What is neurosis of the pharynx and what are the symptoms of the disease?

1 Manifestation of hypoesthesia

Hypesesia is a partial numbness or loss of sensitivity of the larynx. This form of defectiveness is also known as anesthesia and has a pronounced symptom consisting in blunting or absence of a pharyngeal reflex provoked by abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system, mental disorders, hysteria.

There may be another indication: a decrease in the temperature sensitivity during a meal and the use of hot drinks, which is very dangerous and can cause damage to the airway, cause burns.

There is a decrease in olfactory sensations during hypesthesia, which is accompanied by an undeniable discomfort in determining the taste of the products.

As a result of swallowing, a person can choke. If this is done regularly, then due to aspiration of saliva, food particles may be complications in the lungs, causing asphyxia.

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2 Signs of severity of pathology

Hyperesthesia develops in chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and is expressed by the hypersensitivity of the pharynx, has the following symptoms:

  1. Sensation of some kind of throat disturbance. It can be a feeling of a lump, an unnatural formation, similar to a film covering the pharynx and making it difficult to breathe.
  2. Discomfort caused by perspiration, which is felt like burning, itching, tingling, tickling.
  3. Desire to clear your throat.

Attempts to cough up can cause nausea, and with intense coughing - provoke vomiting.

Sensation in the throat of the presence of a lump in medicine is treated as a lump of hysterical because of problems with mental stability, expressed by increased irritability( hysteria) or fatigue( neurasthenia).Symptom can be caused by a violation of nerves: wandering, lingopharyngeal, sublingual;pathology, provoked by angina lingual tonsil, inflammatory mucosal disease( fungal pharyngitis).

To eliminate the sensation of a lump, the throat and pharynx are examined( pharyngoscopy) using a specially designed mirror. The medical method of examining the larynx, the vocal cords( laryngoscopy) is also appropriate. Further, based on the results of the diagnosis, therapy is prescribed, including treatment for a psychoneurologist.

3 Manifestations of paresthesia

Paresthesia causes unnatural sensations not associated with upper respiratory tract infection. The intensity of the symptoms characteristic for her can vary throughout the day. Symptoms may be as follows:

  1. numbness of a specific area or the entire canal that connects the esophagus with the oral cavity;
  2. sensation of "goosebumps" in the pharynx caused by the innervation of the irritated nerve;
  3. tingling, burning, sadness - these symptoms can have a single character or intensively change each other;
  4. feeling of pressure in the throat, arising from the disruption of the work of the nerve plexuses, with a feeling of constriction of the airways;
  5. false sensation of a foreign body, which is permanent in nature and indicates a significant destruction of nerve fibers;
  6. pain in the throat, able to respond in the ears.

To eliminate symptoms, it is necessary to nullify the action of the irritating factor. If it is impossible to determine it independently, you need to go through a detailed examination with a specialist.

4 General signs of CNS activity disorder

Regardless of the forms of the flow of pharyngeal neurosis, patients may have common symptoms:

  1. Increased sweating, indicating a jump in body temperature. It is a natural reaction of the body, which ensures the regulation of the temperature regime of the human body.
  2. Painful, rapid heartbeat( tachycardia).
  3. Tearfulness is a violation of the normal emotional state caused by a strong nervous breakdown.
  4. Insomnia( insomnia) is a common disorder characterized by dissatisfaction with the duration and quality of sleep.
  5. Irritability is a painful perception of the external and internal environment, where all objects and phenomena are perceived as irritants, and the main one is the neurosis of the pharynx.


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Often, airway neurosis can be accompanied by headaches, absent-mindedness, decreased cognitive abilities, memory, poor appetite, high excitability. It can occur in combination with migraine, accompanied by hypersensitivity to light and sounds.

Depending on the type of pathology, the neurosis of the throat is expressed by various forms of percolation. Each type has individual symptoms and possible variants of preventive measures, treatment. The reasons that caused these symptoms may be different. In addition, the course of the disease will depend on the individual condition of the CNS patient.

Symptoms are the first bells of development and exacerbation of the disease, the signs can not be ignored to prevent the aggravation of the sensitivity of the pharynx and the complications following the pathology.

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Complex treatment, including physiotherapeutic procedures, rehabilitation measures - guaranteed disposal of the pharynx neurosis and its symptoms.

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