Stria: treatment, prognosis, symptoms, diagnosis, causes

One of the many problems that concern young people are stria. This cosmetic defect is considered a completely independent nosology, both in terms of etiopathogenesis, and in the sense of clinical and morphological manifestations, methods of therapy.

Features of

The stria are extensions. This is a kind of atrophy of the dermis, which has the appearance of narrow, sunken bands, having a wavy form. The striae are also known under the names: striae distensae, striped atrophoderma, dermis atrophy striate, striae gravidarum.

Usually, this pathology is localized in areas of maximum dilation of the dermis. They can be attributed to serious cosmetic defects. They appear on rather young skin, spoiling the aesthetic appearance of the body in young people.

The striae in the practice of a cosmetologist is the subject of the video below:

The causes of

The strias themselves indicate the development of various diseases:

  • Illness of Itenko-Cushing;
  • Hypercortisy;
  • Marfan syndrome.
instagram viewer

Among other reasons for the appearance of the derma defect in question, we point out:

  1. The use of anabolic drugs by athletes.
  2. Diencephalic syndrome.
  3. Youthful hypercortisy.
  4. Adrenal hyperplasia.
  5. The pubertal period of children who have a rapid weight gain.

The main reason for the occurrence of striae is the hormonal imbalance, in which there is a predominance of thyroid hormones, thyroid-stimulating hormone, hormones of the gonads, adrenals, adrenocorticotropic hormone. Also the cause of the formation of the striae is overgrowth of the dermis. So, in the region of the shoulder girdle, striae appear in athletes gaining muscle mass, in pregnant women this defect appears on the abdomen, near the mammary glands, in women, rapidly gaining weight, stretching appear on the buttocks, waist, hips.

Photos of the striae on the skin


The striae that appear in young people in different parts of the dermis( chest, buttocks, stomach, hips), look like red-cyanotic bands. Usually they are located radially( in the abdomen, mammary glands), in parallel. Straits are single, multiple. The length of these defects is 1 - 10 cm, their width is within 1 - 6 mm.

With regard to the clinical picture of the defects of the dermis we are considering, it depends on a number of factors:

  • morphological properties of the dermis;
  • degree of stretching;
  • presence of concomitant pathology;
  • hormonal background.

The color of the stretch may change in a few months from a bright pink-bluish to a whitish with a pearly hue. The striae is divided into:

  • young ( their age is up to 6 months),
  • old ( their age is more than 6 months).

The relief of sprains is affected by the area affected, the depth, the degree of damage to the fibers of the dermis. The relief of the dermis over the striae is endowed with a different configuration: the

  • is flush with the dermis;
  • retracted relief;
  • convex relief.


Detects striae during visual inspection. They become noticeable almost immediately after the onset.

Treatment of

Treat striae is very difficult. To achieve the effect, complex therapy is necessary, and a sequence of treatment of stretching plays a special role. The effectiveness of the prescribed therapy is also affected by timely detection of the problem, its early treatment.

In the area of ​​young striae there are still vessels that are necessary for good nutrition of damaged dermis tissue. In addition, young striae retain many cellular elements( fibroblasts that produce cytokines, structural proteins, growth factors, biologically active molecules).Young injured tissue has a greater potential for partial recovery.

Old sprains are more difficult to recover. They already have fewer vessels, important cellular elements( especially fibroblasts).The potential for restoration of old tissue decreases with age.

The girl in the video will explain the causes and prophylaxis of the striae in her video below:

Therapeutic method

For the restoration of the affected dermis of cyanotic red color( young striae), experts recommend the following therapeutic procedures:

  • electrophoresis, phonophoresis + collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid,special preparations for mesotherapy;
  • mesotherapy;
  • peeling;
  • laser therapy;
  • therapeutic dermabrasion, massage;
  • use of products for external use;
  • grinding with erbium laser( surface);
  • phototherapy;
  • magneto-thermal therapy.

Drug medication

Drug treatment involves the use of medicinal cosmetics. You can use creams from stretch marks, which are produced by specialized cosmetic companies. You can use one of the following tools:

  • ANTI-STRIES from Gernetic.
  • Phytolastil from Lierac.
  • universal cream from the striae( Vichy).
  • Biovergretures from Biotherm.

Special cream, eliminating stretch marks, contain collagen, elastin, essential oils, extracts of medicinal plants.


If the lesion occupies large areas of the dermis, specialists can advise an operative method of treatment. It is very important to properly prepare the patient for surgical intervention.

At home

You can deal with stretching and at home. The following procedures are very effective:

  1. Cleansing the dermis with a scrub.
  2. Rubbing of special preparations.
  3. Massage of problem areas.

Striae can be removed with the help of medicinal oils, masks, nutrient mixtures, water procedures. The most effective ways to combat stretch marks are:

  • application of cream with mummies;
  • use of coffee scrub;
  • application of salt scrub;
  • application of masks with sour-milk products;
  • use of home moisturizing cream from aloe leaf, olive oil, vitamin E.

Also effective are rubbing on the basis of special oils( jojoba, grapefruit, jasmine, almond, hazelnut, tea tree, orange, rosemary, wheat germ).They contribute to lightening the striae, restoring the elasticity of the dermis.

Prevention of the

problem Many specialists emphasize the need for prevention of striae. Particularly attentive should be people at risk:

  • adolescents;
  • pregnant women;
  • people with severe weight fluctuations;
  • to people with endocrinopathies;
  • to people with a genetic predisposition.

To those who are at risk, experts recommend adhering to proper nutrition, preventing an increased burden on the dermis. Special attention should be paid to home care for the affected areas of the dermis, on which the skin is thinner, less durable. Home care consists in performing the following procedures:

  • contrast shower;
  • massage with a stiff mitten;
  • dousing with cold water;
  • lubrication of the dermis with moisturizing, nutrients.


The striae carry no danger to humans, they only represent a cosmetic defect. Most often, this pathology indicates the development of diseases of the endocrine system.


The effectiveness of therapy is affected by the fact how quickly the doctor started treatment after finding the problem. Completely remove the traces from this pathology is possible only at the early stages of its development. If you start to treat striae that have a whitish color, develop for about a year, have a formed scar tissue, the treatment will be more difficult. In addition, completely remove the traces of striae in this case will not work. You can only make them almost invisible.

Elena Malysheva in the next video will to get rid of striae:

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