Dermavit gel from papillomas: composition, form of release, instructions for use, reviews, price, analogs

Any formation on the surface of the skin becomes a cause of discomfort, and some patients even start terribly complexing about this.

In addition, such formations can provoke serious complications if, for example, they are accidentally injured. Therefore, when warts or papillomas occur, they must be treated.

Dermavit is one of the most effective drugs widely used for the treatment of warts and papillomatous neoplasms.

Composition, form and packaging

The preparation has a rather multicomponent composition, it includes substances like:

  • Propylparaben;
  • Urea diazolidinyl;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Xanthine resin;
  • Tetrabrate sodium;
  • Methylchloroisothiazolinone;
  • Methylparaben;
  • Propylene Glycol;
  • Salicylic acid sodium;
  • Glycerin;
  • Distilled water.


Dermavit is manufactured by the company Emansi Laboratories, Russia.

Indications for use

Dermavit is a cosmetic highly effective cleansing agent that safely removes warts and papillomatous formations. Thanks to the unique formula, the drug completely removes skin defects.

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Ordinary papilloma or a wart at any time can become a cancerous melanoma! If the papilloma is not treated, then further development of the disease and spread through the body, until the appearance of rashes on the mucous membranes. Learn how to quickly get rid of papillomas and warts ยป


Dermavit has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. In addition, there is no data on the use of Dermavit in pregnant women, so use it in the treatment of patients of this group can only be after consulting a gynecologist.

Pharmacological action

Dermavit refers to drugs that doctors often recommend in the treatment of papillomas and warts.

  • Due to the presence of sodium tetraborate , formed from boric acid, the preparation has antiseptic and bacteriostatic action.
  • Salicylic acid sodium provides dermavit with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
  • Xanthine resin serves as a stabilizer and gel thickener.
  • Propylene glycol provides the hydrating effect of and enhances the absorbent qualities of Dermavit.
  • The antimicrobial effect of on gram-positive and negative bacterial agents is provided by the presence of urea in the diazolidinyl composition, which is a non-toxic antibacterial component of the newest generation.

Such a polycomponent composition provides a painless and rapid disposal of skin lesions, and also prevents their further recurrence.

Instructions for use Dermavit

Before using the product, it is necessary to protect healthy tissues from the medicinal action beforehand. It is a chemically aggressive drug that can damage healthy areas of the skin.

To avoid this, it is recommended to lubricate the area around the neoplasm with cream or petroleum jelly, or seal the skin around the wart.

If the treatment is selected correctly, soon the neoplasm will dry up, and then disappear.

If around the papilloma or a wart built-up reddening appeared, then all treatments should be stopped, and consult a specialist.

The drug is quite economical in use. One bottle is enough to eliminate 5, and even 6 warts.

Side Effects of

Among the adverse reactions from the use of Dermavit, specialists note only a slight burning sensation at the treatment site.

Overdose of

No cases of overdose have been reported, but if the drug is applied to too much area, then a chemical burn will occur.

Special instructions

Special conditions include the prohibition on the use of the drug in the groin and chest area, in the armpit and face.

In these areas, the skin is more sensitive, so applying a gel can cause burns to the skin.

If it happens that a burn has appeared on the healthy skin, then it is necessary to rinse this place for a long time under the stream of water( 15 minutes), and then apply a lotion from a cotton pad impregnated with a solution of citric acid( 5%).

If the product gets into the eyes, it is also necessary to rinse them with water. If there are problems with vision, then it is necessary to pass an ophthalmological examination.

Drug Interaction

There is no information on the interaction with other drugs in the data sheet.

Reviews about Dermavit


Somehow I had to face such a nuisance as a plantar wart. First I listened to the doctor and decided on laser removal. But after the procedure a complication began, and soon the wart returned. Has addressed to the private dermatologist who has recommended gel Dermavit. I lubricated the skin around the wart with petroleum jelly and smeared it with gel. Soon the wart darkened, began to dry. Somewhere in a week I discovered that there was nothing left on the site of education, only healthy skin.


When a small transparent seal appeared on my index finger, I did not pay much attention to it at first. But when the bump began to increase rapidly, I ran to the hospital. The dermatovenerologist has appointed or nominated Dermavit. Mazal according to the instructions and a week later got rid of the problem cheaply and painlessly. By the way, a friend of this gel somewhat cured papillomas, says that the remedy perfectly helps. Therefore, I recommend.

The prices of

The average cost of Dermavit is 218-278 rubles.

Analogues of the preparation

Similar in effect to the drugs are:

  • CryoPharma;
  • Verrukacid;
  • Superchistotel;
  • Feresol;
  • Isoprinosine, etc.

Synonyms of medication

There is no evidence of the existence of drugs with a similar composition of data.

Leave conditions and storage, shelf life

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies over-the-counter.

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