Gastritis after poisoning

Among the causes that cause the most frequent form of acute inflammation of the stomach, the so-called catarrhal gastritis, along with overeating, alcohol abuse, can be distinguished poisoning by poor-quality food and chemical.

Manifestations of signs of gastritis after poisoning depends on the nature of the agent and the duration of the impact and response of the body. After 6-12 hours of exposure to the pathogenic factor, signs of dyspepsia occur:

  • is an unpleasant aftertaste, nausea and profuse vomiting, in which there are traces of mucus and bile;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach and pain in the epigastric region;
  • loss of appetite with increasing weakness, the appearance of headache and dizziness;
  • a mushy stool or diarrhea several times a day.

The manifestations of gastritis in poisoning infected with salmonella and staphylococcus food, very quickly progress with reaching body temperature to 39 ° C and above, and a sharp dehydration of the body. In these cases, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

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Diagnosis of gastritis caused by poisoning

For the correct determination of the type of disease and specifically gastritis that has arisen against poisoning, it should be noted that vomiting can accompany such diseases as appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. The very process of treatment of gastritis in case of poisoning first of all consists in the rapid removal of toxic substances from the stomach with a probe, Washing with water lasts until the outgoing water becomes completely clean and odorless.

With mild food insomnia enough to starve for several days, taking funds that remove inflammation and with disinfecting properties. Necessarily, there must be abundant drinking in small doses of water with mineral supplements. Cleansing the body of toxins contribute to seaweed, eleutherococcus, astragalus. To avoid further development of gastritis in chemical poisoning, urgent help should be provided.

In addition to washing the stomach and taking a laxative, you can put an enema with the addition of chamomile infusion, apply warm warmers to the stomach and legs, rubbing with a cloth or woolen cloth. In any case, if all signs of a malaise are not immediately removed, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Incorrect treatment of poisoning, leads to the transition of catarrhal gastritis to chronic and then the consequences will be very serious.

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