Pig( armed) tapeworm( tapeworm), shadowy man( photo), the final host, how it looks, can parasitize in the brain?

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Teniosis is a parasitic disease, caused by a flat tapeworm taenia solium( pork tapeworm, tapeworm)( pictured).The pig pork tartarum settles in the small intestine of the person and causes dispersion disorders. Such helminthiasis occurs where pork is used as the main type of meat for cooking. Geographical distribution is well defined. This is practically all the East Asian countries, the countries of Latin America and Africa. In Russia, the main epidemiological focus is the Krasnodar Territory. In other places, there is no clear localization, only sporadic cases are recorded.

So, as already mentioned above, the shadyosis is diagnosed when the pork snake actively parasitizes in the human intestine. It has a flat shape, similar to a long ribbon. The body of the pork solitaire consists of several parts:

  1. Scolex heads, 2-3 mm in diameter. On its top there are four suckers and a double crown of hooks, consisting of 32 hooks. The crown is clearly visible in the photo. That is why the word "armed" is present in the name of a flat worm.
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  3. Cervical.
  4. Strobiles. It contains up to 1000 segments. In the central part of the strobila are the segments, inside which are male and female genital organs. That is why one hermaphrodite segment is able to impregnate the other. This occurs when one sexually mature specimen of pork solitaire is present in the intestine, if there are two of them, the reproduction is carried out according to the scheme of cross fertilization.

Features of the life cycle of the pork chain

The life cycle diagram of the worm is clearly presented in the photo. Every day during the course of the shadow, the segments located at the end of the armed tapeworm atrophy and fall off, but inside them are fertilized eggs. Together with the feces, the mature segments fall outside into the external environment. There, the membrane of the segments disappears, the eggs fall out and settle in the grass, on the soil. Together with the food they are swallowed by pigs.

In the organism of the intermediate host, the porcine chain egg shell dissolves, the oncophera is released from it, which easily enters the bloodstream and is distributed to them through all internal systems. Slowing in a certain place, the onconsider is transformed into a Finn. It has small dimensions( up to 0.5 cm), inside is filled with liquid, in it floats one head of an armed tapeworm. How does the Finn look like in the photo. Inside the intermediate host, pig tartan can live up to two years in this form, after which the larva dies.

To mature into a mature person, the pork solitaire is only able in the body of the final host. There it falls after a person eats contaminated meat, which has undergone insufficient heat treatment. Orally, the larva penetrates first into the stomach, then into the small intestine. It is there that the larva grows into a sexually mature specimen that can reproduce. The life cycle ends here. Teniosis is an intestinal form.

What is the difference between a pork tapeworm and a bull tie?

Pork and Bovine Chains( pictured) belong to the same class of tapeworms. Both parasites parasitize inside the intestine, they have approximately the same anatomical structure. However, there are a number of key differences between them:

  • Firstly, infection with the shadows is much more dangerous than infection by the bull chain( shadowyarnhoz).And all because in the second case a person can act as a final and intermediate master. In the first case, all internal organs, including the brain, are affected. And this can lead to the death of the patient.
  • Secondly, bovine tapeworm is attached to the walls of the intestines by means of suction cups, and the pork tapeworm, in addition to the suckers, has a double crown of hooks, which significantly increases the mechanical effect on the walls of the small intestine. That's why bovine tapeworm is considered to be unarmed, and pork - to be armed.
  • Third, both parasites have different sizes. The one whose intermediate hosts are pigs, the maximum grows to 4 meters, the bovine parasite grows to 10 meters in length.

Some anatomical features( different number of ovaries, different number of branches from the uterus) enables specialists to identify the parasite, and therefore, to make a more accurate diagnosis.

Thyroid disease

Under the influence of bile and digestive juices, the head of the Finn is turned out and firmly attached by hooks is attached to the mucosa of the small intestine. The parasite after this begins to grow actively, the number of segments on the strobila increases gradually, in the adult specimen( pictured), the tapeworm of pig pork grows in two, two and a half months.

During the shadows, the intestinal mucosa is mechanically irritated. This leads to the appearance of an inflammatory process, its symptoms are similar to those of any gastrointestinal disease. Armed tapeworm can grow up to four meters in length. Such a huge helminth consumes a large number of nutrients. All of them are stolen from an adult patient and from children. That is why a patient infected with a swine tapeworm quickly loses weight. Absorption of nutrients can lead to hypochromic anemia.

The combination of disorders of the intestinal tract functions with dispersion disorders, as well as the appearance of certain neurological symptoms, gives the right to suspect a shadowy condition. Confirm diagnosis is helped by stool analysis. As a rule, with the development of helminthiosis in its intestinal form, in faeces it is possible to detect the presence of segments of pork chain. They have small dimensions, a rectangular shape and a yellowish white color. Some segments are able to move. And this is a sure sign of the shadow.

Teniosis today is treated quite successfully, but the predictions associated with such an invasion are always serious. This is because there is a high likelihood of endogenous infection with cysticercicosis, an extraintestinal form of shadowosis. Why is it so dangerous?

Dangerous forms of shinose

Cysticercosis - a form of shadowosis - a parasitic disease in which infection occurs due to ingestion of invasive larvae of pork chopsticks into the stomach. They can get there together with vomit masses( vomiting, from someone who already has a sexually mature specimen of pork solitary in the intestine - the most common source of self-infection).Dirty hands, the use of dirty products, not boiled water from wells - sources of infection can be different.

When the larvae of the pork snake come into the body, the person from the final host turns into an intermediate. Larvae along with the blood are carried throughout the body and settle in different organs( in the liver, in the lungs, in the heart, in the brain, in the eyes of the patient).Cysticercosis is more dangerous than a shadow. Larvae, settling on the tissues of internal organs, damage their integrity( when such processes occur in the brain, the consequences can be irreversible).

In addition, the larva within a person is not able to turn into a mature individual, but it actively parasitizes during two years, during this larva of the pork chain actively releases into the blood toxins. They become the causes of the symptoms of general intoxication and allergies. Two years later, the larva will die, but as long as she lives, scarring and wrinkling processes intensify, breaking the integrity of the tissue. And this provokes the emergence of dangerous complications.

Such destructive processes bovine tapeworm does not cause, therefore the pork armed tapeworm is more dangerous. Successful struggle with the shadow helps prevent the occurrence of cysticercosis. That is why it is so important to seek medical attention if there are characteristic symptoms of presence, and not to engage in self-medication.

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