Atheroma: treatment without surgery, removal by laser and radio wave method, price, reviews

Cyst can be formed in any person, regardless of age or gender criteria. Such formations are localized in all parts of the body and are characterized by a different etiology. One of the safe neoplasms of benign origin is the epidermal cyst or atheroma.

What is atheroma and should it be removed?

Atheroma is considered to be a benign cystic formation that forms under the skin on the trunk, back or face, on the scalp or genitals.

The inner shell of atheroma continues to develop a continuous secret, causing the formation to slowly increase. First, the cyst begins to develop slowly, without causing discomfort and pain. It has a rounded shape, and in the center you can see a dark point - clogged fat-ductile duct. With palpation, this formation does not cause pain and can move.

This cyst is able to remain in its original form for many years without changing, but it can also grow, albeit very slowly.

Although atheroma and benign education that is not malignant, specialists recommend that it be removed, because it is possible to develop complications like suppuration of the cyst.

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Then there is a purulent-inflammatory process with cavity formation and melting of the affected tissues( abscess).There is a pronounced pain syndrome, swelling and redness of the abscess, a deterioration of the state of health, a fever develops. Atheroma can spontaneously open.

If the exudate expires outward, the outcome is favorable, with internal expiration is a great risk of developing blood infection with all the characteristic consequences, up to the lethal outcome of .Therefore, it is recommended to get rid of atheroma.

Methods of treatment with and without

Operational techniques for treating atheroma suggest its removal, which can be performed in several ways:

  • Surgical removal;
  • Radio wave removal;
  • Laser operation.

Non-surgical treatment of atheromas such as applying ointments or compresses, squeezing or pumping out the contents, according to experts, does not give such an effective result as an operation.

The use of conservative techniques is not capable of removing the capsule itself, and therefore will subsequently begin to produce a secret which will lead to the re-formation of atheroma .

Therefore, today the most effective and non-recurrent is the surgical treatment of the epidermal cyst.

Surgical removal of

Surgical method of atheroma removal is used for large sizes of education. Removal of the cyst along with the capsule is performed in operational and clinical sterile conditions. The operation is carried out in several stages:

  1. The patient is prepared, passes necessary laboratory and hardware diagnostic tests. Before the removal procedure, you must not eat for 4 hours. The operation lasts about 60 minutes, during this time the patient is given an anesthetic, the cyst is removed, the wound formed is treated and a pressure bandage is applied;
  2. Usually, local anesthesia is used when an anesthetic drug is injected into surrounding tissue atheroma;
  3. Cut the skin over the cyst, and remove the atheroma with the capsule. Sometimes, before removal, the surgeon first retrieves the contents of the capsule, and then disposes of the shell itself. This variant of the operation is preferable if it is necessary that the postoperative suture be of small size;
  4. After which the incision is carefully processed, sewed, a bandage is applied. The seam is performed depending on the location of the atheroma: on the face it is preferable to impose cosmetic sutures, and in places with increased motor activity - strengthened;
  5. During the postoperative period, a bandage change is performed daily. Approximately a week later the seams are removed( if they were not absorbable).The wound heals depending on its location in a couple of weeks or a month.

After such an operation, a scar remains, the size of which depends on the method of extraction of the cyst, its size, the professionalism of the surgeon and the characteristics of the patient's body.

Photo of the removed atheroma after operation

If the atheroma has undergone to a pyesis, to her surgical actions of some other character are applied. Then during the operation, the purulent contents are drained first, then the cavity is washed with antiseptic solutions. Then the atheroma is left for complete overgrowing. After about a couple of months, it will again become a whole education, which can be removed by the surgical procedure described above.

Radio wave method

Radiowave surgery today is rightly considered to be the most effective and safe way to remove atheroma. This technique has a considerable advantage:

  • Bloodless intervention means that the risk of bleeding is excluded;
  • Removal occurs forever, the probability of relapse is absolutely excluded;
  • The procedure is practically painless;
  • There is no need for superposition of postoperative sutures;
  • The shortest recovery period;
  • There are no traces after surgery;
  • Does not affect the ability to work.

During the radio wave removal of the epidermal cyst, there is no damage to the surrounding tissues, which ensures the absence of scars. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes, during which the atheroma, as it were, is burned out by radio wave radiation, after which only a small depression remains in place of the cyst. It is treated with an antiseptic and covered with a bandage.

Laser application

Laser surgery also enjoys no less popularity, due to its efficiency and quick results. Laser removal is performed with small cyst size.

The technique is characterized by the absence of postoperative traces and bloodlessness, therefore with the help of the laser it is possible to get rid of atheroma even on the face - no cosmetic consequences will remain.

How to remove the atheroma on the forehead with a laser, you can see in this video:

The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. If the intervention is supposed to be on the scalp, then there is no need to shave the hair around the atheroma. After laser removal, cases of relapses are virtually eliminated. If the atheroma is large, it is possible to carry out a complex removal, which involves performing a cut with a scalpel, and then removing the cyst with a laser.

Such a complex approach reduces the likelihood of recurrence and infection, but after the operation, rehabilitation is necessary for 1.5-2 weeks.

Cost of

In addition to effectiveness and duration, each method of atheroma removal differs and costs:

  1. Surgical removal - 5350-7200 ₽;
  2. Radiowave surgery - 4370-5250 ₽;
  3. Laser treatment - 3690-4970 ₽.


Maria, 24 years old:

I had an atheroma on my head, right on top of my head. Appeared in school days. At first it did not grow, but then it began to increase gradually and by the age of 20 a cone with the size of a quail egg grew on my vertex. Scary, but still decided on the operation. Removed in the traditional way, because the cyst is large. They put seams and a bandage. Somewhere a week went to dressings, then the stitches were removed. I was afraid that there would be a scar, but no. Hair grows normally, without bald spots. In general, I'm glad that everything turned out well.

Andrey, 43 years old:

On the forehead, probably 10 years old, there was a small bump like a pea. She was not sick, she was not itching, as it turned out, atheroma. He tried to squeeze out himself, some white mass came out of it. But a month later the cone reappeared and began to grow. I went to the surgeon to the center, where I was quickly removed by a special laser. Of course, I had to go to the clinic several times: I took tests and then did bandaging, but most importantly, the result. No scars, no complications, and the cone did not appear any more, although it took 4 years after the removal.

When can I start washing my hair?

More often an atheroma is located on the head in the scalp. After the removal of such epidermal cysts, the traditional surgical method is to wash the head during the rehabilitation period. Although it is better to consult a doctor who performed the removal.

Complications of

Postoperative complications of atheroma are rare in practice, but cyst removal is an interference in the body.

Therefore, there is a certain risk of bleeding, hyperthermia, some soreness of damaged tissues.

The appearance of severe puffiness of the suture, fever and intense pain requires mandatory treatment to the surgeon.

Treatment in children

Children are no exception, because they also develop atheromas. In childhood, epidermal cysts often have a hereditary nature or are formed during puberty. Removal is mandatory if:

  • Rapid growth of the epidermal cyst is noted;
  • Atheroma is localized under the armpits, in the groin or on the face;
  • The body of the cyst contributes to the compression of the blood vessels, which leads to inflammation of nearby lymph nodes;
  • Suppuration or inflammation of the atheroma, which is fraught with abscess and phlegmon;
  • The epidermal cyst disrupts the functionality or development of important organs( localization of the atheroma near the eye, nose, in the groin, ear or eyebrows).

Children under 7 years of age are treated with general anesthesia, and older patients are treated under local anesthesia. Usually sparing techniques like radio wave or laser surgery are used.

How to relieve inflammation in an athere?

After traditional surgical removal, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and local wound healing and antimicrobials are often prescribed to avoid complications.

Which doctor heals?

Removal of atheroma is handled by a surgeon, but first you should contact a dermatologist who will decide what treatment is needed.

Video on the removal of atheroma on the scalp:

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