosa will become less irritated.
  4. Almagel and bismuth preparations are prescribed for erosive damage.

Nutrition for gastritis DGR

Nutrition plays a large role in the healing of duodenal gastral reflux. It should be fractional, small portions. The intervals between meals are small. It is necessary to completely exclude smoking and alcohol intake in DGR.Avoid the use of spicy, sour, smoked and fried foods. It is not advisable to drink liquid while eating. In the diet should be grated cooked food( soups, cereals, meat).When the patient's condition improves, the diet is gradually increased and vegetables and fruits are added.

After eating for an hour, it is undesirable to take a horizontal position, avoid physical exertion. Do not wear tight clothes, which contributes to increased intra-abdominal pressure. With the diagnosis of gastritis DGR should be a healthy lifestyle, often walking in the fresh air.

With proper diagnosis of DGR, drug treatment and diet compliance, the prognosis of the disease will be favorable. However, if the patient does not immediately seek medical help or breaks the diet, this disease can develop into a stomach ulcer or the formation of a malignant tumor.

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