Candidiasis of the stomach: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, folk remedies, diet, medicines

Candidiasis of the stomach is one of the forms of visceral fungal attack. In normal operation of the digestive tract, they can not reproduce, since gastric juice has an antifungal effect.

If its acidity or quantity decreases, the colonies first colonize erosive damage, gradually spreading to other departments.

Causes of the disease

Candidiasis occurs under the influence of various factors:

  • Prolonged use of antibacterial drugs.
  • Decreased protective functions of the body.
  • Diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Admission of hormonal drugs.

Secondary conditions include dysbacteriosis, surgical intervention, trauma, kidney disease. The risk zone includes people of advanced age. Despite this disease is quite a frequent occurrence. It is found in ΒΌ of the population.

Symptoms of candidiasis of stomach

A third of patients do not experience any discomfort. Therefore at an early stage to detect candidiasis of the stomach is difficult. Sometimes people notice signs of dysfunction, but they associate them with poisoning, ulcers or gastritis.

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Possible appearance:

  • Nausea and vomiting with veins or film. In vomit masses you can see curdled rags. Usually they are visible in severe defeat.
  • Decreased appetite. It can be an independent symptom or with a change in taste sensations in the mouth. If the fungus spreads to the larynx, a person becomes difficult to swallow.

There may be pain in the upper abdomen, diarrhea, general weakness. The patient begins to be tormented by false urge in the toilet.

With a serious degree of disease in the stool, blood appears. If the disease has a sluggish character, then the disease can go unnoticed for several years.

Complications of

If the disease is not treated, then the pathology passes into the large intestine. This increases the risk of chronic disease.

The same happens with total infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Colonies can spread to the nasopharynx and into the mouth. Thrush leads to the appearance of dry cough, a constant feeling of burning and dryness.

Under constant exposure to fungi, there may be a disruption in the integrity of the gastric walls.

The consequence is peritonitis, vascular disruption. This leads to internal bleeding and anemia. In rare cases, the result is stomach cancer.


For a more accurate diagnosis, vomit or feces are taken for the study. Microscopic analysis reveals fungal filaments. Their appearance and quantity is determined by sowing. Results can be obtained in a week.

If candidiasis of the stomach is confirmed, endoscopy is prescribed. Simultaneously with the examination of the walls of the organ, the material for biopsy is taken. It allows to conduct adequate treatment, to identify the type of pathogen and the cause of its reproduction.

Treatment methods

The main principle of treatment is timely therapy, which does not allow the fungi to spread into deep layers of mucous membranes. For this you use:

  • medicines,
  • diet,
  • folk remedies.


All medicines that can be prescribed by a doctor have a preventive and curative effect. If the form is not heavy, then their reception is done on an outpatient basis.

In severe illness - in the hospital. During treatment, preparations of systemic action are prescribed. Only with their help you can completely get rid of candidiasis of the stomach.

One of the most popular is Fluconazole. In addition to it is assigned:

  • Mycoheptin. This antibiotic is available in the form of gelatin capsules. Orally taken 2 tablets twice a day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
  • Nystatin. This antifungal agent, which can be used in case of bowel damage.
  • LeVorin. An antifungal drug that is drunk 2-4 times a day.

In severe cases, injections of Ampholil, Amphoterica are prescribed. Simultaneously with taking antifungal medications the doctor can prescribe drugs aimed at normalizing the microflora.


The diet is mandatory in the treatment of candidiasis of the stomach. With the intake of certain products, the fungus can begin to actively grow and multiply. Therefore, you need to completely exclude from the menu:

  • alcohol,
  • sugar and sweets,
  • buns and white bread,
  • sweet fruit,
  • marinades,
  • fresh milk.

Accent in the diet can be done on any type of meat and offal, fish products, sour-milk products, vegetables. Tea should be weak, and it is better to completely abandon soluble coffee.

Most of the products must be products that have not been treated with high temperatures. Sour-milk products contain live bacteria.

Therefore, natural yogurt, kefir with a short shelf life should be drunk several times a day. The onion, garlic acts foully on mushrooms.

Treatment with folk remedies

Decoctions made on the basis of oat flakes and infusions from oak, calendula, celandine, St. John's wort, carrots and garlic will have a positive effect on the stomach. They are especially good at the initial stage and for prevention.

With advanced stages such therapy with folk remedies may not only be ineffective, but also harm the current condition of a person.

Well tinctured with buds of black poplar, aspen, fresh peel of black walnut fruit. These ingredients are infused with vodka in a 1:10 ratio.

Prevention of

The main preventive tool is the maintenance of normal immunity. You should strictly follow the doctor's prescription, and when taking antibiotics, take additional medications to normalize the gastrointestinal microflora.

Gastric candidiasis is often a secondary disease, so it is much easier to prevent it from occurring.

Be careful when taking hormones and antidepressants. If you feel one of the above symptoms after taking them, consult your doctor.

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