Treatment of intestinal colitis, how to treat a diet, medicine, clinic, medicine, which doctor heals, how to get rid and cure with enema, massage and exercises?

Inflammation of the colon is a fairly common disease among all gastrointestinal diseases. However, its treatment is difficult for various reasons of the development of the disease and the fact that the inflammation of the mucosa can be both throughout the body and in certain areas( colon, blind sigmoid and rectum).Complicated treatment of colitis of the intestine finding it in the departments of various in their properties of microorganisms.

The inflammatory process can develop very quickly and then it is called acute, and can go into a slow form, chronic. Depending on the form, the clinic of intestinal colitis has its differences. For acute inflammation, the characteristic features are:

  • cutting, acute abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • increased body temperature.

In the chronic course of the disease the main symptoms will be:

  • Periodic diarrhea or constipation.
  • Painful pains in the abdomen, intensifying after taking dry food, while traveling in transport, before emptying the stomach.
  • Bloody discharge in feces.
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Treatment of intestinal colitis

Depending on the type of pathogen causing inflammation of the mucosa, a method of treatment is chosen. In viral infections, the main task is symptomatic treatment of signs of dyspepsia, restoration of intestinal microflora, elimination of the consequences of dehydration. Antibiotics, sulfonamides, sorbents are used for bacterial diseases. The main thing in the treatment of chronic inflammation is diet, along with medicamental nutrition. In some cases, a surgical method is used.

In general, when colitis of the intestine, medicine recommends the use of conservative treatment with dietary nutrition, medications in combination with folk methods and physiotherapy. Operations are prescribed only in the presence of life-threatening complications caused by inflammation of the mucosa such as:

  • Perforation of the intestinal wall with the threat of peritonitis.
  • Toxic dilatation of the large intestine, which can not be cured by conservative therapy.
  • Phenomena of partial obstruction.

Drugs for treatment of intestinal colitis

In order to determine how to treat colitis of the intestine with the greatest effectiveness, preliminary diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract is used. To this end, research is carried out using the method of irrigoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. The choice of medications depends on the elimination of the causes that caused the disease and the subsequent elimination of the changes made as a result of inflammation.

For example, to eliminate spasms and constipation apply Smecta and No-shpu. With abundant diarrhea salt solutions are recommended, such as Oralit, Regidron, ingestion of enveloping solutions( tincture of oak bark, bismuth nitrate, etc.).The pain syndrome is removed by taking papaverine, and with very severe pain, holinolytics are prescribed. Reinforce the main course of treatment for the correction of microflora enterosorbents and probiotics.

Ulcer form of inflammation requires more serious treatment under the supervision of a specialist in a hospital setting. The main mistake in determining how to get rid of intestinal colitis in the presence of constipation and pain, is the decision on self-treatment. In addition, that such treatment is accompanied by dyspepsia, they can only aggravate the course of the disease and cause dysbiosis.

If the first symptoms of the disease occur, you should immediately go to a medical institution, because it depends on whether it is possible to cure colitis of the intestine. Which doctor treats colitis of the intestine, depends on the severity of the course of the disease and the location of the focus of inflammation. It can be a gastroenterologist, proctologist or surgeon.

Diet in colitis of intestines

With all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, special attention is paid to the organization of nutrition, but, perhaps, it is for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the large intestine that the normalization of nutrition comes first. To this end, the diet excludes dishes that irritate the mucous membrane of the body. We are talking about fried, salted, spicy food, marinades and smoked products. Negative effects on the mucous fruits and vegetables such as radish, apples, tomatoes in raw form.

It is also necessary to rid your diet of bran bread, alcohol and coffee. Recommended during the period of exacerbation, fat-free fish and meat broths, meat and fish, steamed, mashed porridge curd, jelly and jelly from quince, blueberries. Later on they switch to nutrition with a high protein content, food physiologically complete, but at the same time sparing, not containing irritants.

If you are prone to diarrhea patients should not eat cold food. In case of the prevalence of constipation, the menu includes boiled vegetables, fruits, chopped meat. In general, the choice of a specific diet depends on the type of disease and the severity of the disease. Therefore, it is best to contact the gastroenterologist to choose the most effective menu.

How is colitis treated?

Inflammation of the body requires long-term treatment, based on a strict diet. Together with the organization of healthy nutrition, other ways to maintain the results achieved in the treatment of colitis are of great importance. On the main line in the prevention and rapid elimination of signs of the disease go enemas. Their task is to deliver the active substances directly to the inflamed part of the mucous membrane.

For enema in colon colitis, use water tinctures of medicinal plants or pharmaceutical preparations. The course is up to 3 weeks, with a minimum duration of seven days. The daily number of them is two or three. In case of exacerbation of the disease with severe pain and diarrhea, microclysters with astringent, antispastic and adsorptive effects are prescribed. The specific choice of drugs and tinctures of medicinal herbs depends on the type of disease.

With ulcerative colitis, microorganisms are effective from the infusion of chamomile flowers( 20 grams) and 30 grams.leaves of plantain and eucalyptus for a single dose. To prevent irritation and so inflamed mucosa, enemas are recommended on an oil or water basis. A quick effect is given by water purification procedures using cool( 22-23 ° C) water. Effective with the ulcers formed in the rectum microorganisms from sea buckthorn oil of cold pressing. Expressed violations of intestinal motility are treated with colitis exercises.

Therapeutic and sports complex performs several tasks:

  • Normalizes the regulation of digestion;
  • Improves blood and lymph circulation in the abdominal cavity, eliminates inflammation;
  • Normalizes motor-evacuator, suction and secretory functions;
  • Strengthens abdominal muscles, regulates intra-abdominal pressure.

Exercises for colon colitis are selected taking into account the course of the pathological process and only on the basis of medical recommendations. Massage in colitis of the intestine is used in violation or weakening of the motor function of the colon, which is accompanied by constipation. Massage is used as a preventive measure of the disease, as the body is strengthened and its resistance to the threat of infection and possible risks increases.

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