Can I drink coffee with hemorrhoids, can I eat green and ginger tea?

To get rid of hemorrhoids, proper nutrition plays a primary role. Treatment by a doctor is appointed with mandatory adjustment of the menu and diet. Making up the menu in the treatment and prevention of the disease, the nutritionist provides the solution of the following tasks:

  1. Softening of stool, facilitating the act of defecation.
  2. Decrease in pressure.
  3. Prevention of narrowing the lumen of blood vessels, eliminating the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  4. Normalization of weight, as in people with excess weight the disease is much more difficult.

How much coffee and tea contribute to the solution of these problems, and whether it is allowed to use these drinks with hemorrhoids, is of interest to all who suffer from an ailment.

Can I drink coffee with hemorrhoids?

In order to find out whether coffee with hemorrhoids and in general, whether it affects the hemorrhoids, you need to know the mechanism of its action on a person. The effect of the drink on a person is determined more often by caffeine, which is the main ingredient in its composition. Drink reception:

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  • revitalizes the nervous system;
  • activates mental and physical activity;
  • relieves fatigue and increases the severity of response.

Vitamins PP, B2, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and thiamine contained in coffee beans normalize the process of digestion and peristalsis of the intestine, the walls of the vessels strengthen, stabilize the cardiac activity. In addition, regular consumption of coffee prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, reduces the risk of developing cancerous tumors that can develop against the background of inflammation of the hemorrhoids. At the same time, despite the obvious benefit of the drink, doctors recommend using coffee with hemorrhoids with great care.

The reasons why you can not drink coffee can not be:

  1. Instability of blood pressure provoking muscle spasms and intensifying the pain syndrome that accompanies the disease.
  2. Ability to develop constipation.
  3. Destabilization of water balance due to diuretic effect.

With hemorrhoids, you can drink a drink that replaces coffee made from barley, chicory or rye. However, when the disease worsens, it is desirable to completely abandon the use of the drink in any form.

Can I drink tea with hemorrhoids?

For the normalization of the food process, which is an indispensable condition for successful treatment of varicose veins in the small pelvis, the right choice of drinks is very important. Tea does not belong to the number of prohibited drinks, except black, which is excluded from the diet. This is due to the fact that the content of caffeine in black tea is not inferior to strong coffee, and the bad substances accumulated during fermentation negatively affect the blood vessels.

The most useful for therapeutic purposes with hemorrhoids is green tea. The tannins contained in it have an anti-inflammatory effect. With varicose veins at an early stage, the use of such a drink prevents dystrophic changes in the walls of blood vessels, lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood. Tannin has an antimicrobial effect, strengthens the walls of the vessels, strengthening their elasticity, ensures the normal operation of the digestive tract.

Doctors recommend using tea based on herbal remedies for hemorrhoids. Among the medicinal herbs, ginger has a special place. Its beneficial effect on blood vessels, anti-spasmolytic action is used in ginger tea, which when hemorrhoids can be used in a mixture with green tea. With hemorrhoids, green tea can not only be drunk, but also necessary for the treatment and prevention of disease.

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