Why does my head ache while tilting down and how to eliminate it?

1 Causes of the emergence of the pain syndrome

With the headache, probably, every person faced. It is not necessary to panic, of course, but it is necessary to pay attention and understand the reasons. So why the headache?

Pressing sensations in the head when tilted can occur both in its individual parts and in the entire head. The sensations of squeezing the head are accompanied by intensification of pain. The nature of such sensations and their place of origin may give an answer to the question of why there is a headache when the head is tilted.

Very often the head hurts when tilted as a result of the stresses suffered during the day. Such pains usually appear in the evenings, after a working day, when you come home and try to relax. This sensation is expressed in the tension of the muscles on the forehead, there is a feeling of pressure on the eyes when the head is tilted forward. With such symptoms, herbal infusions or teas, brewed on soothing herbs, and good sleep are good. If the head hurts, when it bends down, it is very desirable for the doctor to appear.

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Pain in the nape of the neck indicates problems in the cervical spine. Expansion of cerebral vessels also causes unpleasant sensations in the head. The expansion of the vessels indicates an increased activity of the brain, which can be caused by a mass of causes. In this case, the headache is accompanied by attacks of nausea and loss of strength. In this case, for example, a source of bright light, a loud sound or other annoying factor may be unpleasant.

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Manifestations of sinusitis are the most common cause of headaches when tilted. The pain thus arises in the form of a pulsation in the frontal part of the face and in the temporal region. Most characteristic of these sensations are manifested after sleep in the morning. Symptomatically, these pains are very similar to migraines. Pain, as a consequence of sinusitis, can manifest as follows:

  • sensation of pressure in the face area;
  • any touch of the head leads to increased discomfort;
  • tilting the head causes strong pressure in the forehead and in the temples.

If the cause is sinusitis, then no means of headache will help. Here you need to get rid of the genyantritis itself. It is very difficult to cure genyantritis independently, therefore it is necessary to consult at least a specialist. After all, in a number of cases, the treatment of sinusitis can be carried out only with the help of an operative surgeon's intervention. Consider sinusitis as a cause of pressing sensations when the head is tilted in more detail.

2 Sinusitis as the root cause of

As already mentioned, the greatest number of all the cases of pressing pains in the head is caused by sinusitis. Sinusitis occurs as a result of overflow of the nasal sinuses with pus and, as a rule, is a consequence of a runny nose.

Why does the headache when tilting with genyantritis. The fact is that when the head is tilted downward, a strong rush of blood takes place, which causes painful sensations.

The mechanism of sinusitis is the following: when breathing in through the nose, pathogenic microorganisms - microbes - enter the organism, including those with weakened immunity that cause inflammation in the sinuses of the nose, accompanied by a runny nose or, as it is called in medicine, laryngitis. If the runny nose is not treated at the beginning of its birth, the inflammatory processes begin to cause the excretion of pus as a protective reaction of the organism, and it accumulates in the sinuses of the nose.

With a large accumulation, pus causes a bursting sensation even in the normal position of the head. These sensations, of course, multiply amplified when the head is tilted forward. Sometimes it seems that something is about to burst in my head.


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Sinusitis causes local pain sensations of a bursting or pressing nature mainly in the front of the head( in the forehead and in the temples).Therefore, the symptoms of sinusitis are often confused with migraine pains, which have a completely different nature of occurrence. Migraine can even cause a feeling that the nose is stuffy. This similarity makes the diagnosis of headaches a very ambiguous task, which only qualified specialists with extensive experience in their field can do.

Independently to distinguish a migraine from a genyantritis, and furthermore to undertake treatment happens very difficultly and even dangerously. However, migraine can sometimes be distinguished by reaction to certain stimuli. The main ones are light, sharp smells and noises. With the action of these stimuli, the head hurts when it tilts harder.

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Inflammation and purulent discharge in the sinuses of the nose can occur not only as a result of infection, but also because of allergic reactions of the body. All these circumstances should be taken into account when choosing medicines and the way of treatment. If there are doubts, then you need to go through a comprehensive diagnosis, because headaches can be caused not only by one reason, but also by a set of reasons.

3 Methods of treatment

Pain in the head, in addition to the main causes, can be caused by circumstances associated with other diseases or complications. These include:

  • complications in asthmatic diseases associated with the change of season;
  • allergic reactions of the organism of different nature;
  • various diseases accompanied by inflammation in the nasal cavity;
  • tumors of various origin and nature;
  • problems with the spine cause pain in the nape.

In addition, headaches with downward inclinations can be manifested simply when the pressure of the ambient air changes. Any activity related to pressure changes, too, can easily cause headaches, such as immersion in water and subsequent ascent. Therefore, headaches are predisposed to divers and scuba divers.

If there is pain in the back of the head, then you should take care of the spine, while for the consultation you need to make an appointment with a neurologist. The back of the head is a very sensitive part of the head, painful sensations should not be ignored in any circumstances in the back of the head.

The diagnosis for subsequent treatment is based on a detailed questioning of the patient and conducting the necessary laboratory tests. You may need a survey from a specialized specialist, for example, an otolaryngologist or an allergist. When diagnosing pain reactions are investigated when exposed to certain areas of the head.

All this makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the cause of pain when the head is tilted and give advice on treatment. In most cases, doctors tend to prescribe treatment with folk remedies, since they know that many medications cause side effects that are undesirable. However, this is true only in the case of diagnosis of mild diseases. In the treatment of neglected diseases or intractable diseases, medical or even surgical intervention can not be avoided. The pain in the back of the neck also requires a lot of attention.

Good data for diagnosis is provided by CT.In most medical centers provide such methods of diagnosis. By setting an accurate diagnosis, you can start treating headaches.

For example, with exacerbation of pain caused by sinusitis, it is usual practice to prescribe antibiotics. The course of antibiotics is supported by some measures to alleviate the condition of the patient. It is:

  • humidification of the air in the room where the patient is;
  • periodic washing of the nose with a special solution;
  • carrying out medicinal inhalations.

Well-balanced massage of the head and neck, especially if you are concerned about the pain in the neck. These measures are aimed at preventing re-plugging of the nose and, as a result, help to avoid headaches.

Before using inhalations, you should consult an allergist doctor to confirm the absence of allergy to medicines. This is also true if the patient is going to use nasal sprays.

A sudden headache usually appears after a suffered head or back injury. This can also indicate a painful character.

4 Prevention of pathology

Treatment with medication can be fully combined with the use of folk remedies. The choice of method of treatment and combination of funds depends on the form of the disease. But we must not forget about preventive measures.

The basis of prevention is the development of immunity with the help of medicinal herbs and hardening, the transition to a healthy balanced diet with minimal amounts of fats and carcinogens, the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle and physical training, such as jogging or walking in the fresh air. But you need to remember that you can not give physical activity with a headache.

Experienced doctors always advise how to choose an effective complex for the development of immunity and maintaining it in good condition. Pain and pressure in the head often inform about some impending disease, giving us a chance to get ahead of the development of the disease and cope with it at the very beginning.

For prevention it is necessary to try to smooth out conflict situations, avoid stress, let alone avoid depressions.

To prevent colds you should try not to overcool your body, often it is against the background of hypothermia that our immunity suffers. And to maintain immunity in order it is very useful to use folk remedies.

5 Folk methods

The use of herbs and herbal remedies is an alternative, milder way of treating headaches. The main task of such treatment is the removal of pain manifestations and strengthening of the body.

Elderberry, sorrel, verbena are the main components of herbal remedies, helping to get rid of headache and unpleasant sensations when the head is tilted.

However, with pain in the back of your head, you must always show yourself to a neurologist.

Even food additives often have medicinal herbs in their composition and are effective in relieving headaches. They relieve inflammation, clearing the nasal cavity and removing the cause of pressure in the head when tilting.

Immunity allows to strengthen such plants as St. John's wort, Ledum and Melissa, Shmelik and Mullein. These herbs are sold in pharmacies in the form of ready-made herbal preparations. They can be harvested independently. However, they should not be taken by women who feed their babies or bear fruit, as these herbs have a blood-thinning effect.

The use of inhalers is very effective in treating almost all catarrhal inflammatory diseases. You can use ready-made, manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry inhalers, or do inhalations in the old fashion - over the steam.

Well relieves headache tincture Eleutherococcus. Take tincture of 1-2 drops per day, gradually increasing the dose to 14-15 drops.

Peppermint added to tea will relieve a headache if you drink a glass in the morning and evening. The rind of lemon, attached to the temples, well removes local pain. Propolis tincture helps with a headache if taken on 40 drops per day. Tincture can be added to tea or warm water, but there may be allergic reactions to bee products.

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