Treatment of fibroadenoma with and without surgery: tumor removal price, video, reviews

Fibroadenoma of the breast is one of the most common pathologies of this organ. Being a benign neoplasm, in some cases it can lead to very serious consequences( up to malignancy of the tumor process).

Early detection and timely treatment of nodular fibroadenomas allows to get rid of them with a conservative( unprotected) route. The initiated fibroadenomas( especially leaf-shaped) are treated only by surgical intervention.

Signs of

Most often, fibroadenomas are detected by women during self-examination of the mammary glands. For fibroadenoma is characterized by:

  • The presence of one or more rounded neoplasms( 0.2 to 7 cm in diameter) with an even elastic surface resembling an elastic rubber ball. Without being bound to the skin, they are quite mobile: they can be moved with the help of fingers. They do not deliver any painful sensations. This is how nodular species manifest themselves as fibroadenomas.
  • Phyloid( leaf-shaped) fibroadenomas have a different symptomatology. The skin newly formed with a skin has a tuberous surface. The skin of the affected breast acquires a bluish color. Pressing on the affected area can cause pain. Sometimes there are clear, odorless discharge from the nipple and the formation on it and the skin of the adjacent area of ​​small cracks and sores.
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  • During menstruation, the size of fibroadenoma can increase threefold.

Methods of treatment of fibroadenoma of the breast

There are two methods of treatment of fibroadenomas: conservative and surgical. Since conservative treatment ends with resorption of the tumor in only one tenth case, preference is given to the methods of surgical intervention.

Conservative treatment is performed by methods:

  • Dynamic observation, which is reduced to regular( up to four times a year) mammal examinations and ultrasound monitoring of fibroadenoma condition. Indication for the choice of this tactic is a small( up to two centimeters) tumor size, the lack of growth dynamics and pain sensations.
  • Therapy with hormonal drugs. Assigned with the same parameters of the tumor, it is not used too often due to its low efficiency.
  • Homeopathic therapy, which has an auxiliary effect. Preparations created on the basis of medicinal herbs, can alleviate the symptoms of painful periods and eliminate pain in the chest.
  • Cryoablation.
  • Laser ablation.
  • Radio Frequency Therapy.

The last three methods are listed by us in the list of methods of conservative treatment is not at all by mistake. Despite the fact that they all envisage penetration into the breast tissue through micro cuts and punctures, they are usually referred not to surgical, but to conservative therapy.

How to treat a breast cyst without surgery

The cyst is one type of mammary adenoma. Traditional medicine offers many recipes for its treatment with infusions, herbs, decoctions and compresses made from herbs.

Treatment of breast fibroadenoma by folk remedies:

  • Freshly burred burdock root of large is rubbed on a fine grater and poured with steep boiling water, the volume of which is twenty times larger than the volume of the plant mass obtained. After a three-hour infusion and straining, the drug is ready for use. Take it before eating( after taking one sip) in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • After releasing from the kernels of the shell of fifteen walnuts , put it in a 0.5 liter jar and fill it with vodka to the brim. Insist for seven days. After straining take in the throat( in the morning and on an empty stomach).
  • Dry herb St. John's wort( 20 g) pour steep boiling water( 200 ml). Cover the dishes with a lid, allow it to brew and cool to a comfortable body temperature. Prepared infusion wet gauze and, folding it several times, apply to the affected mammary gland. Covering with a polyethylene film and warming, leave a compress for fifteen minutes. Apply daily. In the same way, compresses are made from the sweet clover.

Deletion operation, is it necessary?

The decision on the need for surgical removal of fibroadenoma is taken by the treating specialist exclusively on an individual basis and only after the completion of a comprehensive diagnostic examination of the patient.

Indication for the mandatory removal of fibroadenoma is:

  • Its leaf-like structure.
  • Pregnancy planned by the patient. Hormonal rearrangement occurring in the body of a pregnant woman can provoke an intensive growth of the neoplasm, as well as the risk of malignancy.
  • Constant tumor growth.
  • Large( over two centimeters) neoplasm.
  • Suspicion of the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one.

Fibroadenomas are removed by methods:

  • Enucleation( tumor tissue shedding).
  • Sectoral resection( not only tumor tissues, but also adjacent tissues are removed).It is used for suspected malignancy.


The duration of the operation performed under local anesthesia or under intravenous( gentle) anesthesia is from twenty minutes to one hour. Both enucleation and sectoral resection are among the simple and completely safe operations performed in this sequence:

  • the patient is anesthetized;
  • perform the cut;
  • removes the tumor( sometimes with a portion of the adjacent tissue);
  • impose postoperative sutures;
  • in a hospital monitor its condition during the day( with a particularly successful operation, the patient can stay in the hospital for no more than two hours).

Laser Removal

Laser ablation is an extremely effective technique that requires neither anesthesia nor hospitalization of the patient.

Under the control of an ultrasound navigator, the laser beam is directed to the tumor and destroys its tissues by intense thermal exposure. Healthy tissues do not suffer from this. The procedure leaves only a barely visible trace on the skin.


This is a modern, fast and effective method of removing fibroadenoma by its freezing with liquid nitrogen. Due to the high-tech equipment, which has ultrasonic navigation, the procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour and is carried out in an outpatient setting.

Radio frequencies

This type of ablation is performed using radio frequency equipment. Having performed above the tumor a tiny( no more than eight millimeters) incision, insert into it a tip of a surgical knife separating healthy tissues from the affected. After this, the robotic unit removes the tumor tissue.

Postoperative period

Postoperative recovery of patients with fibroadenoma, as a rule, passes quickly and completely painlessly.

Authoritative clinics practice advising patients on the phone.

During such conversation the attending physician will necessarily give his ward a number of useful recommendations.

Consequences of

  • Properly performed surgical operation with fibroadenoma, performed by enucleation with the participation of a plastic surgeon, allows you to do without any cosmetic defects. After healing of the postoperative wound, intradermal cosmetic sutures become almost invisible.
  • Surgery for the sectoral resection of a tumor together with a part( at a distance of one to three centimeters) of adjacent tissues usually leaves a noticeable cosmetic defect.
  • Modern methods of non-surgical treatment with fibroaden( cryodestruction, laser ablation, high frequency use) leave minor cosmetic defects in the skin of patients in the form of subtle scarred scars.


The cost of an operation to remove fibroaden in clinics in Moscow is determined by a variety of factors: the status of the medical institution, the class of the specialist who is treating and equipped with modern medical equipment, high-quality tools and surgical materials.

Taking into account all the above:

  • The cost of enucleation of breast fibroadenoma ranges from 12,000 to 35,000 rubles.
  • The cost of sectoral resection ( with the first degree of complexity) is 17000-20000 rubles, the operation of the second category of complexity will cost the patient 30 000-35 000 rubles, the third - in 40000-45000 rubles.



Six months after the removal of fibroadenoma, my doctor discovered at me several small nodules in both mammary glands. Contrary to the forecasts of the doctors, I did not go for surgery, but assiduously took hormonal preparations, went to the uzi and desperately believed in my recovery. And a miracle happened: a few months later all these nodules disappeared. Another uzi confirmed that I am completely healthy.


The tumor of the right breast was discovered when I turned 19 years old. Analyzes and uzi confirmed the diagnosis. I had a large enough( more than 2 cm) fibroadenoma. On the advice of a doctor, I decided on an operation. It passed painlessly, leaving a beautiful thin seam on my skin. However, after resorption of the threads, an incident occurred: the postoperative suture did not have time to overgrow at this time. The opening wound was then prolonged for a long time. The seam, fortunately, remained small and almost invisible.


Through the expensive procedure of laser removal of fibroadenoma, I went to a German clinic. Impressions are amazing. Cleanliness, polite staff, the most complicated equipment operating. The procedure took about half an hour. I felt no pain, only a warm and tingling sensation. On the skin was a small scar. After the procedure I immediately went home - already a healthy and happy person.

About recurrence of

Because surgery removes not the cause of the tumor, but its effects, it does not prevent the emergence of new fibroadenomas. However, it should be understood that the relapse of the disease is not a consequence of surgical treatment.

Video about surgery to remove breast fibroadenoma by non-surgical method:

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