Diet in Crohn's disease - nutrition, recipes, menu

An obligatory medical component for Crohn's disease is a diet. Compliance is necessary for the reason that the food suitable for the inflamed organs of the gastrointestinal tract should be prepared in such a way that it can not only freely penetrate through the damaged parts of the digestive parts, but also, having got into the blood, to benefit the whole organism.

There is no universal nutrition system for Crohn's disease. For each patient, the composition of dietary foods must be developed according to an individual program, taking into account the level of lesions present in the digestive organs, the degree of severity of the pathology, and also the individual intolerance of certain products. In addition, over time, the course of Crohn's disease is changing, so the diet is subject to mandatory adjustment.

Proper nutrition in Crohn's disease

The purpose of selecting a special therapeutic diet for Crohn's disease is to organize the most effective intake of substances necessary for its optimal functioning, normalizing the stool and stopping the process of self-destruction in the digestive organs.

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Therefore, with the exclusion of certain products that exacerbate the disease, do not forget that any body, especially one that is afflicted with a serious ailment, requires a sufficient amount of nutrients. When compiling a curative diet that corresponds to Crohn's disease, it is important not to overdo it, not to exclude from the diet excess, and not to aggravate this existing metabolic disorder in this inflammatory pathology.

In dietary dishes that are prepared for patients with Crohn's disease, there must be not only a sufficient number of calories, but also the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and a complete vitamin complex necessary for the weakened organism. Every day, people suffering from this disease should have 3 main meals in the menu, and in addition not less than 3 "snacks".

The products used in specially selected recipes must be treated very well thermally and mechanically, and also have the appropriate chemical composition. This promotes a gentle effect on the intestinal mucosa, at the same time, allowing the body to obtain the necessary nutrients. All recipes used for Crohn's disease are selected by a specialist taking into account the individual characteristics of a person.

Menu with Crohn's Disease

Due to the fact that the inflammatory pathology proceeds according to the chronic type, with a constant change in periods of exacerbations and remissions, the following factors should be taken into account when compiling a diet menu:

  • The acute phase of Crohn's disease involves a 2-day therapeutic starvation necessary forin order to calm the affected bowels;
  • During this period, you must use a sufficient amount of liquid in a volume of at least 2 liters. Must be diluted with currants of currant and blueberry juice, multivitamin complexes and lactose-free protein drinks;
  • A couple of days after the pain caused by Crohn's disease subsided, the second stage in nutrition begins. The patient's diet begins to expand due to such dietary dishes as porridges on water, mucous broths and mashed soups. Meatballs or meatballs made from low-fat meat or fish are also allowed. But it should be borne in mind that the recipes are suitable only for those in which the steam method of cooking is used.

A new product is introduced once every 3 days. An approximate diet menu with Crohn's disease will be as follows:

  1. For the first breakfast a liquid porridge on water or a steam omelet is recommended;
  2. Required for Crohn's disease "snack", which consists of a dietary dish, such as fruit or vegetables, baked in the oven;
  3. For lunch, broth should be prepared from lean meat( chicken, rabbit, veal), or slimy soup. In all recipes, salt should be present in limited quantities, and spices are completely absent;
  4. The second obligatory dietary "snack" is usually represented by slightly boiled tea or broth of wild rose with biscuits, dry biscuits, crackers;
  5. For dinner, patients can be offered a small portion of rice with chicken and tea.

Provides a diet designed for patients with Crohn's disease and a glass of skimmed yogurt at night.

Nutrition in the period of remission of Crohn's disease

At the time when the relapse of this inflammatory pathology has subsided, in order to delay the mandatory exacerbation for a longer time, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules when selecting products and making menus.

Anyone who has Crohn's disease is in a state of remission, can safely consume soup cooked on fish or meat broth. Just do not forget that they must be dietary. You can fill them with pasta, mushrooms or vegetables. It is best to use such recipes, which provide for the complete grinding of products( soups).

Fish or meat products should be preferred to lean species, which are scrolled through the meat grinder before cooking to prevent the possibility of mechanical damage to the inflamed mucosa.

Strictly forbidden in the diet for Crohn's disease use of sausage or stew, as well as any dishes prepared from semi-finished products. Seafood with this disease is recommended, only they should be cooked for a couple, as well as without using all kinds of spices and seasonings.

You must avoid the use of sweets, kvass, carbonated drinks, as well as alcohol in any quantity. Only with observance of these simple rules is it possible to prolong the state of remission of this inflammatory pathology for years.

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