Does Linex help with constipation in children and adults, can I give babies( newborns), does the stool delay cause?

Linex is an effective laxative drug that is actively used in the treatment of constipation. It helps to normalize defecation, is not addictive, has no dangerous side effects. The composition contains three types of special lyophilized bacteria. They are encapsulated. Adult patients take them inside, to infants before use, the shell is opened, the powder is dissolved in breast milk or in a mixture. Large part of lactic acid bacteria, enterococci and bifidobacteria enter the large intestine, the active components of the drug, enough portions to achieve a positive effect in the treatment of constipation.

Long-term studies have shown that Lineks is a safe probiotic that can be used for older people, adults and infants. It acts simultaneously as an osmotic agent, retains water in the intestinal tract, softens the feces and promotes an increase in its volume, and as a laxative, which helps restore intestinal microflora. This spurs the peristalsis of the intestine, so defecation becomes possible within an hour and a half after taking the first dose of the drug. So, Lineks really helps with constipation. Simultaneously with the treatment of stool disorders, there is an increase in local immunity. And this is the main advantage of choosing the described medicine.

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Action of Linex with constipation of

Lineks is a source of useful bacteria, the number of which is rapidly decreasing with chronic constipation. It is taken until the necessary balance is established between the pathogenic flora and the beneficial microflora. Approximately it takes about a month, but only if the medical diet is strictly observed in conjunction with drug treatment( there is a complete refusal of refined food).Only if this condition is met, Lineks helps to eliminate constipation.

Linex is not a quick laxative, so it is not prescribed for adults and children in acute forms of constipation. Doctors often use it to cleanse the intestine before the operation. It helps to cleanse the intestines. Lineks has proven itself in the treatment of chronic constipation. This drug is vitally important for infants, who are on artificial feeding, taking antibiotics for a long time. There are practically no contraindications to its use. There is one side effect.

Some patients develop strong flatulence. That is why Lineks do not always prescribe from constipation to newborn children. It is worth considering that in some people there is an individual intolerance of the individual components of the drug. For example, very often infants do not tolerate lactose, other newborns are allergic to the remnants of milk protein. This is why some newborn babies may have constipation after Lynex. Because of this, it is not always expedient to give Lineks with constipation to newborn children. But adults who go on business trips, on vacation, all those who take with them on a distant journey of a grown up child, experts strongly recommend taking it with them. It helps not only cope with constipation, but also cures other ailments associated with the functioning of the intestines( diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating and constant regurgitation).Linex helps to eliminate the effects of chemotherapy and dysbacteriosis, which was provoked by long-term use of antibiotics, to accelerate the processes that contribute to the production of B vitamins. In order to ensure the optimal result, Lineks with constipation must be taken correctly.

Features of the use of Linex with constipation

Buy the described drug can be in the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Many today, for the treatment of constipation, buy the drug through online stores, and then do not know how to properly take a probiotic. Of course, a detailed instruction is attached to any medication, in which the dosage of the drug is detailed in the treatment of a particular syndrome:

  • Adults are recommended to take two capsules three times a day right at meal time.
  • Linex for constipation for children under two years is taken in a dosage reduced by half.
  • Children over two years can be given the same dose as adults( two capsules per reception).

The effect is enhanced if, together with the medicine, you take products rich in vegetable coarse fiber. Such a tandem helps to speed up recovery.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say with confidence. Linex works well for constipation, but the effect of the drug is gradual, therefore, in the treatment of acute forms of fecal obstruction such drugs are not used. Such a laxative helps to deliver to the large intestine a large number of living bacteria that can restore the microflora of the organ described. As a result, the work of the intestine is gradually normalized. That is why chronic constipation after taking Lineks pass and stop torturing the patient.

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