Alcohol and conception: influence on masculine and female health, consequences for the child

Bad habits are so firmly embedded in our minds that we no longer imagine a feast without a glass of champagne or wine in honor of the birthday boy, we go to the bath with beer, on vacation in hot countries we use light cocktails, which are based on alcoholicdrink. We do not see any problems in the small use of alcohol, it's not alcoholism! Meanwhile, the constant, albeit in small amounts, the adoption of "on the chest" is fraught with many dangers for male and female health. One of these risks is the negative impact of ethanol on future offspring.

Alcohol and Conception

Uncontrolled use of alcohol adversely affects all organs and systems of both the female and the male body. There is an opinion that once a woman bore a child, it is she who is responsible for the intellectual and physical health of the future child. This is not entirely true. Yes, indeed, the use of alcohol by a woman during pregnancy dramatically reduces the chances of a future baby for a healthy and full life, but do not forget that in the process of conception, both spouses take an active part. And on how healthy and quality men's spermatozoa directly affected the health of the baby.

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All these changes are fixed at the cellular level and change the human DNA.Accordingly, the future baby at the gene level can be predisposed to drinking alcohol.

Often, women who want to have a baby, are wondering whether it is possible to conceive offspring from a drinking father. The answer is obvious: it may be possible to conceive, although not without difficulty, but how full this child will be impossible to predict. We'll figure out why this happens.

The effect of alcohol on the male reproductive system

Alcohol helps to relax, relieve stress and increase libido. This can not but rejoice the man. But there is also the downside of the medal - the use of alcohol in large doses does not have the best effect on the number and quality of male sex cells.

Getting into the seminal fluid with blood flow, ethyl alcohol depressing effect on spermatozoa - they become less mobile, there are anomalies in their structure( there is no tail or head).If there are too many immobile spermatozoa in the sperm, then conception can not occur.

With long-term use of even small doses of alcohol, the number of germ cells decreases by 20%, while the quality of the beverage does not matter. A small amount of sperm in the ejaculate reduces the chances of an apparently perfectly healthy man for a quick paternity.

The maturation of spermatozoa is 70-75 days. Regularly drinking a man simply does not allow his body to produce healthy sex cells. Spermatozoa are initially doomed to deviations. And if you take into account the fact that even in a healthy non-drinking male pathological cells in the semen about 30%, then what can the drinker wait for? Correctly - either complete absence of live "tadpoles", or their anomalies. Such pathological conditions are unlikely to allow a drinking man to conceive a child.


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"Is alcoholism curable? Yes! Use an effective home remedy. .. "

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Not only the quality of germ cells suffers. Alcohol directly affects the potency of men. With a small amount of alcohol drunk, an erection appears in the man, the sexual act becomes longer, correspondingly, pleasure is enhanced. Over time, such libations have a disastrous effect on sexual life: erection decreases, the time of sexual intercourse decreases, premature ejaculation occurs. Gradually, sex life becomes possible only with the presence of alcohol in the blood. In patients with alcoholism with long periods of drinking-bout, an erection may not occur at all.

Alcohol and Women's Health

Alcohol is more destructive to the female reproductive health. If a man's sex cells are regularly renewed, then a woman's egg supply is pawned at the stage of intrauterine development. Neither the quantity nor the quality of gametes during a woman's life is subject to change. Ovaries reliably protect sex cells from damage, but can not protect against such a powerful solvent as is ethanol. Penetrating through the ovary membrane, alcohol exposes the egg to certain mutations. And it is this damaged gamete that can sooner or later become impregnated. The consequences, as we all understand, are sad.

Given all of the above, is it worth it for a couple planning a child's birth in the near future to consume a glass of other alcohol? Clearly, it's not worth it. A man, to conceive a healthy offspring, requires at least three months to refrain from drinking alcohol, and a woman should not drink at all.
On the influence of alcohol on women's and men's reproductive health:

"Drunken" conception of

Conception in a drunken intoxication - quite common phenomenon. Can this affect pregnancy? As it was said above, alcohol erases the limits of the permitted and under its influence often there are spontaneous sexual relations, ending with pregnancy of the woman. The fusion of male and female sex cells in this case can be fatal for the fetus and for the woman herself - she can develop such a pathological condition as an ectopic pregnancy.

Therefore, having a serious anomaly the fetus will be rejected by the body, and spontaneous abortion will occur. Frequent drinking alcohol before conception can lead to the fact that she can not tolerate any of the nascent pregnancies.

And this is the best of the available options for consequences like "drinking at conception" or "after the party we became pregnant"!The use of strong alcohol in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the laying of all organs and systems of the future baby, is fraught with the development of fetal alcohol syndrome in the child.

These children have a whole bunch of malformations and irregularities in the work of internal organs:

  • a disfigured face;
  • delay in mental and physical development;
  • is a bad earshot;
  • problems with eyesight;
  • deformity of the chest, underdevelopment of the upper or lower extremities.

Possible consequences of alcohol consumption during conception:


Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine in advance how much alcohol can cause negative consequences for the unborn child. A child with abnormalities can be born to a woman who moderately consumes alcohol, while a drunken alcoholic woman will have a relatively healthy baby. Therefore, the ideal option for conceiving a healthy offspring will be a complete rejection of alcohol. How many do not drink before planning a family? If it is impossible to give up alcohol it would be good to abstain for at least 3-5 months in order to restore health.

Still, serious problems in the fetus are more likely with the systematic use of ethanol. Therefore, as soon as a woman learns of pregnancy, it is worth immediately stopping drinking with a drink, starting a healthy lifestyle, in order to increase the chances of your child to be absolutely healthy.

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