Proctosigmoiditis - symptoms, treatment with folk remedies

In the event that any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract have not received proper treatment, they become the cause of proctosigmoiditis. This is a serious enough disease, one of the forms of chronic colitis, which occurs in the straight and sigmoid colon, and has quite unpleasant and severe symptoms.

This pathology by the nature of the course is divided into acute and chronic. Each of them has its own developmental features. Acute proctosigmoiditis begins suddenly and rapidly and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • In the left side of the abdomen there is severe pain, having a cutting character;
  • Frequent urge to defecate, which are usually false. At them fecal masses or are allocated in a small amount or absolutely absent, and instead of excrements comes bloody mucus. Sometimes pus may be present in the stool;
  • After the intestine is emptied, with proctosigmoiditis, unlike other inflammatory bowel pathologies, the painful symptomatology does not decrease;
  • Bloating, flatulence and nausea.
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In addition to intestinal symptoms, proctosigmoiditis is characterized by general physiological signs, which are expressed in malaise and weakness, fever, sensation of weakness. The causes of the development of pathology are either the consequences of prolonged courses of antibiotic treatment, or poisoning. In some cases, the onset of the disease can provoke and helminthic invasions.

The chronic form of proctosigmoiditis has a similar symptomatology, although the signs are less pronounced. Also with it, there are long periods of remission, relapses at which occur either as a result of alcohol intake by the patient, or because of the admission of errors in the prescribed dietary nutrition, which is the basis for the treatment of both forms of the disease.

Treatment of symptoms of proctosigmoiditis

In order to choose the appropriate treatment strategy, the specialist takes into account the concomitant symptomatology, which for the most part characterizes the severity of the disease. But whatever degree of flow is not present in this pathology, any therapeutic measures should proceed against the background of the corresponding diet. Also, it necessarily includes the use of traditional medicine, which eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of proctosigmoiditis, without causing the patient's addiction and without causing additional harm to his body.

Folk remedies, such as decoctions from herbal collections, used both in the form of drinking and microclysters, which directly affect the intestines, are very well proven in the treatment of symptoms of proctosigmoiditis. From the phytospores, oil infusions, used by the rectal method, are also prepared.

The traditional remedies of folk medicine are very good for removing the following symptoms of proctosigmoiditis without any consequences for the body:

  • For the treatment of small wounds and cracks in the rectum, candles made of lard and powder of herbs such as yarrow and calendula are prepared. Daily use of them contributes not only to the healing of injuries, but also to the reduction of the inflammatory process on the intestinal mucosa;
  • A very beneficial effect with intestinal symptoms of proctosigmoiditis, dysentery and flatulence, exudes a decoction of camomile flowers used for enemas, which are done in the morning and evening during the week. It also helps to relieve inflammation;
  • To provide an analgesic effect, enemas with tannin are used, as well as mint infusion, which is drunk as tea;
  • Very well recommended for the removal of any symptomatology prokossigmoidita honey and mummies, which are prepared as infusions and drink daily for a sufficiently long time( at least a month), to achieve the best effect.

All the remedies recommended by folk medicine are easy to use and completely safe, as they do not cause addiction and any side effects. But they should be used only after consultation with a specialist, since in a disease such as proctosigmoiditis, various forms of leak, accompanying symptoms and possible complications.

Consequences of ignoring the symptoms of proctosigmoiditis

Complications begin to develop when the patient has ignored the initial symptomatology of the disease, has not consulted a specialist for the purpose of appropriate treatment, and the pathology has passed into a chronic form of its development. The most frequent accompanying diseases in this case are:

  • Ulceration of the intestinal wall and internal bleeding due to perforation of the ulcer;
  • Rectal prolapse;
  • Hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to undergo diagnostic tests in time for early detection of the disease and to comply with all the specialist's instructions concerning diet, drug therapy and the use of folk remedies.

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