Cystone preparation: formulation, instructions for use, side effects, reviews and analogues

In the treatment of urological pathologies, the drug Cyston is far from being the last. It is especially often prescribed for the treatment of cystitis, which is considered a fairly frequent companion in pregnancy and in women with low immunity.


At least once every woman encounters an inflammation of the urinary organs. Symptomatic of this disease is tolerated by patients rather difficult. Rezi with bladder emptying, pain during urination is one of the typical causes of complaints to the doctor. But the greatest danger is due to the fact that untimely treated disease is fraught with serious complications such as pyelonephritis, etc.

When treating genitourinary inflammations, a number of drugs are prescribed that contribute not only to getting rid of symptoms, but also curing of the underlying pathology. In the complex treatment, the nontoxicity of the medicinal product is of great importance, which is endowed with Cyston, a plant-derived preparation.

Cyston is endowed with a complex character of the effect, is effective against inflammatory pathologies, while it has a plant structure of origin. The drug is actively used in the treatment of cystitis and other genito-urinary inflammations.

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In the composition of the tablets there are exclusively plant components such as:

  • Dicotyledon stalk extract of color;Rough straw straw;
  • saxifragers of reed stems;
  • Flowering oasomes;
  • Veronese ashy;
  • Fibers filthy;
  • Marenes heart;
  • Purified resin powder:
  • Lime is a silicon.

The medicine is processed by a plant steam, which includes dolichos, teak, odorous peony and anchor, field horsetail and mimosa, basil, etc.

Form release

The drug is available in tablets, refers to imported products, manufactured by an Indian company. In the package of 100 tablets without a smell the average price is 489-602 rubles.

Principle of action

The drug has a complex therapeutic effect, which consists of effects like:

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  • Diuretic;
  • Litholithic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Spasmolytic;
  • Antimicrobial, etc.

Due to the diuretic effect, patients get rid of the urinary cells, urinary processes are activated, urine is excreted in a timely manner. As a result, the salts do not have time to settle in a crystalline form and come out naturally.

A similar effect prevents the formation of stone:

  • If there are already pebbles in the kidney parenchyma, taking the drug will dissolve them and remove them in the form of sand.
  • The components of the drug affect the processes of stone formation in such a way that the physico-chemical bonds in them are interrupted, respectively, the process of stone formation stops.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect reduces or suppresses inflammation in the urinary and renal structures.
  • Taking the drug relaxes the urinary and urinary structures, which helps to eliminate problems with urination. The spasmolytic effect of tablets suppresses pain syndrome, provoked by cam-movement. Eliminates the drug and burning-cutting symptoms.
  • Receiving Cyston helps to destroy microorganisms and bacteria that provoke the development of inflammatory lesions.

In general, it can be said that the therapeutic properties of Cyston are akin to drugs of synthetic origin, only such large-scale side effects from it do not exist.

Principle of action of the drug Cyston


Cystone is indicated to patients solely for medical purposes in the presence of indications such as:

  • Symptoms of urolithic pathology;
  • Cystitis;
  • Nephrolithiasis;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Urinary infections;
  • Gout;
  • Crystalluria;
  • Concussions of the salivary glands.

How to take Tsiston can appoint only a urologist who will be able to compare the picture of clinical and laboratory manifestations, and will appoint an appropriate treatment regimen.

Instructions for use

Take Cystone tablets exclusively orally, the course is determined by the doctor and is from 1.5 weeks to six months.

  • If a urinary tract infection is diagnosed, the treatment involves taking 2 tablets to adults, 1 to children three times a day.
  • With Cyston, two pills are drunk twice a day, the course is 4-12 weeks;
  • For the cleavage of urate and uric acid stones, the dosage is 2 pills three times a day. Admission lasts until the final excretion of stones from the kidneys.

If the reception involves a prophylactic goal, the tablets also drink 2 the morning and before sleep a month course, then drink another 5 months already for one pill twice a day.

Adverse effects of

Side effects with Cystone are practically not shown, therapeutic practice knows cases of only individual hypersensitivity of the drug.


The natural origin of Cyston minimizes the range of possible contraindications to taking the drug, which are reduced to individual hypersensitivity components.

Special instructions

The drug begins to affect not at once, but if kidney pain occurs, you must stop taking it. If the treatment is aimed at eliminating urolithiasis, then you need to comply with a diet that excludes products that promote salt crystallization or stone formation.

Analogues of

There are no structural analogs to the drug, but there are many medications similar to Prolite and Kanefron, Urolesan or Phytolysin, Blemaren and Urocholum, Cystenal, etc.


The drug has received suspiciously positive fame among patients and doctors. The average price and high therapeutic effect, including with urolithiasis - these are the most common characteristics of Cyston as a medicine. Doctors also note its effectiveness, which is supported by its natural composition and the absence of adverse reactions. The drug is often used in pediatrics, which once again proves its safety.

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