Hilak forte with gastritis

In modern pharmacology there is a huge amount of medicines used to treat gastritis. Among them, antibiotics, means for heartburn, anesthetics, probiotics and others are widely represented. But all of them should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

This inflammatory disease of the stomach can have a different secretory function, and different stages of development, so self-treatment is strictly prohibited, so as not to cause even greater harm to the digestive organ. Among probiotics, intended for the treatment of gastritis, a drug such as Hilak forte is allocated.

This drug is able by stimulating the immune response to enhance the protective properties of the body, as well as normalize the microflora in the intestines and the acidity of the stomach. In addition, under the influence of this probiotic resistance to pathogenic microbes is increased, and the development of vitamin groups in the gastrointestinal tract is intensified. This especially applies to such vitamins that belong to the groups K and B.

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Thanks to such properties, the Hilak forte helps to normalize the digestive process and restore the epithelium of the stomach, as well as the functions of the mucosa damaged by gastritis.

Treatment of gastritis Hilak forte

The drug Hilak forte contains ingredients that contribute to the complete and safe recovery of the mucosa in the digestive organs, which is damaged by inflammatory processes that occur with gastritis. The main among them are the following:

  • 4 non-germinal water substrates of metabolic products. They, after penetrating the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, promote the normalization of local microflora, preparing this soil for the development of their own. This process usually lasts about a month, so the drug will be prescribed by the doctor for such a period;
  • Lactic acid. It helps restore the secretory function of the stomach, regardless of its acidity;
  • Hilak forte, prescribed for gastritis, also contains volatile fatty acids that promote cell regeneration.

Negative effects on the body on the part of such a drug as Hilak forte, prescribed for the stabilization of the secretory function of the stomach in the treatment of gastritis, has so far not been observed. Only short-term side effects were noted in the form of a stool or bloating disorder. But, despite this, apply it for treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor.

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