Alcoholic pancreatitis of acute and chronic form: symptoms, treatment, predictions

Not only the brain and liver, but also the organs of the digestive tract are seriously affected if a person suffers from alcohol dependence. A common pathological condition in alcoholics is pancreatitis, which has developed as a result of pernicious abuse of alcohol.

Alcoholic pancreatitis

Alcoholic pancreatitis is called inflammation of the pancreatic tissues, resulting in impaired production of enzymatic substances necessary for full digestion. Acute forms of such pancreatic inflammatory processes are related to life-threatening conditions.

The main cause of such a pathology is the defeat of toxic substances, among which the most common is alcohol. Pancreatitis of alcoholic origin is considered a disease characteristic of alcohol dependent people who drink alcohol daily.

Reasons for

Ethanol and its metabolites have a direct negative effect on pancreatic tissue, intensely poisoning them.

The development of pancreatitis generally follows the following scenario:

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  • In the secretion of the gland under the influence of alcohol toxins, proteins are actively produced;
  • Increased secretion of hydrochloric acid occurs in the gastric cavity;
  • In the hepatic tissues bile production is increased, which leads to an increase in its concentration;
  • In the 12 duodenum, the increased acid concentration in the stomach contributes to the excessive production of the hormonal substance cholecystokinin or pancreosimin, as a result its level increases tenfold;
  • The increased content of protein compounds leads to their integration into larger formations( coagulation), the proteins settle on the walls of the pancreas-iron ducts, forming a kind of protein plaques. As a result, the outflow of the produced secret from the glandular tissues is disrupted.
  • Insoluble protein formations that have arisen on the walls of the ducts lead to an increase in intraprotective pressure, which facilitates the penetration of active enzymatic substances into pancreatic tissues.

If the outflow of secretion is disrupted, these enzymes are activated not in the ducts, as expected, but inside the pancreas, which leads to supersaturation of the enzymes, which begin to digest pancreas-iron tissues.

Inside the pancreas, necrotic processes begin, vascular tendencies narrow, and active release of mast cells begins, in other words, inflammation begins. This is the mechanism of development of acute inflammatory process in the pancreas-iron tissues.
On the video about the causes and symptoms of pancreatitis:

Forms of

Pancreatitis can develop in several forms:


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  1. Chronic alcoholic pancreatitis - occurs as an independent pathological process or as a result of neglect of acute pancreatitis. This alcohol-pancreatic form is able to develop, even if the patient consumes only 20 g.pure alcohol per day. The first manifestations of such a disease occur within a couple of years of such a life. However, most often a chronic type of pancreatitis occurs against a background of prolonged daily abuse of alcohol;
  2. Acute form - this alcoholic-pancreatic variety develops as a result of a one-time abuse of a large amount of alcohol. Especially when you abuse fatty or low-protein meals and tobacco. This form of pathology is considered to be life-threatening, differs in severe course and more often affects men of a young age group.
The relationship between chronic and acute alcohol pancreatitis

Signs and symptoms

Pancreatitis of alcoholic origin is characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms, while there are processes of clogging the excretory glandular ducts. The main manifestation of pathology is the pain syndrome. It is localized in the central region of the abdomen. The duration of the pain syndrome can be several hours or days. If the pathology proceeds in an acute form, then after eating the pain symptoms become many times more intense.

For pancreatitis of alcoholic etiology, the clinical picture is peculiar:

  • Flatulence, belching, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, which tends to increase after consuming alcohol or fatty foods;
  • Painful syndrome of shingles, intensified after eating, can only be remedied by potent medications. There is a certain stiffness of tenderness in the sitting position with an inclination forward. With the remission of chronic pancreatitis, the pain symptoms are muffled, pulling-aching. In this case, attacks of exacerbations occur periodically, every six months or a year;
  • Rapid weight loss, caused by a violation of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract and a decrease in the amount of food consumed;
  • Stool changes. In patients with pancreatitis, the stool becomes more frequent, liquefies, and acquires oily and oily shine;
  • The above symptoms may be supplemented by weakness, hyperthermia.

Based on this symptomatology, the specialist performs primary diagnosis and prescribes the necessary therapy. If there is no treatment, the inflammatory processes pass to the surrounding pancreas of the tissue.

Healthy and inflamed pancreas

The course of the disease

The disease has a different rate of development, which depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. Chronic forms develop over the years and can be completely painless. The quality of alcohol consumed is incapable of influencing the development and course of pathology, so pancreatitis can be treated both by admirers of high-quality and expensive cognac, and using a cheap surrogate.

According to statistics, predictions for chronic alcoholic-pancreatic form are less favorable, about half of patients with this diagnosis die within 2 decades from the moment of disease detection, however, lethal outcome often leads to any alcoholism concomitant disease, and not inflammation of the pancreas.


At an early stage of the pathological process, it is impossible to diagnose alcoholic pancreatitis, because there are no changes in the state both in ultrasound and in laboratory studies. And the characteristic symptomatology arises only when the glandular tissues are subject to edema and necrotic processes.

Alcoholic pancreatitis of any form in the history must necessarily be abused alcohol. When the inflammatory processes in the pancreas acquire significant scales, the patients show characteristic signs of pathology. At this stage, laboratory blood tests show the presence of inflammatory markers. In biochemical studies, significant changes in the activity of enzymatic pancreatic substances are observed. The detection of an elevated concentration of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase indicates a patient's tendency to abuse alcohol and to develop inflammatory pancreas-iron processes.


The medical process of alcoholic origin pancreatitis begins with the appointment of an obligatory dietary ration. In the first 2-4 days, therapeutic starvation is recommended, at which it is allowed to take only non-carbonated mineral water of alkaline composition in an amount of 1-1.5 l / day. The most popular brands of such minerals are Yessentuki No. 14, Borjomi or Smirnovskaya. Such actions disconnect the pancreas from the general digestive process, which ensures the rest of the body and helps to remove acute symptoms.

In the future, the specialist personally determines the duration of the hunger strike and how to treat if the diet does not bring results. If necessary, nutrition is given by hydrolyzed mixtures or by parenteral intake of nutrients. Then the patient is transferred to the diet table No. 1( b), then table number 5.

The curative hunger for several days is usually prescribed in especially severe cases, the remaining patients are shown a therapeutic diet number 5 with the exception of smoking and alcohol. If circumstances require, the patient is additionally assigned substitution therapy with drugs of the enzyme group, taking painkillers and anti-emetic medications. Additionally, micronutrient preparations or vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Complications and consequences

The most likely alcoholic-pancreatic consequences are:

  • The occurrence of mechanical jaundice;
  • Education of fistulous courses;
  • Kistoobrazovanie.

When jaundice develops against the background of pancreatitis, there is a strong intoxication of the body with bile, in which the skin becomes a characteristic icteric shade. A serious consequence of pancreatitis is considered to be diabetes. Also, against the background of inflammation of the pancreas glandular tissue can form and adenocarcinoma - malignant glandular tumor. Such a consequence does not have a comforting forecast, presenting a real threat to the life of the patient.


Preventive measures of alcoholic pancreatitis include refusal to drink alcohol, smoking and adherence to the principles of healthy eating. Such simple recommendations will help to avoid such complex health problems.

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