Heartburn during pregnancy: what to do?

Heartburn is one of the most unpleasant manifestations in the violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract. According to statistics, more than 40% of the inhabitants of our country suffer from it. Her appearance contributes to a variety of reasons, but very often heartburn develops on the background of pregnancy.

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There is evensuch a medical concept of "heartburn pregnancy."It is often believed that not only the delay in menstruation, but also heartburn is a sign of pregnancy. This applies to cases where pregnancy first causes heartburn.

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An unpleasant sensation usually occurs immediately after eating, and can intensify if you take a horizontal position.

Causes of

The burning sensation in the chest and sometimes in the throat is caused by the fact that hydrochloric acid irritates the walls of the esophagus. The valve( sphincter) that connects the esophagus with the stomach does not work, and the gastric juice enters the esophagus and as a result burns the mucous membrane.

Heartburn during pregnancy is quite a standard situation, which occurs in more than 85% of women. Moreover, its appearance can be quite unexpected for women who before pregnancy never experienced such sensations. In the early period of pregnancy, heartburn can only bother from time to time. At later times, it begins to acquire a permanent character.

Important! Heartburn is not a disease, but a symptom.

Reasons for the appearance may be common to all and directly related to pregnancy:

  1. Improper diet and diet, overeating.
  2. Excess body weight.
  3. Hormones slow down muscle contraction. This causes a slower digestion of food. But increase the level of acidity of gastric juice.
  4. Displacement of the stomach with an increase in the size of the uterus. The growing fruit weighs on the internal organs. Therefore, in the last trimester of pregnancy, heartburn is most frequent.
  5. Disease, which was previously asymptomatic.
  6. Drugs prescribed for pregnant women.

Also, the cause may be hormonal changes, resulting in a decrease in muscle tone. The hormone progesterone during pregnancy is produced in large doses, responsible for the normal course of pregnancy, in particular, it is responsible for the growth of the uterus and the weakening of the tension of its musculature. Along with this, the level of muscle tension and other organs decreases. Sphincter is no exception. Due to weakening, the valve can not prevent the penetration of gastric juice into the esophagus.

Important! After the appearance of a baby, an unpleasant symptom usually stops chasing a woman.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn can not harm the fetus, it only delays the discomfort of a woman. And, if in the first trimester it can occur sporadically, then in the future it becomes more and more often a companion of the future mother. In the first three months of pregnancy, heartburn occurs most often from taking acute and fatty foods.

It is necessary to develop a mode of eating and observe several conditions:

  1. Reduce the amount of food taken. To not stretch the stomach. Doctors recommend eating fractional, up to 6 times a day.
  2. The minimum break after the last meal and sleep should be at least two hours.
  3. Introduce dairy products into the diet. Try to exclude carbonated sweet drinks, coffee, chocolate, sour, spicy dishes.
  4. Prepare food more often for a couple.

Heartburn in the second and third trimester

Often due to overeating. The uterus increases and because of this, the pressure on the stomach increases, which can not quickly cope with the digestion of food. Especially some women during this period eat even more than before the onset of pregnancy. In order to minimize attacks of heartburn, you need to reduce the amount of food consumed in one session. It is better to increase the number of receptions.

At the last stage of pregnancy, in the third trimester, heartburn appears more often, and can cause discomfort for several hours. At this time, only medicines or traditional medicine will help, since changes in diet will no longer lead to positive results. And only before the very birth of heartburn disappears.

In the third trimester, heartburn may manifest itself, as from somewhere unexpectedly coughing. If there are no other signs of a cold, and cough suddenly appears at night or in the morning, it can also be caused by ingestion of gastric juice into the esophagus. In this case, cough acts as the equivalent of heartburn.

Treatment of

Heartburn is a widespread phenomenon, and therefore there are many means to eliminate it. But it should be borne in mind that not all of them fit those in the position. Treatment with medications is undesirable to pregnant women, and can only be carried out in extreme cases.

More "sparing" the body of the mother and fetus medicines, and also treated with folk remedies that are not less effective.

Correctly selected means will help you get rid of the obsessive burning sensation of a future mother. Recommendations for the prevention of unwanted symptoms can also be helpful.


Doctors unequivocally answer the question: what is possible from heartburn during pregnancy from medicines - antacids. They lower the acid content of the gastric juice. Antacid preparations for heartburn during pregnancy are good because they are not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and, accordingly, do not get with the blood to the developing fetus. Thus, they can not affect its development in any way.

They work according to the following principle: getting into the stomach, enveloping its walls and neutralizing the acid, at the same time increase the tone of the gastric valve. The majority of antacid preparations include magnesium and calcium, which when combined with an acid turn into water-soluble salts.

Important! Any medicines should be used only after consultation with a doctor.

The greatest confidence in doctors is caused by the drug Rennie. But also its application should have a one-time character: no more than 1-2 tablets a day.

Other known agents such as Almagel, Phospholugel, Maalox are permissible, but one should think about the reaction of the body. Such gels cause constipation.

Side effects:

  • aluminum and magnesium, included in most drugs cause constipation;
  • do not last long( no more than 2 hours) and do not protect against repeated manifestation;
  • prolonged use disrupts metabolic processes in the body.

Antisecretory drugs that reduce the production of acid in the stomach are more effective for heartburn, but are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Spasmolytic drugs, such as No-shpa, Papaverin should not be accepted by pregnant women, as they further weaken the muscles, which will trigger new attacks.

Not all drugs that exist today have been studied regarding their safety when taken during pregnancy. Therefore, the best prevention will be compliance with diet and folk remedies of natural origin.

That's interesting! If you can not conceive a child for a long time, then the articles in this section will be useful to you.

Treatment with homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines refer to medicinal products, and before using them to get rid of heartburn, it is necessary to consult a doctor who observes pregnancy in the expediency of their use. Prescribe these drugs can only be a homeopathic doctor. It is important not only to choose the right remedy, but also to create a program of reception.

The most common is Pulsatilla, Causticum, Nuks vomica.

Pulsatilla - a tool based on herb lumbago relieves not only of heartburn, but also struggles with nausea and improves the emotional state.

Causticum reduces appetite, eliminates gravity in the stomach. Nuks vomica reduces burning and swelling.

Important! Homeopathy can be a good alternative in treatment, with adherence to the rules of admission and recommendations of doctors.

Treatment with mineral water

Due to the content of salts in its composition, mineral water neutralizes the effect of acid and it should be introduced into the course of treatment.

Attention! During pregnancy, often diarrhea, our article will help you cope with this disorder.

Recommendations how to drink water correctly:

  1. Drink mineral water for 1.5 hours before meals. This contributes to the fact that the acid will be released in smaller volumes.
  2. It is better to use water at room temperature and without gas.
  3. Select the treatment water with sodium bicarbonate( alkali).
  4. Take a glass of water in small sips after eating.
  5. The reception should be coursework and be at least 3 weeks.

Important! You can not cure heartburn with mineral water. It removes symptoms and is used as a preventative against heartburn during pregnancy.

Mineral medicinal water has a number of contraindications, which you need to get acquainted with.

Attention! Alkaline mineral water can not be stored in plastic bottles. The use of such water can adversely affect the health of the pregnant and fetus.

Treatment with folk remedies

When heartburn occurs during pregnancy, what does not every woman know. There are quite natural fears that drugs will harm the baby. Therefore, most people choose folk remedies, as more harmless and safe. Only often it happens that it suits one person, the other does not help. Therefore, with the people's means, there is only one advice - you need to try.


The first thing that comes to your mind when heartburn occurs is to drink soda dissolved in water. Doctors categorically oppose this method. Soda temporarily relieve the attack, but when interacting with gastric acid will result in the release of carbon dioxide, which will further exacerbate the situation.

Important! Milk removes symptoms if you drink it in small sips.

Oat flakes

Many future mothers are rescued from this trouble by oat flakes. They need to be thoroughly chewed and swallow saliva, the flakes themselves are not worth it. Instead of flakes, you can chew 30-40 minutes of whole grains of oats or barley.


  1. products Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, as well as almond walnuts, but not roasted, help with heartburn.
  2. Peas are considered a good tool, both fresh and dried.3-4 peas resorb in the mouth. Canned in the calculation does not take.
  3. Hardened bread at the resorption can extinguish a "fire" in the chest.
  4. Very good effect from natural jelly and from buckwheat porridge, if there is it on an empty stomach.


Sour juices, for example, apple drinks should not be. They irritate the stomach.

The potato juice has received good reviews. Potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater, squeezed through gauze and drink 2 tbsp.l.before meals. Such juice is not stored for a long time, therefore it will not be possible to prepare it for future use. In the juice of potatoes still add honey from the calculation of 1 tbsp.l.to the glass.

A good result is a mixture of carrot and beet juice.


Some advise to drink a teaspoon of lemon juice or suck a slice of lemon. But often this method is best not to practice, since citric acid is harmful to tooth enamel.


Chamomile is almost universal. Her broth will help with heartburn. Brew in a glass of boiling water a filter package or 2 tablespoons.herbs for 15 minutes.

Celery and Syrup

Well helps in the fight against heartburn celery root.

  1. Fresh root is ground and taken in 1 tbsp.l.for half an hour before meals.
  2. From the dried root make infusions, pouring boiling water 2 tsp.root and insisting 20 minutes.
  3. It should be taken half a cup 2-3 times a day.

One third of a teaspoon of powder of rhizomes of calamus ayr is dissolved in ½ cup of warm water and taken 2 times a day.


Buckwort the buckwheat in a frying pan until a dark brown color appears, grind into powder. Take 3-4 times a day for two grams. So much powder to get about the tip of a teaspoon.


20 grams of plantain leaves, as many St. John's wort leaves and 5 grams of chemist's daisy fill with a glass of freshly boiled water. Leave to stand for 15 minutes and drink for two meals.

Collect herbs

  1. Prepare a mixture of 20 grams yarrow, St. John's wort, crochet swine, pour a liter of boiling water and insist until it cools. Infusion strain, use half a glass 3-4 times a day.
  1. 1 tbsp.one thousand cent.boiling water and insist in a thermos night, strain and take on a spoon 4 times a day. This infusion removes gases and prevents the occurrence of heartburn.
  1. The gentian root is ground and heated with a glass of water for 7 minutes. The broth should be allowed to brew. Take 1 tbsp each.3 times a day.

One pinch of dried seeds, roots and leaves of medicinal angelica, pour a glass of boiled water and take it spoonful several times a day.

Onion porridge

Medium sized bulb grate, put in a glass and cover with sugar to the top. Thoroughly stir and wait for the appearance of the juice. The first reception of gruel in the amount of 1 tbsp.l.must be carried out before eating. The rest of the porridge to eat during the day, taking also a tablespoon, but after eating. Porridge should be chewed thoroughly until dissolved in the mouth.


It is fairly well known as a remedy for heartburn during pregnancy egg shell, powdered. Eggs for this are cooked in a steep. Take the powder should be a half-spoonful 3 times a day.

With heartburn, herbal preparations help, which include:

  • Dubrovnik;
  • snake mountaineer;
  • Iceland moss;
  • peppermint;
  • orchis;
  • mother-and-stepmother.

Note. Before taking any herbal remedies, consult a herbalist.

Prevention of heartburn

If you follow some tips, you can prevent the appearance of heartburn or reduce discomfort:

  1. Keep track of your body weight, do not overeat. Try to eat fractional every two hours and at least two hours before bedtime.
  2. Revise the diet. Be sure to use milk, yogurt. Freshly baked bread provokes heartburn. If you can not eat without bread, you better dry it.
  3. It should be discarded from oily, smoked, spicy food, spicy seasonings. Harmful and intake of sour juices.
  4. It is advisable not to drink food, as this slows the digestion process.

Important! After eating, doctors do not recommend lying or sitting, it's better to walk for half an hour. If there is no such possibility or forces, then lie down, but on the left side.

Try not to bend over and keep the posture smoothly, so that there is no pressure on the stomach. It helps to avoid heartburn during rest and sleep: sleep on high pillows.

Heartburn is a condition that often accompanies a pregnant woman, but does not harm the health of mom and child. Observance of simple rules will help to cope with unpleasant sensations quickly and effectively.

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