Contact urticaria: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention

Contact urticaria is a dermatosis of a toxic-allergic form. Eruptions on the skin are edematic, accompanied by itching. Diagnosing the disease is much easier than other types of urticaria, because it has a characteristic cause of occurrence. Despite the abundance of unpleasant symptoms, it can be treated very well, and any complications can easily be avoided when selecting individual medicines.

This article will focus on the symptoms and treatment of contact urticaria in children and adults, providing information to patients' photos.

Features of the disease

About 20% of the world's population at least once experienced symptoms of contact urticaria, and a quarter of these sufferers suffer from chronic disease. Hypersensitivity in contact with the allergen is immediate, that is, the permeability of the vessels increases almost instantaneously.

What this contact urticaria, this video will tell:


Contact urticaria is acute and chronically. The flow process is divided into several stages:

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  • pathological reaction in the area of ​​contact with matter;
  • the appearance of edema and the first signs;
  • symptoms are associated with asthma;
  • appearance of an anaphylactic reaction.

About the reasons for which contact hives occur in children and adults, read below.

Causes of

Contact urticaria can have a wide variety of origins. So, it appears because of contact of a mucous surface or an integument with following kinds of subjects:

  • wool;
  • citrus fruits, milk, other food;
  • dust;
  • products with latex;
  • medicinal plants;
  • cosmetics;
  • household chemicals and other chemical products.

It appears with some infections. The heredity factor also plays a role.

Often the disease occurs in people whose work is related to the need for direct contact with a particular substance or object. For example, in production( food, chemical compounds), doctors( latex), cleaners( household chemicals).

With professional contact urticaria, its symptoms are always chronic. If the disease is chronic, then constant exacerbations greatly weaken the immune system.

Symptoms of contact urticaria

Symptomatic of the disease is a special skin reaction to a particular component. More common rash, erythema, blisters. Localization is limited to the place of contact, but sometimes it is possible to spread the rash over the body.

If the allergen affects mucous membranes, the symptoms appear much faster, and in addition to redness in this area, there is swelling that flows to the larynx, mouth or throat.

Symptoms of the disease persist for a couple of hours, and a few days.


Of particular importance is differential diagnostics. Exceptions are subject to such diagnoses as immune diseases, oncology, helminthic invasion. In addition to laboratory tests, another ultrasound is prescribed. The nature of urticaria is determined by the test. After interviewing the patient, when there are several possible causes of the disease, the doctor will experimentally establish what triggers such a reaction, i.e., apply various substances to the skin.

Diagnosing and concomitant diseases. If the dermatologist deems it necessary, he will additionally appoint consultations of other specialists.

From this species you will learn how to treat hives on the body and what to take with it:

Treatment of

Therapeutic way of

To be cured, you must first exclude any repeated contact with the substance that caused hives. Throughout the therapy, it is necessary to increase the water intake, which will help to withdraw them.

On whether the allergic reaction is treated with hives, see below.

By medicamentous method

From medicines usually select antihistamines. It is preferable to use the second and higher generation of medicines so that they do not cause side effects. Laxatives or sorbents the doctor appoints, taking into account the individual picture of the disease.

  • Locally treated hives with anti-inflammatory ointments. For children, the brands Nezulin, La Cree, Fenistil are perfectly suitable. If the pathological reaction manifested itself up to a year, then drops are used inside( Zirtek or Fenistil).
  • Adult dermatologist can prescribe ointments with more pronounced effect. For example, with a long course of the disease or extensive lesions use hormonal drugs - Prednisolone, Elokom, Fluorocort, Advantan.

Next, preventive maintenance of contact urticaria is considered.

Folk methods

You can use traditional methods of treatment, but only if there are no allergic reactions to medicinal herbs, otherwise the symptoms of the disease will only worsen. Skin in the place of the rash can be wiped with various broths. They are best suited for those plants that remove irritation and inflammation, promote healing:

  • calendula,
  • St. John's wort,
  • turn,
  • sea buckthorn,
  • chamomile,
  • string.

In addition, they help to remove swelling of the tissues and itching.

Prevention of

It is advisable to get rid of all the objects that cause such an allergic reaction. Prevention includes other recommendations:

  • refuse jewelry;
  • choose high-quality cosmetics;
  • with seasonal allergies use antihistamines;
  • 1-2 times a week, do a wet cleaning in the house;
  • monitor the state of immunity;
  • do not take any medication yourself.

For complications in adults and children with and after urticaria, read below.

Complications of

Hazards for life contact urticaria does not represent, but if it is accompanied by bronchial asthma, the long absence of therapy threatens that the process will become chronic. If you tend to swellings in the medicine cabinet, it is always better to keep glucocorticosteroids in order to eliminate the danger of laryngeal closure at the moment of severe exacerbation.


A favorable prognosis for such an allergic contact urticaria. With a qualitative approach, even chronic hives can be cured.

On the approaches to the treatment of urticaria will tell this video:

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