The nature of headache in vegetovascular dystonia and methods of its treatment

1 Causes of pain

To date, there is no unanimous opinion on the classification of vegetative-vascular dystonia in medicine. Some experts believe that this is a disease, and the rest say that this is a complication of another serious illness. For this reason, it is required to reveal the true basis, which served as the beginning of the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

According to the researches of many experienced scientists, it is permissible to make a final conclusion that this is a pathological process taking place in the autonomic nervous system.

When performing the diagnosis of VSD( vegetative-vascular dystonia), one must take into account that head pain( cephalgia) is one of its underlying symptoms. Basically, these attacks in the head continue for a long period of time. Due to the fact that the pain becomes unbearable, a person feels constant fatigue, becomes irritated, he has an indifference to everything. Diseases VSD, according to statistics, are mostly inclined to women.

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The outbreak of headache with VSD occurs due to a failure in the action of the central and autonomic systems. As a rule, cephalgia appears due to disruption of cerebral vessels.

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When performing a study of the human brain, there are no changes in the activity of the blood vessel system. There are no cramps or swollen veins and arteries. The blood flow of the brain is carried out in a natural rhythm, but cephalgia does not stop.

Headache with VSD differs in sensations from other causes of its appearance. With an immediate onset of an attack and increased pain, it should be assumed that this is not the VSD.A painful symptom can be accompanied by a fainting condition and systematic dizziness. A person begins to walk indecisively, hear noises in the ears and experience signs of intoxication. The listed manifestations are considered characteristic in case of failure in the activity of the vegetative system.

2 Morning attacks

As specialists note, with vascular dystonia a person almost always has a headache in the morning, which is observed immediately after the end of sleep. Headaches occur in a matter of minutes and continue throughout the day until nightfall, until a person falls asleep. And for the whole day they do not change their strength. They are also not affected by job changes. A person has a clear perception of what is happening, detachment appears. During the performance of any physical activity and with tilts, headaches can increase. In addition, you may experience a throbbing in your head.

At night, when a person sleeps, the headache decreases. When you climb at night, it can start again and last all day. There is a feeling of squeezing in the head. Cephalgia, which prevents a person from falling asleep, is not a violation of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Symptomatology can include painful sensations of the entire area of ​​the head or various parts of it - the temporal, frontal or occipital region.

Headaches felt in the temporal areas of the VSD are similar to the usual migraine attack. Sensation of pulsation in the temples and occiput, stuffiness of the ears, edema of the forehead, tension of the upper part of the face are manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. With all the above signs, blood pressure does not change, but remains the same. Small disruptions in pressure can prevail during a panic, when a person begins to worry, afraid of somatic symptoms of a disorder in the activity of the vegetative system.

3 The main symptoms of

In medical practice, the main signs of cephalalgia in vegetative-vascular dystonia are distinguished:


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  • occurrence of headaches in the morning hours following sleep;
  • severe restless condition;
  • sensation of pain throughout the day;
  • no effect on pain medications.

Headache with VSD is not eliminated by some means of analgesic action. These drug groups improve the movement of the blood of the central organ of the central nervous system, and the reason is absolutely different.

A person can take a whole day for a lot of drugs and antispasmodics, and the pain will still not subside, this condition greatly exhausts the patient.

This problem requires a medical examination of the body and a course of therapy that meets all the necessary requirements. Treatment of a single site or organ will not give the desired effect. Diseases of the spinal column, namely its cervical spine are not vegetative-vascular dystonia. At a dystonia it is recommended to use sedatives, and also it is supposed to accept broths made of some medicinal plants possessing curative properties.

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Originally, you need to get rid of a sense of apprehension and panic attacks. If, with the use of sedative and tranquilizers, there is relief from the condition, and the headache subsides, it should be assumed that the basis is the VSD.

There is a group of medicines called nootropics. These drugs normalize the functioning of the senior department of the central nervous system. Also they are able to improve memory, activate mental work and support the activity of the brain itself, improving the most difficult functions.

4 How the head aches with

Many people who have been given a medical report to the VSD can not accurately determine the location and nature of the headache. The fact is that the pain signs manifest themselves differently: some ill people feel a burning sensation in the head, others are tormented by a bursting sensation and numbness.

Periodically exceeding the normal value of arterial pressure in the vessels contributes to their expansion. Strong blood flow, penetrating the brain, provokes pain. As a rule, this is observed at an abrupt pressure. At the same time, there is a vascular dystonia of a venous nature, in which the blood enters the strongly dilated venous canals. Because of the increase in pressure, a pain of a pulsating character arises.

As noted earlier, the headache manifests itself in different ways: it can be a bursting, occipital, temporal, etc. In addition, along with the pain in a person, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms are observed. The syndrome of vegetative-vascular disorder manifests itself in many ways. Pain, as the main sign of the VSD, is observed in people with high meteosensitivity or in those who have suffered severe stress in the past.

What to do with vegeto-vascular dystonia:

  • systematically follow the day regimen;
  • not to consume alcoholic beverages, nicotine and other narcotic substances;
  • eat right;
  • to minimize power loads;
  • beware of stress, overexertion and fatigue;
  • ventilate the room more often, etc.

If the above recommendations are followed, the person suffering from this pathological process may experience improvement. In addition, all actions must be performed by the patient in aggregate, only in this way can you achieve a positive effect of treatment.

5 Summing up the

VSD is accompanied by pain quite often. Symptoms coincide with migraine pains, but there is one difference. Cefalgia in the VSD can not be removed with the use of analgesics and other means. With a flash of pain in the head, a person has a feeling of fear and an unclear perception of reality.

To calm down the pains and reduce their number will help the sedatives designated by a specialist. If for any reason they can not be taken, you can replace them with phytotherapy.

Note that at the beginning of the treatment the doctor must have a correct diagnosis. Independent therapy is strictly prohibited. The same should identify the cause of its appearance, which will greatly facilitate the fight against this ailment. Cefalgia with VSD has its own peculiarities, so you should listen to your body. To do this, you can get your own diary, where the observations will be marked.

A healthy lifestyle should become a guarantee of a sound healthy state. Exercise exercises significantly increase the tone of the body and increase the performance of all systems. To perform physical exercises should be approached cautiously, based on age criteria and the passed diseases. Prevention measures will get rid of many possible diseases, preventing their occurrence. If still diagnosed with the VSD, immediate treatment, appointed by a qualified specialist, is required. All medications should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Together with traditional therapy it is permissible to use traditional medicine.

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