Skin toxocariasis, rashes on the skin, photos, symptoms and treatment of this form, how does it look?

Cutaneous toxocarosis is diagnosed in people often enough. The youngest children are most affected by this invasion. At them on statistical data each 4 revealed case of the given helminthiosis has this form. What is the reason for the development of helminthiosis of this type? It arises from the penetration of larvae toxocar with blood flow to the skin, where they can be encapsulated, causing the inflamed "cones" or continue to migrate. The disease manifests allergic reactions, swelling and urticaria, which are accompanied by redness and itching. In severe cases and in the absence of treatment, the course of migration of the larvae may lead to the development of eczema. Typical signs of the development of this pathology are:

  • Urticaria;
  • Erythema;
  • Eczematous foci;
  • Skin itch, provoked by the movement of larvae of toxocar;
  • Burning and pain in places of redness.

You can feel the presence of small nodules to the touch. They contain maturing larvae of parasites. All signs of dermal form of toxocarias are clearly visible in the photo. All these photos very clearly show the clinical picture of the disease and give an opportunity to a person who has long not passing and looking the same signs, not to go to a dermatologist, but to an infectionist or parasitologist. These specialists are able to identify the causative agent of this pathology after the appropriate diagnosis.

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One of the main symptoms of cutaneous toxocariasis is a recurring rash that looks like a watery, reddish vesicle. When combing this highly itchy rash, secondary pustules are often found. The appearance of special dense tubercles is noted on the soles of the feet and palms. A sign that this small-scaby rash is nothing but a symptom of the dermal form of toxocarias is that it can not be rid of by histamine drugs. It can disappear for a short time after encapsulation of the larvae and arise again with the beginning of their migration.

In addition to not passing rash symptom of toxocarosis of the skin is the deterioration in a person's hair condition, as well as the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Many patients who have been diagnosed with this invasion note the appearance of regular inflammatory phenomena that usually appear on the nail cuticle. Since the infection by larvae of these parasites is difficult to get rid of, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist and pass the appropriate diagnostic studies that confirm or deny the infection with this type of nematodes.

Treatment of cutaneous toxocare

The main therapeutic measures for this helminthiasis are carried out, as in the others, with the help of antinematode drugs effective in migrating stage of larvae. Specialists to remove the patient from this invasion are:

  • Albendazole. The medication is used in the morning and in the evening for 1-2 weeks;
  • Medamin with repeated cycles of 10 days;
  • Vermox once a day for 200-300 mg for 10-30 days.

All these drugs used in the treatment of cutaneous toxocarias are toxic enough. With uncontrolled admission and non-compliance with the course of therapy, side effects may occur. That is why all therapeutic measures should be appointed by a specialist and conducted under his supervision. If there is a negative reaction to the prescribed medicine, this should be reported to a specialist who will choose an analogue of the drug that works no less effectively.

The appointment of a curative course to rid the patient of cutaneous toxocariasis is carried out with obligatory consultation of a dermatologist, since with this ailment, local therapy is necessary, which is performed taking into account the severity of inflammatory phenomena. Used for toxocarosis of the skin, corticosteroid aerosols, ointments, creams. When there are significant edema, a specialist recommends cold lotions and diuretics. In the event that the lesions are multiple, the patient is assigned systemic glucocorticosteroids( Dexamethasone, Prednisone, Prednisolone).These drugs have immunosuppressive, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Most often, the reinforcing therapy of skin toxoxosis is carried out using the following drugs:

  • Immunomodulators. They are used to strengthen the patient's immunity;
  • Enteroseptics, which restore the digestive system damaged by potent antiparasitic drugs;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - Erius, Diclofenac, Indomethacin;
  • Antiallergic drugs - Cetrin, Claritin, Zodak.
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