What is fibrocystic breast mastopathy: symptoms and signs, photo, treatment, causes

Mastopathy refers to the fairly common pathological conditions affecting the breast tissue. Most women at least once experienced rapid mastopathy symptoms associated with painful sensations in the chest.

What is mastopathy?

Mastopathy in medical circles is considered to be a dyshormonal mammary fat pathology, in which there is a proliferation of breast tissue, accompanied by the formation of various seals or cystic formations.

The photo shows what the fibrocystic breast mastopathy looks like on the

ultrasound Mastopathy is most typical for 30-50-year-old patients, but for women who are in the postmenopausal period and who do not undergo hormone therapy, such a disease is not typical. Often, mastopathy is called fibrocystic breast disease, etc.

During the diffuse period, mastopathy is easiest to cure because there is no need for surgical intervention. But women at this stage rarely focus on the slight soreness of the breast before menstruation, which itself passes through a couple of days.

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Types of fibrocystic mastopathy

Specialists classify mastopathy of the mammary glands into a nodular and diffuse form.

In this case, diffuse mastopathy can develop in several varieties:

  • Nodal;
  • Diffuse;
  • Glandular;
  • Fibrous;
  • Cystic;
  • Mixed.

For diffuse mastopathy, typically a proliferation of breast tissue, accompanied by a slight soreness for a couple of days before menstruation. In the upper zone of the breast, several small formations are formed.

If therapy is not available at this stage, the pathology degenerates into nodular mastopathy. This pathological form is characterized by the formation of fairly dense nodules that are easily palpated by a mammologist.

This significantly increases the soreness in the tissues of the breast. It is piercing and pulling, often radiating to the back, shoulders or ribs. These pains do not depend on menstruation and can be accompanied by secretions of an incomprehensible liquid substance from the nipples.


Localized mastopathic form is characterized by the presence of one or several dense foci, which differ more densified, granular lobular structure and have a clear limitation. From diffuse mastopathy it is distinguished by the presence of a small number of seals.


A similar form of mastopathy is manifested by an oblate, soft form of the mammary glands.

They become bigger at times, they may ache a bit.

Involutive changes in the dairy tissues are the replacement of normal structures with fat tissues.

Sometimes the involutive process extends to the axillary lymph nodes.

The causes of

Experts believe that the main prerequisite for the formation of fibroadenoma is the failure of the hormonal background, a change in the quantitative ratio of hormones.

Also, the excess prolactin hormone can lead to the development of fibroadenoma. Then in patients there is a constant slight condensation of the entire breast, swelling of the nipples and other symptoms, which usually manifests only before the menstrual period and passes through a couple of days.

There are other factors that lead to the development of mastopathy. They include:

  • Regular sexual dissatisfaction. Regularity of sexual relations can increase immunity, ensure the correct course of all metabolic processes and contribute to the development of the necessary amount of hormones. But if a woman does not have regular sex, the ovaries begin to malfunction, provoking menstrual irregularities, emotional irritability, hormonal imbalance, etc.;
  • Late or complicated delivery. They are accompanied by the strongest hormonal explosion, the higher the severity of delivery, the more various hormonal substances are released into the blood. In the future, it may happen that the hormonal balance can not recover completely;
  • Psychological problems. Here experts include troubles in the professional sphere, family quarrels, troubles with the child's health, overwork and stress;
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy. Abortion is always regarded as the strongest stress, the body is already preparing for the cultivation of a new life, the hormonal composition changes, all systems are reconfigured. And then all of a sudden everything ends. As a result, the body can not immediately adjust to the former mode and there may be a hormonal imbalance;
  • Breastfeeding. Today, midwifery and gynecology are encouraged to breastfeed babies. But many women do not want the shape of the breasts to deteriorate, stretch marks and so on, so they refuse GW.Milk accumulates in the mammary glands, which is fraught with the development of inflammatory processes( mastitis), and then mastitis;
  • Problems with the liver. The liver system is engaged in the purification of blood from various kinds of toxic substances, from hormones that have already fulfilled their term, too. If the liver does not cope with their work, then the "rejected" hormones begin to accumulate in the bloodstream. As a result, unpredictable hormonal complications such as hypothalamic-hypothalamic activity, etc., can develop;
  • Pathology of the gynecological sphere. Inflammatory processes in the ovaries lead to problems in the development of estrogen hormones. As a result, both deficiency and estrogen excess may develop;
  • Hereditary factors. Experts with full confidence state that fibroadenoma can be transmitted by hereditary way. But not the disease itself, but a predisposition to it. In other words, ladies who have women with mastopathy in the family are at risk of this disease;
  • Endocrine disruptions. Often violations in the thyroid gland lead to failure of the hypophyseal-hypothalamus activity, which leads to hormonal imbalance;
  • Obesity. A similar disease develops against the background of metabolic disorders, which also provoke mastopathy. In addition, fatty tissues also form estrogens, which leads to their redundancy and imbalance of hormones;
  • Harmful habits. Alcohol, tobacco - these dependencies seriously affect the hormonal background;
  • Traumatic factors. With random shocks, jerks, compression, the process of formation of fibroadenoma, which can last for years, can start.

Symptoms of

The characteristic first signs of fibro-cystic forms of mastomatics include puffiness, soreness and coarsening of dairy fermented tissues.

This symptom complex is called mastodynia.

Seals in the chest are often painful during palpation, and pain symptoms become more intense before menstruation and in the second half of the cycle.

Sometimes a single seal is found, but it is possible for the formation of multiple formations.

The most common manifestations of mastopathy in women and men are:

  1. Sensible compaction in the chest;
  2. Palpable nodal formations in glandular tissue;
  3. Similar to colostrum;
  4. Pain, prone to strengthening when touched;
  5. Swelling of the breast.

If mastopathy is cystic in nature, that is, cavities filled with fluid are formed in the chest, then some patients experience swelling and an increase in lymph nodes.

If an infectious process joins the pathology, which often happens in cystic mastopathies and fibromas, there is an increase in temperature, hyperemia of the skin on the chest, and green-yellow mucus is released from the nipples.

Features of the disease in children before the year

Mastopathy can form in children. In this case, there is a noticeable swelling of the affected breast, it can significantly increase.

At palpation the child starts to cry, because such a procedure gives him pain. When pressing on the nipple, a whitish liquid substance is usually released.

Mastopathy is diagnosed in children with the help of ultrasound, mammography in this case is ineffective.

In fact, before 3 years of age, mastopathy in children is physiological in nature. Over time, it passes without a trace. After 3 years it is already considered by experts as a pathology. Treatment is usually non-hormonal and involves the intake of vitaminized drugs, immunomodulating and sedatives.

Diagnosis of the breast

Timely detection of the presence of neoplasm, compaction and other abnormalities in the dairy tissues is self-examination, which involves independent probing of the breast.

With regard to instrumental techniques for determining mastopathy, they include such studies:

  • Ultrasound;
  • Biocontrast mammography;
  • Diaphanoscopy;
  • MRI;
  • Pneumocystographic study;
  • Doktografiya;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Biopsy;
  • Blood test for hormones, etc.

Why is this tumor dangerous?

The main danger of such pathological process as mastopathy is considered the fact that with its long development and the absence of appropriate therapy, the probability of malignancy and formation of cancer education is high.

How to cure the disease?

The main direction in the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy of mammary glands is the adjustment of the hormonal level.

The healing process is controlled by specialists like an endocrinologist and a gynecologist.

If there is pronounced soreness and an increased estrogen content, then drugs such as Pharesterone or Tamoxifen are prescribed, which reduce the hormonal effect on the ferrous structure.

Since mastopathy frequently causes menstrual irregularity, oral contraceptives are prescribed.

Also, medication therapy involves taking antioxidant drugs, which is done to prevent the degeneration of the tumor process into cancer.

If there is a suspicion of the malignant origin of the nodular seal or there is a risk of malignancy, then surgical removal is resorted to. There are many folk remedies, but they are not recommended for use as the main therapy. For this purpose, decoction of the burdock root, aloe leaf pulp with honey, lemonade on the walnut shell, etc.

Forecast in the treatment of

If the pathology was detected at the initial stage and the treatment was started in time, the chances for a complete cure are about 99%.

Usually, such tumors have no tendency to malignancy or any complications. However, if the hormonal background fails after healing, then the probability of a relapse of the pathology is high.


To avoid any kind of deterioration in the condition, it is necessary to know, which can not be tolerated in the presence of mastopathy:

  1. You can not tan. Ultraviolet provokes the release of estrogen hormones, increases the sensitivity of the dairy tissues. Even under the umbrella on the chest will be affected by diffuse ultraviolet;
  2. You can not bathe in a sauna, or visit a sauna;
  3. It is impossible to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures like massage, all kinds of warming up etc.;
  4. Breast supercooling can also not be tolerated, because it is fraught with a complication of inflammatory processes;
  5. Hormonal contraceptives should also be excluded, because they further disbalance the level of hormones;
  6. Eliminate stress, overstrain neural disorders;
  7. Abandon coffee, smoked and salted foods, fried and fatty foods, spicy foods and alcohol.

Prevention of

To avoid the development of fibrocystic mastopathy, it is necessary to observe some rules:

  • It is good to eat and keep a healthy lifestyle;
  • Avoid excessive stresses;
  • To introduce regularity in sexual relations;
  • Correctly choose a bra;
  • Do not give up breastfeeding;
  • Refuse from smoking and abuse of alcohol;
  • Avoid traumatic factors, UV radiation.

Such simple actions can prevent the occurrence of problems with the mammary gland.

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