Papillomatous intradermal, pigmented and hairy nevus of the skin: photos, symptoms, treatment

Papillomatous nevus is a benign formation, similar to a large mole. Often it has a surface in the form of tubercles. There is a nevus rarely in infancy. In most cases, it occurs later and reaches the maximum parameters by 30 years.

The concept of papillomatous nevus of the skin

Education can be single or located in different parts of the body, but more often it grows on the head and neck.

The tuberous nodule consists of papillary growths that are attached to the epithelium by the foot. Despite the fact that he can appear at any age, he is of an innate type, like most other moles.


Distinguish papillomatous nevus in appearance and in form.

Appearance is divided into:

  • pigmented, having a dark color;
  • hair type, from which grow dark-colored hair;
  • is a veracrous type resembling a warty nevus.

The latter species often has deep folds, outwardly resembling a cauliflower. From the first two types hair can grow, the length of which can reach considerable sizes.

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Photo of the papillomatous nevus on the scalp

The nevi are divided into:

  • organic;
  • disseminated.
  1. The former are more common. These are single birthmarks of brown color. This type can significantly rise above the dermis. Because of the presence of keratinized cells, this new growth is very dense.
  2. Disseminated nevus - multiple formations that look like plaques. This species is notable for its inconstancy, so it periodically disappears and appears again. Usually this species is found in people who have CNS diseases and epilepsy.

Reasons for the formation of

Doctors say that the main cause is an abnormal accumulation of pigment cells in one area of ​​the skin. Therefore, the nevus is called melanocytic.

Since the predisposition to its onset is pending even during embryonic development, pregnant women should be avoided:

  • toxic components,
  • radiation,
  • changes in estrogens in the blood.

Sometimes lead to its appearance and infection of the genitourinary system in a pregnant woman. It can arise in humans even if the baby has a malfunction in the body.

Then a large amount of coloring pigment accumulates on one area. Over time, under the influence of their own hormones and external factors, this formation becomes more noticeable.

Ordinary papilloma or a wart at any time can become a cancerous melanoma! If the papilloma is not treated, then further development of the disease and spread through the body, until the appearance of rashes on the mucous membranes. Learn how to quickly get rid of papillomas and warts »

Symptoms of

The color of the papillomatous nevus can range from skin color to black shades. It depends on the amount of melanin contained in the cells. The main feature is a slow increase in size.

The formation differs from the like:

  • convexity,
  • density,
  • tuberosity.

The last symptom is related to the fact that the formation represents a lot of long processes of the epidermis. Consider this sign can be easily under a microscope. A distinctive feature is the clarity of borders. In some cases, the size of such a nevus can reach a diameter of 1 cm.


Dermatoscopy is a mandatory research method. It is prescribed in the presence of any birthmarks on the body. This hardware method allows you to study the formation at multiple magnifications.

Siascopic examination - spectrophotometric scanning, which allows to study the structure of the nevus, its color, distribution of melanin cells. Syskopia gives the opportunity to look at a depth of 2-4 mm, which is very valuable in the formulation of an accurate diagnosis.

It is especially important to conduct this study if the formation began to change its shape or size, as it allows diagnosing melanoma at the earliest stages.

The biopsy is performed according to the indications. Usually, the cells are sent for histological examination after the removal process.

The point is that the biopsy requires excision of the tumor, therefore it is a strong traumatic factor. The method is chosen only in extreme cases.

Treatment of papillomatous nevus

This benign neoplasm should be removed only if a serious cosmetic defect or in a situation where it is in a traumatic place.

If the nevus is on the face, then choose a laser or a joy wave. After these procedures, scars do not remain.

It is usually suggested to use liquid nitrogen in the scalp. The method is also good when education is on hidden sites.

Nitrogen treatment is performed only when the nevus is precisely differentiated, since after the freezing it is impossible to perform a histological analysis.

Excision is not used very often today, but it is indispensable in the case if it is necessary to carry out further research of the nevus itself. After the procedure, a small scar may remain.

There are folk methods of treatment, for example, pulling the thread at the base. Doctors say that such actions can not be carried out. They will not get rid of tumors, but they can cause serious harm to the general condition.


Despite the fact that the papillomatous nevus is considered to be one of the safest, doctors say that the risk of transformation into melanoma is preserved when injured. In this case, increases to 50%.

It is urgent to get an oncologist's advice if you find:

  • rapid increase in formation,
  • color change,
  • formation of red rim,
  • hair loss from the affected surface,
  • appearance of unpleasant sensations.

Video shows the removal of the dysplastic papillomatous nevus of the cheek:

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