Why, after drinking alcohol, diarrhea with bile, blood, black and yellow

Alcohol is a slow poison and it confirms the body's reaction. With frequent use of alcohol-containing drinks, the digestive tract, the nervous system fail and respond to poisoning with a number of characteristic symptoms, one of which is diarrhea after alcohol intake.

Diarrhea after alcohol

Diarrhea is a disorder of the stool in which the feces acquire a liquid consistency, noted 3-4 times or more during the day. Repeated diarrhea after drinking alcohol testifies to diseases of internal organs.

In appearance, color, odor of stools, they conclude which body suffered most after alcohol abuse and why this malaise is observed.

First of all, the gastric mucosa suffers from the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol.

The effect of ethanol leads to the following changes:

  • disruption of food digestion, absorption of nutrients;
  • decreased pepsin production in the stomach;
  • exacerbation of gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis.

Diarrhea after taking alcohol is accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms. In addition, what hurts the stomach, there is flatulence, bloating, the formation of gases. When diarrhea is always marked dehydration, often - vomiting, decreased appetite.

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Causes of

Getting into the stomach, ethyl alcohol acts as a disinfectant, destroying the microflora of the stomach, burning the walls. Alcohol has a harmful effect on glandular cells, disrupting the secretion of gastric juice, worsening digestion. Alcohol has a negative effect on the digestive system as a whole.

Diarrhea with blood

After drinking alcohol, diarrhea with blood is common. The admixture of blood in the feces can appear as a result of hemorrhoids - varicose veins of the anal veins, a frequent illness in people who drink heavily. With hemorrhoids, feces of bright scarlet blood are found in the feces.


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Blood in the feces can appear with a rectal fissure, colitis. The intake of ethyl alcohol exacerbates the course of hemorrhoids, dilating the blood vessels. This causes stagnation of blood in the veins, the formation of hemorrhoids, which ulcerate, bleed.

Black calf

Dark, black stool can be caused by the presence of blood in the upper parts of the digestive tract in the feces. Clots of coagulated blood appear as a result of internal bleeding in the stomach, duodenum.

Feces of black color can indicate perforation of stomach ulcers, severe gastric bleeding. External symptoms in this condition is the pallor of the skin, headache, weakness.

Diarrhea with bile

Drinking alcohol causes a malfunction in the formation and secretion of bile. Ethyl alcohol stimulates the activity of the liver, and at the same time causes spasm of the bile ducts, causing stagnation of bile.

As a result of a combination of these processes, the following arises:

  • high cholesterol concentration in bile;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • sharp pain on the right side of the body under the ribs.

With liver damage caused by alcohol intake, because of the increased intake of bile in the intestine, the feces dilute, become watery, discolor or assume a yellow tinge. Bile can not mix with feces, stand out against its background with a yellowish color.

Yellow diarrhea

Drinking alcohol causes an exacerbation of pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas. This disease is often accompanied by diarrhea with the formation of abundant feces of yellow or greenish color.

Light color of feces in pancreatitis is caused by impaired pancreatic function, high in fat. The feces also contain pieces of food that have a fetid odor.

Diarrhea in pancreatitis caused by alcohol poisoning, is accompanied by dehydration, weight loss. In the corners of the mouth appear jam, growing weakness, irritability, insomnia.

Possible consequences

Diarrhea after alcohol causes dehydration, electrolyte balance disturbance, loss of vital micro and macro elements, vitamins.

Hemorrhoids and complications of

A possible consequence of diarrhea after taking alcohol is hemorrhoids and its complications. Hemorrhoids cause a very painful condition in itself, and in addition provokes complications.

The most dangerous complications of hemorrhoids are:

  • anal fissure;
  • cryptitis - inflammation of the anal glands, threatening the formation of an internal fistula in the rectum;
  • thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node;
  • gas gangrene of pelvic organs;
  • rectal cancer.

The result of hemorrhage with hemorrhoids is dizziness, the appearance of weakness, vomiting. With frequent diarrhea after drinking alcohol, anemia may develop.

Liver failure

Consequences of alcoholic liver damage are expressed by an increase in its size, pain on the right side, weakness, sometimes joint pain. Alcoholic hepatitis is accompanied by a violation of metabolic processes, hematopoiesis, an increase in the size of the spleen, the appearance of varicose veins of the esophagus.


Diarrhea in pancreatitis is accompanied by severe pain in the area of ​​the stomach and hypochondrium. The pancreas is located so that when the head is inflamed the pain is noted in the right hypochondrium, when the process is localized in the tail of the gland - on the left side.

Pain can give to any point of the body - in the coccyx, thigh, back. Severe pain is noted in the abdomen. During an attack the patient sits, bending forward, cowering. In this position, the pain is felt less.

The consequence of pancreatitis is:

  • liver failure;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

What should I do?

When diarrhea with blood before going to the doctor, the patient can take a solution of Regidron, Orasan, Ringer to restore the salt balance in the body, astringents - decoction of bird cherry, oak bark, chamomile, alder cones.

Well helps with a single diarrhea decoction of rice. You need to boil, so that it looks like a thick jelly for consistency. Eat a thick jelly along with rice.

If abdominal pain and severe diarrhea is caused by pancreatitis, the patient is assigned to bed rest for 3 days and hunger. During this time, you can not eat anything except for 3-4 glasses of water.

Then a strict diet No. 5 is prescribed with a restriction of fat, excluding coffee, tea, chocolate and, of course, alcohol. With persistent diarrhea, you must always consult a doctor, the treatment should be carried out in a hospital.

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