
Skin lesions caused by an abscess infection require operative action to prevent the appearance of negative consequences. Vesiculopustulosis, a type of pyoderma, is most often diagnosed at a younger age and during a newborn period. Specificity of this skin lesion is inflammation of the eccrine glands, which give an outlet for perspiration and may cease to function normally when the treatment of sweating is insufficient in childhood.

Modern medicine identifies several of the most common causes of inflammation of the glands, and all of them are determined by the penetration into the body of certain types of infection. Therefore, as a preventive measure, the fullest observance of hygiene requirements should be considered, both among newly-born women and among medical personnel in the maternity and postpartum departments.

Features of the ailment

Having a number of characteristic manifestations, vesiculopustulosis can be detected in a timely manner both at the early stage of the development of the pathological condition of the skin of infants, and in more advanced stages, when manifestations become more and more noticeable. However, the sooner this dermatological disease is discovered, the more it can be cured without the possibility of negative consequences for the skin.

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It should be borne in mind that, since the skin of the child has increased sensitivity and sensitivity to external influences, even a slight negative effect can become a causative causative cause of this lesion. Elimination of the possibility of exposure to infections and mechanical damage will preserve the health of the baby's skin.

Photo of vesiculopustule in a child

Classification and localization of

This skin disorder, like vesiculopustulosis, is classified according to the cause that caused it, and the location of the lesion of the upper layer of the epidermis. Today the generally accepted classification should be considered the following, taking into account the provoking factors of the development of the disease:

  1. Congenital form of , which can occur already at the birth of the child. If there are cases of detection of this disease in early childhood, the probability of diagnosing the congenital form of vesiculopustule is higher. The congenital form of the disease is detected immediately after the birth of the child, infection can occur during fetal development, during childbirth. The disease is transmitted to the child from the mother.
  2. Acquired form of the disease , which is caused by the negative effects of extraneous causes: penetration of the epidermis of various types of infections, mechanical injuries and skin ruptures, which become "open gates" to penetrate even small amounts of infected cells. This type of disease is usually displayed on the 5th-8th day after the birth of the child.

However, there is also a certain division of the disease depending on the cause of the disease. So, the staphylococcal variety of vesiculopustules, which begins to develop due to penetration of the infection of the staphylococcus into the upper layer of the skin, is most often detected. Also, since the development of this skin condition in infants can be caused by the development of streptococcus in the skin, which can also be entered into the child's body during childbirth or even in the hospital because of the lack of hygiene requirements in it, the disease can be called streptococcal.

Currently, there is also a kind of disease caused by penetration of the fungal infection into the tender skin of a baby;in this case the disease is called fungal vesiculopustule.

The causes of

Numerous studies of this disease have revealed a number of reasons that most often provoke the development of a condition such as vesiculopustulosis. The reasons for its occurrence include:

  • Influence of infection( streptococcus, staphylococcus, fungus of a certain type), which when penetrated into the child's skin begins to actively develop and causes deterioration in the appearance of the skin of the baby, but also partial loss of its protective functions;
  • hereditary factor - the infection is transmitted in a generation from relatives who also suffered a certain form of this skin disease;
  • penetration into the skin of a child during the newborn period of gram-negative bacteria, which include proteus and Escherichia coli;
  • increase in humidity and temperature around the baby, which triggers the development of infection in its skin;
  • stimulation of protective qualities of an organism by an incorrect method - excessive wrapping that only weakens immunity;
  • is an artificial feeding that does not allow to work sufficiently to the natural immunity of a child during the period after birth and provokes an increased sensitivity to the negative effects of any infection that enters the baby's body;
  • insufficiency of hygienic procedures in the maternity hospital where a small amount of disinfectants can be used, medical staff can not undergo a medical examination in time;
  • is an incorrect process of neonatal care, which consists of insufficient skin hygiene, lack of ironing of diapers, which often provokes the development of skin irritation followed by the penetration of pathogenic infections into it.

The listed reasons often become provoking factors at development of the given skin disease.

Symptoms of vesiculopustule

The manifestations of this skin lesion are quite typical, which allows us to detect it in time and begin the necessary treatment. After the more quickly the disease is diagnosed, the more quickly it will be treated, and the negative consequences of the disease will be minimal.

To the most typical symptoms of vesiculopustular disease, one should attribute:

  • at the initial stage of the lesion, general reddening of the skin is noted;
  • in the least naturally ventilated places( gluteal folds, axillary hollows, on the naked, its pilar part from behind), there is a small rash that is first diagnosed as a sweat in infants;
  • in the absence of the necessary therapeutic effect at the site of the rash, small pimples of different sizes are formed - from the mustard seed to the medium-sized pea, which are filled with a clear, colorless liquid;
  • further with time, the fluid becomes turbid - it turns into pus, this is the beginning of the inflammatory process in the skin;
  • further pimples can burst independently and in their place sores of small size with a hyperemic bottom are formed, or dry out, crusts form in their place, after which they disappear.

With the aggravation of the disease, the sites of eruption increase in size, merge, cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to the baby - the burning of the skin and its itching.


Detection of the disease and the final diagnosis is made on the basis of an external examination of the skin of the baby, the existing symptoms. Laboratory tests of blood and urine samples can also be conducted to obtain insights into the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, as well as to study the skin particles and the liquid contents of the rashes that form in the inflammatory foci.

Engaged in the examination of the skin and the diagnosis of a dermatologist. On the basis of the analysis and the general picture of the disease, he draws up a scheme of therapeutic effect, which, as the patient's condition is applied and changed, can be corrected.

Treatment of

The treatment technique for diagnosing vesiculopustule depends both on the stage of the disease and on the susceptibility of the child's body to the treatment. Depending on the manifestations of the disease, a certain treatment is carried out, which to a greater extent gives a positive dynamics with a minimum of side effects that negatively affect the health of the baby.

Therapeutic way

At the initial stage, treatment has a rapid effect, eliminating the most obvious manifestations of the disease, clearing the skin and normalizing the processes in it.

  • To neutralize pathological processes in the epidermis and prevent the spread of the pathological process to healthy areas of the skin, the treatment of affected areas with a solution of potassium permanganate is used, and bathing of the baby is completely excluded: this is the way the mass infection of the skin and the spread of infection to healthy areas of it occur.
  • After detection of the disease, the baby should be placed in a separate box, where he is treated by an infectious disease doctor.
  • The methods of physiotherapy include ultraviolet irradiation, treatment of affected areas with magnets.

By medicamentous method

To lubricate the affected parts of the skin, a solution of furacillin or a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used which perfectly disinfects the skin and eliminates signs of inflammation.

The following medicinal preparations can also be used:

  • sores during their opening period are lubricated with disinfectant and drying agents, which include "zelenka" and methylene blue;
  • areas around the sores are treated with ointments with the effects of inflammation eliminating the effects of lincomycin and heliomycin;
  • for the elimination of internal causes that provoked skin diseases, are used according to the prescribing doctor's prescription antibacterial drugs penicillin group.

Prevention of the disease

Preventive measures include the timely hygienic effects of the baby's skin, ironing diapers used for it, breastfeeding to the maximum possible time to stabilize the level of immunity, and the intake of mineral and vitamin complexes by the nursing mother. These measures have a positive effect on the health of the baby, preventing the development of various infections on his skin.


As complications, one can consider the aesthetic negative effect of an untreated disease, in which small scars that do not pass for a long time, and sometimes throughout life, are formed on the skin at the site of ulcers.

The following complications of this condition can also occur in case of insufficiency or absence of necessary medical treatment:

  • otitis on the background of staphylococcal infection;
  • anemia;
  • pneumonia;
  • Inflammation of the umbilical fossa;
  • is a common sepsis of the body, which is especially dangerous because of the speed of its development and the possibility of a lethal outcome.

The listed consequences of vesiculopustule can be prevented by the appointment of treatment, which will help not only eliminate external manifestations of the disease, but also eliminate the cause that caused this condition.


In the diagnosis of the disease in the early stages of its development, cure is 100%. However, with a significant aggravation of the pathological process, the absence or inadequacy of the therapeutic effect and the development of sepsis, a fatal outcome is likely.

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