Why the pain in the eyes and temples?

1 Manifestation of pain

It should be understood that the headache is a symptom that is typical for many diseases, and in about half of cases, the pain sensations are localized in the temples and rendered to the eye area.

Strong and sharp headache in the temples is not very common. In most cases, patients experience pulsatile or blunted pain. Often there is a feeling when something presses from within. Such pain can happen at any time of the day quite unexpectedly. Their duration may differ from time to time. Many patients note frequent asymmetry of pain, when it is felt only on one side of the head.

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In addition to feelings of pressure on the temporal and ocular areas, the patient can feel at the same time nausea, increased sensitivity to light, dizziness and not the most pleasant sensations in the rest of the head and neck.

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2 Causes of

This condition of the body is not independent, it clearly indicates that the patient has some kind of disease. The disease can be as innocuous enough, and be a serious disruption in the brain. Let's consider the most common diseases, which are characterized by pain in the eye and temple:

  1. Hypertensive disease( high blood pressure).Most patients are elderly, but there are exceptions. The disease is often accompanied by symmetrical spasmodic pain, sometimes dizziness may occur. You can alleviate your health by taking special antispasmodic and hypotensive drugs.
  2. Vegeto-vascular dystonia suggests frequent occurrence of headaches, which are localized in the temples and eyes. Pain can appear when weather changes, mental and physical stress on the body, with lack of sleep. The treatment consists in receiving the vascular drugs prescribed by the doctor, which relieve the pain syndrome, and also the patient undergoes general therapy of the disease.
  3. Migraine is a very common condition of the body that causes spasms of the brain vessels. Migraines are characterized by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness, tinnitus. Migraines are most affected by patients who have been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia at an early age. The easiest way to get rid of the pain in this case is to take an analgesic pill. If the patient is at home, it is desirable to provide complete peace, no annoying sounds, light, odors until the attack of pain disappears.
  4. When the intracranial pressure is too high, the headaches are of high intensity, long duration, they take a pressing character. Sometimes, in addition to the area of ​​the temples and eyes, pains are given off in other parts of the head. Often the disease is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, when the patient's position changes, his condition deteriorates noticeably. Such pains require prompt treatment, and a doctor's supervision is mandatory.
  5. In atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, in most cases, the pains are asymmetrical, they are felt only on one side of the head, they do not give each time in the eyes.
  6. To diseases that can cause pain in the eyes and temples, you can also include angina, sinusitis, influenza, sinusitis and a number of other colds and infectious diseases. The treatment of a headache in such cases is symptomatic. After curing the underlying disease, the symptoms no longer appear.
  7. Nervous overstrain, insomnia. In such circumstances, the headache is not at all a rarity and is localized in the temples, giving in to the eyes. As a rule, the pain passes right after a good rest and normalization of the emotional state. Special treatment in this case is not required.
  8. Meningitis is a disease that is infectious in nature, it causes damage to the meninges. During this disease, the headache gradually increases, while the person is constantly experiencing it. She most often gives in whiskey and eyes, but in severe cases it can be felt in other parts of the head. In addition to pain during meningitis, the patient feels chills, fever, intoxication, constant drowsiness and irregularity in the work of the neck muscles. Treatment of the disease is carried out only in the hospital, the sooner a diagnosis is made, the higher the probability of complete recovery. In the absence of treatment, the patient outcome may be lethal.
  9. Less common, but still common causes of pain in the eyes and temples can be such diseases as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, hormonal disorders in the body, inflammation of the temporomandibular joints and local inflammatory process in the temporal areas.

In addition to the above diseases, pain in the temples can be triggered by a number of factors, among which we can mention:

  • the head injuries once obtained;
  • mental disorders;
  • menstrual irregularities, menopause;
  • eating new foods that could lead to such a reaction;
  • reaction to taking drugs prescribed for the treatment of any other disease.

3 Treatment of manifestations of

If headaches become a permanent phenomenon, you should immediately go to the hospital for professional help, so that doctors put an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most optimal treatment. In most cases, treatment is much easier if you seek help when the disease is in the initial stage.

Some patients, experiencing only pain in the field of the temple and eyes, but without noticing other symptoms of concern, prefer to be treated independently. Since most patients can not themselves make an accurate diagnosis, they treat only the symptoms. This is completely wrong, because it is completely possible to solve the problem with a headache, only eliminating the cause of its appearance. In addition, the constant use of pills that relieve pain can lead to problems with digestion.

Self-treatment of headache is allowed only in cases where it occurs rarely and does not greatly affect the general condition of the body.

For the most part, the most proper and safe remedy against headaches is a good rest. It is recommended to take a shower, drink warm herbal tea and go to bed.

Drug medication should be used only in the most extreme cases, for example, when the patient is not at home, and also when no other ways to ease the pain help. One of the simplest and most effective medicines is paracetamol. Other drugs that can be taken with a headache are aspirin, analgin, ascokhene, pentalgin, no-spa, ibuprofen, spasmalgon and other medications. Since the body of each person has its own individual characteristics, different people from a headache help different medications. The most important rule is not to take pills in too large quantities.

4 Prognosis of treatment

It is almost impossible to get rid of a headache for life because it acts as a symptom of many diseases from which no one is insured. In order to cure a headache in the temples and eyes, you need to determine the cause that caused it, begin to fight this cause. The headache will disturb the patient considerably less if treatment of its underlying disease will be really correct and timely, so seek the help of specialists in the interests of each patient.

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