Why does he press his head from the inside?

First of all, it is important to know what kind of pain it is. Pulsating pain in the head occurs with vascular spasms. The causes of such a phenomenon are increase or decrease of pressure, smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol.

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Neuralgic pain is most often acute and piercing. Often this is due to a pinched nerve. For example, osteochondrosis of the cervical region worsens the blood flow in the head. Muscle pain can occur with stretching muscles or some kind of sharp movement.

Other causes of headache: a violation of the blood flow of the brain, lack of oxygen in the body, a long uncomfortable position of the head, alcohol poisoning, irritation of nerve cerebral endings, neck and back injuries, inflammation in the maxillary sinuses, sinusitis and other diseases.

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If headaches occur regularly, you should consult your doctor to determine the cause of the pain. Only the identification of this factor will remove the painful manifestations that interfere fully with life.

2 Pressing pain in the head and its causes

According to statistics, a feeling of pressure from the inside arises at least once in a lifetime. Such a feeling can be experienced by people of any age. What are the causes of this condition?

  1. Hormonal disorders in the body. Pregnancy, birth, taking hormonal contraceptives - all this can dramatically change the balance of hormones in the female body, so most often such a pain in the head can feel women.
  2. Head injuries. Especially suffer from headaches are those who suffered a concussion.
  3. Stresses. Very often with nervous overstrain a person can feel pain. Stress at work, tragic events - all this does not benefit the health.
  4. Abuse of harmful food, alcohol and smoking. If a person consumes a large amount of smoked, fatty, acute and sweet, the vessels begin to work much worse, which can cause a feeling of pressure inside the head from the inside. Alcohol and cigarettes significantly impair vascular tone, increase the risk of cholesterol plaques, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
  5. Sharp weather change. Meteozavisimye people, as a rule, suffer from a headache with a sharp change in weather conditions. Much to our regret, completely to eliminate the reason in that case it does not turn out. It is possible only to control your condition and take the necessary drugs.
  6. Heavy physical labor and starvation. Recently, a variety of diets for fast weight loss are very popular. The latter is extremely harmful to the body. In addition, many people practice curative fasting without seeing a doctor. Do it categorically impossible! In addition, rapid weight loss in the future will lead to an even faster set of extra pounds. You need to lose weight gradually, not more than 1 kg per week.

Such a pain in the head is more aching. It can be localized from one side, and from both at the same time. Often you can feel unpleasant pain in the temporal part. In addition, the attack of pain is monotonous, it does not grow. Very often you can feel nausea. In addition, the pressing pain can be seen in the eyes - a person feels pressure in them, tension. With such signs it is important to exclude the possibility of glaucoma, for which it is urgent to visit an ophthalmologist.

3 Prevention and treatment

How to prevent the emergence of pressing pain in the head? First of all, it is important to adjust your daily routine. Be sure to leave enough time for a full night's sleep - at least 8 hours. You can watch an interesting film later, but it's very important to get enough sleep.

You should choose a suitable type of physical activity for yourself. It can be swimming, yoga or aerobics for more active people. Sports improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels. It is also important to monitor the condition of your spine. You can do exercises to strengthen the muscular corset. Correct posture is also very important: the curved vertebral column significantly worsens the blood flow. If it is difficult to control even posture, you can buy a special corset.


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Nutrition plays an important role in the prevention of pain. It is important to consume enough protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates. The latter should not be obtained from cookies and sweets, but from rice and buckwheat. It is very useful for the vessels to regularly eat fatty fish: salmon, pink salmon and hake. Omega 3 acids, which are contained in a huge amount in these varieties, strengthen the vessels and give them elasticity and strength. In addition, the fish is able to eliminate cholesterol plaques in the vessels.

It is worth learning how to avoid stress, and if you had to be nervous, then relax. Is Abraham at work? At home, you should throw out all working thoughts from your head and take a fragrant bath. Essential oil of rosemary or lemon balm will relax and help calm down after a hard working day. Instead of emotional quarrels with her husband, it's best to talk quietly over a cup of tea. When dealing with unpleasant people, you can follow the advice of psychologists and imagine, as if around the body there is a large glass cube.

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If the attack does begin, you should put aside all the cases and try to sit or lie down as comfortably as possible. Try wet the napkin in water and put on the forehead. Each person reacts differently to the temperature of the water. Sometimes a simple compress can stop an attack of pain. Lie down with a wet towel on your head for about half an hour. If the attack happened at work, it is better to go and wash your face with cool water. You can moisten the wrists and the back of the neck.

It is important to provide fresh air in the room. It is recommended to open the window or turn on the air conditioner. At home, you can use a humidifier or hang wet towels on the battery. Good in case of pressing pain, herbal tea made of mint, lemon balm or sage. A light massage of the temples and neck with essential oils of rosemary, bergamot or mint will also help to relax the muscles. Besides tea, you can drink a glass of warm milk with honey.

If the head gets sick, at home you can try to take a warm bath with salt and fragrant oil. It is important to take into account that you can not fill the tub with neither too hot nor too cold water.

If the attack of pain is not so strong, you can try to do some light exercises or just take a walk. Improving the blood flow will help to remove discomfort.

4 Medical treatment

A doctor may prescribe medication for a headache that is not cleared by the above methods. This is one of those few cases when one can not tolerate pain and it is better to take medicine immediately to relax muscles and blood vessels.

Excellent drugs on the basis of active substances ibuprofen, paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, ketoprofen. The best results are given by preparations in which the antispasmodic and anesthetic component are combined. Such are Nyz, Nimesil, Spazmalgon.

It should be noted that these medications do not help to eliminate the cause of pain in the head. The drugs will only alleviate the attack and relax the strained tissues. It is possible to remove headaches only after the cause of the indisposition is identified. For this it is necessary to make a tomography, ultrasound, to pass all the necessary tests.

If an attack of pain results in impaired vision, numbness in the hands or feet, dry mouth and nausea, call an ambulance immediately. The same signs include increased pain and fever. As for methods such as a glass of cognac or a cup of coffee, they can not be attributed to the current methods of alleviating headaches.

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